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Created May 18, 2024 09:22
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Drizzle `withPagination`
import invariant from 'tiny-invariant'
import type { PgColumn, PgSelect } from 'drizzle-orm/pg-core'
import type { SQL } from 'drizzle-orm'
import { desc, gt, lt, eq, and, or } from 'drizzle-orm'
// using `asc` or `desc` outside this function obscures the
// original column name, so they must be applied internally
type Order = 'desc' | 'asc'
type OrderColumn = PgColumn | [PgColumn, Order]
type Options = {
pageSize: number
cursor?: string
orderColumns: [OrderColumn, ...OrderColumn[]]
conds?: SQL
type Column = {
drizzle: PgColumn
order: Order
fieldName: string
export async function withPagination<T extends PgSelect>(
qb: T,
opts: Options
): Promise<{ entries: Awaited<T>; next?: string; prev?: string }> {
let reverse = false
let { cursor } = opts
if (cursor?.[0] === '^') {
reverse = true
cursor = cursor.slice(1)
const cols = => {
const oc: OrderColumn = Array.isArray(col) ? col : [col, 'asc']
const [drizzle, _order] = oc
let order = _order
if (reverse) {
order = order === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'
// TODO: ask for help with mapping column name back to field name
const fieldName = Object.entries(qb._.selectedFields).find(
e => e[1] === drizzle
invariant(fieldName, `Pagination unable to map column '${}'`)
return { drizzle, order, fieldName }
const viewConds = opts.conds ? [opts.conds] : []
if (cursor) {
viewConds.push(buildCursorConds(cols, JSON.parse(atob(cursor))))
const { pageSize } = opts
const order = =>
col.order === 'asc' ? col.drizzle : desc(col.drizzle)
const rows = await qb
.limit(pageSize + 1)
function buildCursor(row: Awaited<T>[number], modifier: string) {
const values = => row[spec.fieldName])
return modifier + btoa(JSON.stringify(values))
const entries = rows.slice(0, pageSize) as Awaited<T>
let startCursor: string | undefined
if (cursor) {
startCursor = buildCursor(rows[0], reverse ? '' : '^')
let endCursor: string | undefined
if (rows.length > pageSize) {
endCursor = buildCursor(rows[pageSize - 1], reverse ? '^' : '')
return reverse
? {
entries: entries.reverse() as Awaited<T>,
prev: endCursor,
next: startCursor,
: {
prev: startCursor,
next: endCursor,
// build a complex condition to support multiple sorted columns
// e.g. (col1 > value1) OR (col1 = value1 AND col2 > value2)
function buildCursorConds(cols: Column[], cursor: any[]) {
const pageConds = => {
// for each order column, build a condition using the subset of columns
// from the left-most to the current (inclusive)
const subset = cols.slice(0, cols.indexOf(col) + 1)
const subconds =, i) => {
const value = cursor[i]
if (subcol !== col) {
// we haven't reached the last column in the subset - use equality
return eq(subcol.drizzle, value)
// the final column - use a ranged operator
const op = subcol.order === 'asc' ? gt : lt
return op(subcol.drizzle, value)
return and(...subconds)
return or(...pageConds) as SQL
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