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Tractor: A CLR Language for Numerical Computation

The original intention of the dotnet was to provide a runtime for many programming languages to run on. Two factors have kept that vision from fruition: tying .NET Framework to Windows and the dominance of C#.

Dotnet can now run on almost any modern system. A significant push has been made toward performance features for C# and the CLR. The intention is to close the performance gap between systems-level programming languages (C, C++, Rust, Zig, and Odin, to name a few) and what can be achieved on the dotnet platform.

A general-purpose language like C# and F# must support

Guiding Principles

The core assumptions of Tractor design are:

  • NOT a general-purpose language
  • Give the programmer control
  • Clarity is more important than brevity
  • Zero hidden allocation, no hidden safe copying
  • Data and Behavior are separate
  • A rich domain model makes it easier to reason

Desired Features

  • Statically Typed
  • Parametric Polymorphism for Collections
  • Immutable by default
  • Mutation is allowed but is explicit
  • Polish Notation
  • Order of precedence is left to right

Undesired Features

  • Reflection
  • Strings
  • Exceptions

Code Examples

// Defining a Struct
Chicken struct
    Size : f32
    Age : i32
    Weight : f32

// Defining a Union. Note, cases are not automatically opened
// Require Qualified Access is the default
Animal union
    Chicken : Chicken
    Bear : Bear

// Define an Enum
Direction union

// Define function, does not mutate data
AddInt32 func
    (a: i32 -> b: i32 -> i32) // The final type is the return type
    + a b

// Define function, does not mutate data
AddFloat32 func
    // Here we use an underscore to let type inference figure out the return type
    (a: f32 -> b: f32 -> _) 
    + a b

// Define the overloads for the `Add` function
Add func { AddInts; AddFloats; }

AddInt8 func
    (a: i8 -> b: i8 -> _)
    + a b

// Extend the overloads for `Add` function
Add func { AddInt8; Add; }

// Define Procedure, may mutate data
DoSomething proc
    (a: i32 -> c: i32[] -> unit)
    // Procedure body here

// Binding a value. x is immutable
let x = 10

// Creating a variable. y is mutable
var y = 10

// Create an instance of Chicken
let c = Chicken { Size 1.0; Age 10; Weight 12.2 }
// or
let c = Chicken {
    Size 1.0
    Age 10
    Weight 12.2

// Create an Animal Union
let a = Animal.Chicken c

// Unpack a Union
match a with
| Chicken c -> // Chicken code
| Bear b -> // Bear code


There are only Value types. Types are always copied by value. That value could be a typed pointer, though.


The primitive types are the building blocks upon which all other types are derived. They are divided into two categories: Data and Memory.

Data Types

  • Boolean: true, false
  • Integers: i8, i16, i32, i64
  • Unsigned Integers: u8, u16, u32, u64
  • Floats: f16, f32, f64

Memory Types

  • Pointer: p32, p64
  • Typed Pointer: Ptr<'T>

Derived Types

New types can be derived from the Primitives. Derived Types can be one of two forms: Struct or Union. Structs are a collection of fields. Unions are a collection of possible cases with the different type associated with each case.


Structs are a collection of fields. Each field has a name and an associated type. The syntax for declaring a Struct is the following:

<Struct Name> struct
    <Field Name> : <Field Type>
    <Field Name> : <Field Type>

An example of defining a Chicken type with a Size field of f32 and an Age field of i16 can be seen in the following code snippet.

Chicken struct
    Size : f32
    Age : i16

Structs can be created using a syntax similar to F#. What is different from F# is that you give the name of the Struct that you are trying to construct before the {...} construction syntax. When it comes to Records, I have found that type inference to not always be as helpful as I hoped. I often had to specify the return value to get the Record type I wanted.

Here's an example of creating an instance of the Chicken type we declared before. We show both a single-line syntax and a multi-line syntax.

// Compiler should see that we are making a Chicken and automatically see that
// 1.0 can be a `f32` and that 10 can be a `i16`
myChicken = Chicken { Size 1.0; Age 10 }

// Equivalent creation but using newlines
myChicken = Chicken {
    Size 1.0
    Age 10

You can also create new instances of a Struct from an existing one while updating fields using the { <Old Struct> with <Updated Fields> } syntax.

newChicken = { myChicken with Size 2.0 }

By default, Structs are immutable. It is possible to declare that a field is immutable, though, by using the ! symbol after the field type. Let's return to our Chicken type, add a field for Weight, and make it a mutable float 32.

Chicken struct
    Size : f32
    Age : i16
    Weight : f32! // <-- This field can be mutated


Unions are a collection of cases with types associated with the cases. The syntax for a Union declaration is as follows:

<Union Name> union
    <Case Name> : <Case Type>
    <Case Name> : <Case Type>

An example of defining an Animal Union with two cases, Chicken and Dog, can be seen in the following code snippet. Note that the Case Name matches the type name associated with the Union Case. This is unnecessary but common when domain modeling.

Animal union
    Chicken : Chicken
    Dog : Dog

A Union's size will equal the size of the largest possible case + u32. The u32 serves as the tag for which case the Union is.

Enums are a special case of Union. There are a set of Union cases with no types associated with the different cases. Here is an example of an Enum using a Union:

MyFauxEnum union

To check the case of a Union, you use a match...with a statement like in F#.

myChicken = Chicken { Size 1.0; Age 10 }
myAnimal = Animal.Chicken myChicken

match myAnimal with
| Chicken c -> // Chicken logic
| Dog d -> // Dog logic


While Tractor is not a functional language in the Computer Science since, it does have first class functions.

myFunction func
    (a: int -> b: int -> int)
    a + b

Units of Measure

It is possible to annotate the Data Primitives with additional type information using Units of Measure (UoM). UoM ensures that the algebra between the data types behaves as it should. To declare a new UoM, use the measure keyword. The syntax for declaring a Unit of Measure is as follows.

<Unit Name> measure

To declare a Meter as a Unit of Measure, you can do the following:

Meter measure

You can now annotate your Data Primitives with UoM using the following syntax:

<Value Name> = <Data Type><Measure Name>

Here is an example of declaring a value x and assigning it the float32 value of 12.0 meters.

x = 12 f32<Meter>


See Odin's distinct feature:

The distinct keyword allows you to define a new type that has all the same functionality as the source type, but makes it unique type unto itself. This means that if you have a type 'T that defines addition as 'T -> 'T -> 'T then the new type 'TDistinct will also have addition defined, 'TDistinct -> 'TDistinct -> 'TDistinct, but it will not be compatible with the type 'T.

Here is an example of this in action:

NewType = distinct int32

x1 = 1
x2 = 2
z = x1 + x2 // This works because int32 defines addition

myNewType = NewType 1
This will not work because int32 cannot be
added with the distinct type NewType even
though they are both int32 in memory
z2 = x1 + myNewType

Equality, Hashing, and Comparison

There are two different types of equality, structural and referential. To test whether two values contain the same data and therefore structurally equivalent, use the = operator. If you want to know if


Tractor steals the looping concepts of Odin and only has a single looping mechanism, the for loop. Odin Loops:

for <Pre Loop Action>; <Loop Condition>; <Post Iteration Action> do
    // Loop actions

An example of looping

Automatic Looping

Looping is ubiquitous in programming, so it would be natural for there to be a way to express operations on collections of values. Most of the C-derived languages use a for loop for iteration. Languages in the functional/ML tradition use higher-ordered functions like iter and map. Array-oriented languages raise the level of abstraction by automatically operating on arrays of values. This can lead to some terse and powerful programs. The Julia language incorporates an interesting feature which is the addition of a broadcasting macro that turns a scalar function into something that operates over the elements of a collection by prepending the function with a broadcast operator, which is a period in Julia.

Tractor believes in the idea of keyed data. Much like a database table, every collection is not just a set of values but a key/value collection. This means that

Memory Management

I would say that Tractor has manumatic memory management through Memory Contexts. When a Tractor process starts up, an implicit Memory Context is created. The default Memory Context has an Arena Allocator (AA), which it uses for providing memory to code that requests allocation. All memory allocation requests are handled by whichever Memory Context is in scope. When a Memory Context scope is left, the allocator's free_all method is called, and the allocator is returned to the allocator pool.

If there were only a single Memory Context, then everything would be allocated to the main thread's Arena Allocator, and it would be easy to allocate excessive memory. To curb this, it is possible to create new Memory Contexts using the context keyword. An example of creating a new Memory Context with the default settings can be seen here.

let processFrame () =
    context () {// All code after this point will be allocated to the new Memory Context
        // Do lots of work here
    } // When the Context exits here, the Memory Context will clear the memory

By using memory contexts, it is possible to allow for the allocation to a heap-like space while not incurring excessive overhead from a Garbage Collector.

What happens when you need to return data that would be allocated to a child context


The Tractor language would not include these collections as a default. These would exist as data structures composed of the existing primitives.

  • Array
  • HashTable
  • HashSet
  • Map
  • Set
  • Row
  • Bar
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