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Last active December 28, 2020 21:59
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MSSQL tsql xml shaping
Descriptions: reference for all the xml shapping I've learned
Author: Mattehw Naul
for each person do a correlated query for phone numbers,
format them mixing attributes and element values,
serialize to xml with "TYPE" so that we return on column of type XML root tag (phonelist)
name the cross apply result,
when phonelist(col) is null add nil phonelist node
-- quick inline test data
Person(id, FirstName, LastName) AS
SELECT 1, 'Bob', 'Smith' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 'Jane', 'Doe' UNION ALL
SELECT 3, 'John', 'Jones'
PhoneTable(personid, ord, phonetype, number) AS
SELECT 1, 1, 'home', '806-555-1234' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, 2, 'work', '806-555-2843' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 1, 'work', '806-555-0282' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 2, 'cell', '806-555-9028' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, 3, 'home', '806-555-2103'
FROM Person
-- wrapping the sub-select in `cross apply` is what gives us a nil atrib on list tag
/* Reference:
Books On-Line : Columns with the Name of an XPath Node Test
ord AS "@ord", --tag attribute
phonetype AS "@type", --tag attribute
number AS "text()" --body of tag function see below
FROM PhoneTable
where = PhoneTable.personid
FOR XML PATH('phonenumber'),ROOT('phonelist'), TYPE
) AS calc(phonelist)
FOR XML PATH('customer'), ROOT('bookofbusiness'), ELEMENTS XSINIL
<!-- Result: -->
<bookofbusiness xmlns:xsi="">
<phonenumber ord="1" type="home">806-555-1234</phonenumber>
<phonenumber ord="2" type="work">806-555-2843</phonenumber>
<phonenumber ord="1" type="work">806-555-0282</phonenumber>
<phonenumber ord="2" type="cell">806-555-9028</phonenumber>
<phonenumber ord="3" type="home">806-555-2103</phonenumber>
<phonelist xsi:nil="true"></phonelist>
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