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Last active May 15, 2021 19:44
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Tidy Up WordPress TinyMCE 4 editor buttons
// Modify Tiny_MCE init
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'tmy_modify_tinyMCE4', 10, 2 );
* Filter TinyMCE4 Init args.
function tmy_modify_tinyMCE4( $mceInit, $editor_id ) {
// Block Formats.
// Set custom to prevent authors using H1 tags in the content.
$mceInit['block_formats'] = "Paragraph=p;Header 2=h2;Header 3=h3;Preformatted=pre";
$toolbar1 = explode( ',', $mceInit['toolbar1'] );
$toolbar2 = explode( ',', $mceInit['toolbar2'] );
$remove = array(
foreach ( $remove as $name ) {
if ( $key = array_search( $name, $toolbar1 ) ) {
unset( $toolbar1[$key] );
if ( $key = array_search( $name, $toolbar2 ) ) {
unset( $toolbar2[$key] );
// Add some back in, but to different locations.
array_splice( $toolbar2, 1, 0, 'hr' );
array_splice( $toolbar2, 1, 0, 'strikethrough' );
$mceInit['toolbar1'] = implode( ',', $toolbar1 );
$mceInit['toolbar2'] = implode( ',', $toolbar2 );
return $mceInit;
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