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Created July 17, 2019 17:27
default params as a form of "let binding"
/* I've been thinking about default params a bit. And how you can use earlier params as values in the default params.
It's a nice way to write functions without introducing any variable declaration statements in the body */
const greaterThan = num1 => num2 => num1 < num2;
const not = fn => (...args) => !fn(...args);
const quickSort = (
pivot = nums[Math.floor(Math.random() * nums.length)],
left = nums.filter(not(greaterThan(pivot))),
right = nums.filter(greaterThan(pivot)),
done = new Set(nums).size <= 1
) => (done ? nums : [...quickSort(left), ...quickSort(right)]);
const filterWith = fn => (
acc = [],
passes = fn(first),
next = passes ? acc.concat(first) : acc
) => (rest.length === 0 ? next : filterWith(fn)(rest, next));
const GCD = (
larger = Math.max(num1, num2),
smaller = Math.min(num2, num2),
remainder = larger % smaller
) => (remainder === 0 ? smaller : GCD(larger, remainder));
const mapWith = fn => ([first,], acc = [], mapped = fn(first)) =>
rest.length === 0 ? [...acc, mapped] : mapWith(fn)(rest, [...acc, mapped]);
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