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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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# Script to investigate exp errors
from __future__ import print_function, division
import numpy as np
import sympy.mpmath as mp = 100
EPS = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
N = 100000
until = 20.
vals = np.arange(N) * until / N
exact_exp = np.zeros_like(vals)
for i, val in enumerate(vals):
mp_val = mp.mpf(val)
mp_exp = mp.exp(mp_val)
exact_exp[i] = float(str(mp_exp))
errors = exact_exp - np.exp(vals)
rel_errs = errors / exact_exp
print("Proportion of zeros:", np.sum(errors == 0) / N)
print("Sum of error:", np.sum(errors))
print("Sum of squared error:", np.sum(errors ** 2))
print("Max / min error:", np.max(errors), np.min(errors))
print("Sum of squared relative error:", np.sum(rel_errs ** 2))
print("Max / min relative error:", np.max(rel_errs), np.min(rel_errs))
print("eps: ", EPS)
print("Proportion of relative err >= eps:", np.sum(np.abs(rel_errs) >= EPS) / N)
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