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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Partial port of mpmath hyp1f1 function
""" mpmath hyp1f1 algorithm crudely ported """
import math
import cmath
import operator
import numpy as np
import scipy.special as sps
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
H_FACTOR = np.ldexp(1.0, -int(53 * 0.3))
class NoConvergence(Exception):
def hypsum(p, q, coeffs, z, maxterms=6000):
coeffs = list(coeffs)
num = range(p)
den = range(p,p+q)
tol = eps
s = t = 1.0
k = 0
while True:
for i in num: t *= (coeffs[i]+k)
for i in den: t /= (coeffs[i]+k)
k += 1; t /= k; t *= z; s += t
if abs(t) < tol:
return s
if k > maxterms:
raise NoConvergence
def convert(x):
return float(x)
return complex(x)
def mag(z):
if z:
return np.frexp(abs(z))[1]
return -np.inf
def isint(z):
if z.imag:
return False
z = z.real
return z == int(z)
return False
def expjpi(x):
return exp(1j * np.pi * x)
def exp(x):
if type(x) is float:
return math.exp(x)
if type(x) is complex:
return cmath.exp(x)
x = float(x)
return math.exp(x)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
x = complex(x)
return cmath.exp(x)
def power(*args):
return operator.pow(*(float(x) for x in args))
except (TypeError, ValueError):
return operator.pow(*(complex(x) for x in args))
def fneg(x):
return -convert(x)
def isnpint(x):
if type(x) is complex:
if x.imag:
return False
x = x.real
return x <= 0.0 and round(x) == x
def nint_distance(z):
n = round(z.real)
if n == z:
return n, -np.inf
return n, mag(abs(z-n))
def _check_need_perturb(terms, discard_known_zeros):
perturb = False
discard = []
for term_index, term in enumerate(terms):
w_s, c_s, alpha_s, beta_s, a_s, b_s, z = term
have_singular_nongamma_weight = False
# Avoid division by zero in leading factors (TODO:
# also check for near division by zero?)
for k, w in enumerate(w_s):
if not w:
if np.real(c_s[k]) <= 0 and c_s[k]:
perturb = True
have_singular_nongamma_weight = True
pole_count = [0, 0, 0]
# Check for gamma and series poles and near-poles
for data_index, data in enumerate([alpha_s, beta_s, b_s]):
for i, x in enumerate(data):
n, d = nint_distance(x)
# Poles
if n > 0:
if d == -np.inf:
# OK if we have a polynomial
# ------------------------------
if data_index == 2:
for u in a_s:
if isnpint(u) and u >= int(n):
pole_count[data_index] += 1
if (discard_known_zeros and
pole_count[1] > pole_count[0] + pole_count[2] and
not have_singular_nongamma_weight):
elif sum(pole_count):
perturb = True
return perturb, discard
def hypercomb(function, params=[], discard_known_zeros=True):
params = params[:]
terms = function(*params)
perturb, discard = _check_need_perturb(terms, discard_known_zeros)
if perturb:
for k in range(len(params)):
params[k] += h
# Heuristically ensure that the perturbations
# are "independent" so that two perturbations
# don't accidentally cancel each other out
# in a subtraction.
h += h/(k+1)
terms = function(*params)
if discard_known_zeros:
terms = [term for (i, term) in enumerate(terms) if i not in discard]
if not terms:
return 0.
evaluated_terms = []
for term_index, term_data in enumerate(terms):
w_s, c_s, alpha_s, beta_s, a_s, b_s, z = term_data
# Always hyp2f0
assert len(a_s) == 2
assert len(b_s) == 0
v =[hypsum(2, 0, a_s, z)] + \
[sps.gamma(a) for a in alpha_s] + \
[sps.rgamma(b) for b in beta_s] + \
[power(w, c) for (w,c) in zip(w_s,c_s)])
if len(terms) == 1 and (not perturb):
return evaluated_terms[0]
sumvalue = sum(evaluated_terms)
return sumvalue
def hyp1f1(a, b, z):
z = convert(z)
if not z:
return 1.0 + z
magz = mag(z)
if magz >= 7 and not (isint(a) and np.real(a) <= 0):
if np.isinf(z):
if (np.sign(a) == np.sign(b) == np.sign(z) == 1):
return np.inf
return np.nan * z
sector = np.imag(z) < 0
def h(a,b):
if sector:
E = expjpi(fneg(a))
E = expjpi(a)
rz = 1/z
T1 = ([E,z], [1,-a], [b], [b-a], [a, 1+a-b], [], -rz)
T2 = ([exp(z),z], [1,a-b], [b], [a], [b-a, 1-a], [], rz)
return T1, T2
v = hypercomb(h, [a,b])
if np.isrealobj(a) and np.isrealobj(b) and np.isrealobj(z):
v = np.real(v)
return v
except NoConvergence:
v = hypsum(1, 1, [a, b], z)
return v
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The code still has issues (as pointed in the mpmath blog, this is inherently due to floating point precision sadly.

mp.hyp1f1(2.5, 1.2, -30.5)
fp.hyp1f1(2.5, 1.2, -30.5)

This version :
In [9]: hyp1f1(2.5,1.2,-30.5)
Out[9]: -0.01281933365137575

scipy :
In [2]: hyp1f1(2.5,1.2,-30.5)
Out[2]: 6.6276270962867717e-05

So... it might no happen in our restricted usecase (first argument is always 0.5 or -1.5 I think, something close to that, but who knows), but giving that to scipy might be harder to sell, since both versions exhibit complimentary issues.

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