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Last active March 26, 2021 21:31
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Mastering Pytest README
Intermediate Pytest
These assignments are based on a Python implementation
that models a lift at a ski resort.
Assignment 1
* Install pytest in a virtual environment
* Run::
pytest -h
Assignment 2
* Create ``skilift`` (checkout )
* Create a ``test/`` directory in the ``skilift``
* Create a ``test/`` file
* Create a test function ``test_line_take`` that
creates a ``Line`` with 5 people and takes 7.
Ensure that the amount returned is 5 and the
``.num_people`` attribute is 0.
* Create a test function ``test_lift_one_bench``
that creates a line of 5, and a quad lift
with 10 benches. Call ``.one_bench`` and
assert that the correct results are returned.
Assignment 3
* Create a test function ``test_line_bad``,
that creates lines with ``[]``, ``None``, and
``'10'`` in them. It tries to call ``.take(1)``
on each, and checks that the appropriate error
is raised.
* Create a test function ``test_line_sizes``
that creates lines of size 0, 5, and 10.
It takes 5, 2, and 0 from each respectively
and asserts that the ``.num_people`` attribute
is correct. (You should probably parameterize
the result as well)
* Run only the ``test_line_sizes`` test when the line
is created with size 10. (Hint use ``-v`` to get an id)
Assignment 4
* Create a fixture for a line of size 5. Use that
fixture in ``test_line_take`` and ``test_lift_one_bench``
* Create a fixture for a Quad lift of size 10. Use that
in ``test_lift_one_bench``
Assignment 5
* Create a fixture, ``line_n``, that depends on ``request``.
Read off of the marker to get a line size. Create
a test, ``test_line_6``, that creates a tests
``.take`` on a ``Line`` with length 6.
* Create a fixture, ``BenchN``, that depends on ``request``.
Read off of the marker to get a bench size. Dynamically
subclass ``_Bench`` to create a subclass with the passed
in size. Create a test, ``test_bench6``, like ``test_left_one_bench``,
that uses the fixture to create 6 person bench and test it.
Assignment 6
* Create a test, ``test_half_take``, that monkey patches
``Line.take`` so that only half the amount requested are
returned from the line. (ie. ``line.take(4)`` would only
take 2 from the line)
Assignment 7
* Create a ``pytest.ini`` file
* Add an option to run the doctests
* Create a ``test/`` file. Move the fixtures to
this file
Assignment 8
* Examine the ```` for ``pytest-cov`` on GitHub.
* What is the entry point?
* What hook does the plugin implement?
Assignment 9
* Install pytest-cov
* Run coverage on the project using the plugin
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