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Created October 17, 2012 01:57
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Fractal-ish Thing
import Data.Array.Repa ( Array, DIM2, DIM3, Z(..), (:.)(..) )
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as R
import qualified Data.Array.Repa.IO.DevIL as IO
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.Array.Repa.Repr.Delayed (D)
positionToPre :: Int -> Int -> Double -> DIM2 -> (Double,Double,Double)
positionToPre dx dy size (Z :. x :. y) =
let c = (fromIntegral $ x + dx) / size
d = (fromIntegral $ y + dy) / size
in (1/ (d*d+c*c), c + d, c - d)
percent :: Double -> Double -> (Double,Double,Double) -> Double
percent ε i (c2d2, dc, cd) = loop i 0
where loop j acc
| j <= 0.9 = acc / i
| isInt (c2d2 * dc * j) && isInt (c2d2 * cd * j) = loop (j-1) $ acc + 1
| otherwise = loop (j-1) acc
isInt x = abs (x - (fromIntegral $ round x)) <= ε
square :: Int -> DIM2
square x = x `R.ix2` x
scale :: Double -> Word8
scale = floor . (* 256) . min 1 . max 0
toImage :: (Monad m, Functor m) => Array D DIM2 Word8 -> m IO.Image
toImage = fmap IO.RGB . R.computeP . dup
where dup a = R.traverse a (:. 3) trans
trans f (Z :. x :. y :. _) = f (Z :. x :. y)
main = do
let ε = 0.2
let array = R.fromFunction (square 2000) $ scale . percent ε 50 . positionToPre 0 0 2000
IO.runIL $ toImage array >>= IO.writeImage "fractalish.png"
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