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Created February 27, 2019 18:46
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Lazy Clojure file-watch, re-parsing when file changes.
(defn parsed-file-delay
"A delay that returns `(parse-fn (slurp file-path))` on each dereference,
recalculating the return value only when `(.lastModified (io/file file-path))`
Useful if you don't need any sort of push notification when the file changes."
[file-path parse-fn]
(let [last-contents (atom {:modified -1 :contents nil})
^File f (io/file file-path)]
(reify IDeref
(deref [this]
(let [{:keys [modified contents] :as prev} @last-contents
last-mod (.lastModified f)]
(if (= modified last-mod)
(let [updated {:modified last-mod :contents (parse-fn (slurp f))}]
(compare-and-set! last-contents prev updated)
(spit "watch-me.txt" "(+ 10 10)")
(def evaluated-file
(fn [x]
(println "Evaling...")
(-> x read-string eval))))
; => Evaling...
; 20
; => 20
(spit "watch-me.txt" "(* 10 10)")
; => Evaling...
; 100
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