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Created March 11, 2023 01:19
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Using the AWS CDK from Clojure
(ns deploy
(:require [ :as io])
(:import ( App CfnOutput$Builder Stack)
( AddRoutesOptions HttpApi$Builder HttpMethod)
( HttpIamAuthorizer)
( HttpAlbIntegration)
( Vpc$Builder)
( Cluster$Builder ContainerImage)
( ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService$Builder ApplicationLoadBalancedTaskImageOptions)
( AnyPrincipal)
( Secret)))
;; A CDK 'app' is the root of a tree of CDK 'constructs', which can be
;; CloudFormation stacks or (trees of) AWS resources.
(def app (App.))
;; The CloudFormation stack containing the resources. Stateful resources could
;; be separated out into a different stack, to better control possible
;; operations that would destroy existing state (e.g. in a db).
(def stack (Stack. app "AccountingStack"))
;;; The resources themselves
(def vpc (-> (Vpc$Builder/create stack "vpc") (.maxAzs 3) (.natGateways 1) .build))
;; ECS cluster (used by fargate)
(def ecs-cluster
(-> (Cluster$Builder/create stack "ecs-cluster") (.vpc vpc) .build))
;; The API keys that the server needs
(def api-conf (read-string (slurp (io/resource "conf.edn"))))
(defn ecs-secret [{:keys [aws-secret]}]
(Secret/fromSecretNameV2 stack aws-secret aws-secret)))
;; The code under ./server, as a Fargate service.
(def fargate-service
(let [docker-image (-> (ApplicationLoadBalancedTaskImageOptions/builder)
(.image (ContainerImage/fromAsset "server"))
(.secrets (update-vals api-conf ecs-secret))
(.enableLogging true)
(-> (ApplicationLoadBalancedFargateService$Builder/create stack "fargate-service")
(.cluster ecs-cluster)
(.taskImageOptions docker-image)
(.desiredCount 1)
(.cpu 256)
(.memoryLimitMiB 1024)
(.publicLoadBalancer false)
;;; The API Gateway
(def api-endpoint
(-> (HttpApi$Builder/create stack "HttpProxyPrivateAPI")
(.defaultAuthorizer (HttpIamAuthorizer.))
(def default-route
(-> (AddRoutesOptions/builder)
(.integration (HttpAlbIntegration. "DefaultIntegration" (.getListener fargate-service)))
(.path "/{proxy+}")
(.methods [(HttpMethod/ANY)])
;; Add the route to the API and grant access to any IAM users in this account
(let [route (first (.addRoutes api-endpoint default-route))]
(.grantInvoke route (AnyPrincipal.)))
;; Add the URL to the outputs
(-> (CfnOutput$Builder/create stack "apiGatewayURL")
(.value (.getUrl api-endpoint))
(.description "The API gateway URL.")
(.exportName "apiGatewayURL")
(defn synth [& args]
(println "Synthesized to:" (.getDirectory (.synth app)))
(.getDirectory (.synth app)))
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