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Last active November 19, 2015 01:33
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import Foundation
class NotificationManager
static let sharedManager = NotificationManager()
var observersMap = [String:NSHashTable]()
func add<T>(type: T.Type, observer: T) {
let typeString = "\(T.self)"
let observers: NSHashTable
// get the weak set of observers matching this type
if let set = observersMap[typeString] {
observers = set
} else {
observers = NSHashTable.weakObjectsHashTable()
observersMap[typeString] = observers
observers.addObject(observer as? AnyObject)
func make<T>(type: T.Type, @noescape closure: T -> Void) {
let typeString = "\(T.self)"
if let set = observersMap[typeString] {
for observer in set.allObjects {
closure(observer as! T)
protocol TestProtocol {
func hello()
class TestClass: TestProtocol {
let name: String
init(name: String) { = name
func hello() {
print("hello \(name)")
let object = TestClass(name: "First")
let object2 = TestClass(name: "Second")
NotificationManager.sharedManager.add(TestProtocol.self, observer: object)
NotificationManager.sharedManager.add(TestProtocol.self, observer: object2)
NotificationManager.sharedManager.make(TestProtocol.self) { (item) -> Void in
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