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Last active March 16, 2021 15:51
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type Food =
| Chicken
| Rice
type Step<'next> =
| GetFood of Food * 'next
| Eat of Food * 'next
| Sleep of hours:int * 'next
module Step =
let map f step =
match step with
| GetFood (food, next) -> GetFood (food, next |> f)
| Eat (food, next) -> Eat (food, next |> f)
| Sleep (hours, next) -> Sleep (hours, next |> f)
type Plan<'t> =
| Do of Step<Plan<'t>>
| Return of 't
let getFood () =
let randomFood = Food.Chicken
Do (GetFood (randomFood, Return randomFood))
let eat food =
Do (Eat (food, Return ()))
let sleep length =
Do (Sleep (length, Return ()))
module Plan =
let rec bind f plan =
match plan with
| Do steps ->
|> (bind f)
|> Do
| Return value -> f value
type PlanBuilder () =
member this.Return v = Return v
member this.ReturnFrom mv = mv
member this.Zero () = Return ()
member this.Bind (v, f) = Plan.bind f v
let plan = PlanBuilder ()
let myPlan =
plan {
let! food = getFood ()
do! sleep 10
do! eat food
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matthewcrews commented Mar 16, 2021

The example is silly but it illustrates what I'm trying to accomplish. Ultimately, I want to be able to generate a Plan which could have many steps. The simulation executes the steps in the plan according to rules of what is available when.

My main challenge is on lines 54-56. I want to capture which food was obtained so that when an interpreter runs the plan, it knows which food to consume.

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