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Created April 29, 2019 05:06
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Clojurescript client for blessed-contrib.
(ns blessed-cljs.core
"Compiles for :node-js. Attempts to connect to a TCP socket at the port
given as a command line argument, and receives pure data specifications
for a blessed-contrib dashboard which it updates in real time.
Expects JSON data following the format:
{:type (a string in gauge, table, sparkline, bar, donut, gauge, lcd, log, markdown, map)
:meta (a map to pass to grid.set along the the contrib.object)
:data (data to display)}
Splits on newlines."
(:require [cljs.nodejs :as nodejs]
[blessed :as blessed]
[blessed-contrib :as contrib]
[net :as net]
[readline :as rl]))
"Building with..."
(:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.10.0"]
[cljsjs/nodejs-externs "1.0.4-1"]
[org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.520"]]
:plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "1.1.7"]]
:cljsbuild {:builds [{:id "prod"
:source-paths ["src"]
:compiler {:main cursed-clj.core
:output-to "package/index.js"
:target :nodejs
:output-dir "target"
:optimizations :advanced
:pretty-print true
:parallel-build true
:npm-deps {:blessed "0.1.81"
:blessed-contrib "4.8.15"
:net "1.0.2"}
:install-deps true}}]})
"... and `lein cljsbuild once prod`")
;;; Compatibility layer for blessed-contrib widgets. We wrap each of the widget
;;; objects in a map
;;; {:widget <the wrapped widget>
;;; :spec <the data we created the widget with>
;;; :setter <a function that takes (widget, data) and updates the widget
;;; :constructor <the contructor to pass to grid.set to place the widget>}
(defn build-widget
"Given some data specification, dispatch on its type to find the constructor
and method of setting data for a Blessed widget. Response is wrapped in a
map for use with the `update-widget!` function."
[{:keys [type] :as spec}]
(let [;; Each 'data-setter' is a fn (blessed-widget, spec) => side effects
sd (fn [f] (fn [widget element-spec] (.setData widget (f element-spec))))
[constructor, data-setter]
(case type
"table" [contrib/table (sd clj->js)]
"sparkline" [contrib/sparkline
(fn [w s]
(let [s (clj->js (:data s))]
(.setData w (first s) (second s))))]
"bar" [contrib/bar (sd clj->js)]
"donut" [contrib/donut (sd (comp clj->js vector :data))]
"gauge" [contrib/gauge (sd (comp clj->js :data))]
"lcd" [contrib/lcd
(fn [w s]
(.setDisplay w (clj->js (:display s)))
(.setOptions w (clj->js s)))]
"log" [contrib/log (fn [w s] (doseq [l (:data s)] (.log w l)))]
"markdown" [contrib/markdown (fn [w s] (.setMarkdown w (clj->js (:data s))))]
"map" [contrib/map
(fn [w s]
(.clearMarkers w)
(doseq [m (:data s)]
(.addMarker w (clj->js m))))]
"line" [contrib/line (sd (comp clj->js :data))])]
{:widget nil :spec spec :setter data-setter :constructor constructor}))
(defn update-widget!
"Given a `this` that's either the result of a `build-widget` invocation _or_
the result of a previous `update-widget!` call, update the contents of the
widget / reconstruct it as necessary and return the new or updated `this`."
[{:keys [widget spec setter constructor] :as this} grid new-spec]
(if (or (not widget) (not= (:meta spec) (:meta new-spec)) (not= (:pos spec) (:pos new-spec)))
(let [{:keys [x y width height]} (:pos new-spec)
constructed (.set grid y x height width constructor (clj->js (:meta new-spec)))]
(setter constructed new-spec)
(when (:focus new-spec) (.focus constructed))
{:widget constructed
:spec new-spec
:setter setter
:constructor constructor})
(when (not= spec new-spec)
(setter widget new-spec)
(when (:focus new-spec)
(.focus widget)))
(assoc this :spec new-spec))))
;;; Logic for the main screen rending loop. Functions are all (state, new-spec)
;;; => state', and all potentially have side effects.
(defn maybe-update-grid!
"If the grid dimensions have changed, return a state with an updated :grid.
Otherwise returns the state unchanged."
[{:keys [old-spec screen] :as state} new-spec]
(if (not= (:grid old-spec) (:grid new-spec))
(let [{:keys [rows cols]} (:grid new-spec)
new-grid #js {:screen screen :rows rows :cols cols}]
(assoc state :grid (new contrib/grid new-grid)))
(defn maybe-clear-screen!
"If the screen layout is going to change, clear the screen and return an
updated state without the old widgets."
[{:keys [old-spec] :as state} new-spec]
(let [clear?
;; Grid changed
(not= (:grid old-spec) (:grid new-spec))
;; Added/removed elements
(not= (count (:elements old-spec)) (count (:elements new-spec)))
;; Element position change
(for [elem-name (keys (:elements old-spec))]
(get-in old-spec [:elements elem-name :pos])
(get-in old-spec [:elements elem-name :pos])))))
do-clear! (fn [s] ;; from
(doseq [widget (reverse (.. s -children))] (.detach widget))
(if clear?
(-> state (assoc :widgets {}) (update :screen do-clear!))
(defn update-widgets!
"Create/update/redraw widgets one by one, returning the modified state."
[{:keys [old-spec] :as state} new-spec]
(fn [{:keys [grid] :as state} [element-name element-spec]]
;; If some part of the element spec, get-or-create it and then redraw
(if (or (not (contains? (:widgets state) element-name))
(not= (get-in old-spec [:elements element-name]) element-spec))
(fn [?widget]
(let [widget (or ?widget (build-widget element-spec))]
(update-widget! widget grid element-spec)))
(update-in state [:widgets element-name]))
(:elements new-spec)))
(defn redraw-screen!
"Redraw the screen by first updating the grid/layout as necessary, and then
updating or creating the widgets."
[state new-spec]
(-> state
(maybe-update-grid! new-spec)
(maybe-clear-screen! new-spec)
(update-widgets! new-spec)
;; For the next invocation, the new-spec becomes the old-spec.
(assoc :old-spec new-spec)
;; Finally, render all state changes
(as-> s (let [screen (:screen s)] (.render screen) s))))
;;; Main loop. Maintain state, await updates, redraw screen.
(defn -main [port & args]
(let [screen (blessed/screen)
state (atom {:screen screen :widgets {} :old-spec nil})]
;; Key bindings
(.key screen #js ["escape" "q" "C-c"] (fn [_ _] (.exit js/process 0)))
(.key screen #js ["l" "right"] (fn [_ _] (.focusNext screen)))
(.key screen #js ["h" "left"] (fn [_ _] (.focusPrevious screen)))
;; Fixes
(.on screen "resize" (fn [] (doall (map #(some-> % :widget (.emit "attach")) (:widgets state)))))
;; Loading screen
(let [init-screen
{:meta {:label "Initializing", :fg "green", :selectedFg "green", :interactive "true"}
:type "markdown"
:data (str "> Connecting...\n> Connected.\n> Awaiting data from port `" port "`...")
:pos {:x 1 :y 1 :width 3 :height 3}}]
(swap! state redraw-screen! {:grid {:cols 5 :rows 5} :elements {:loading init-screen}}))
(let [port (js/parseInt port)
sock (.connect net #js {:port port})]
(.on (.createInterface rl sock sock) "line"
(fn [l]
(let [parsed-spec (js->clj (.parse js/JSON l) :keywordize-keys keyword)]
(assert (:elements parsed-spec) "The spec has an :elements key")
(swap! state redraw-screen! parsed-spec))
(catch js/object e
(println "There was an error" e))))))))
(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)
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