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Created September 7, 2010 05:45
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import urllib
import re
import os
path = "./"
i = 1
content = True
while content:
dir = os.listdir(path)
for file in dir:
if file[:-4].isdigit():
if int(file[:-4]) >= i:
i = int(file[:-4])+1
while content:
url = ""+str(i)+"/"
rd = urllib.urlopen(url)
data =
res ="/comics/[a-z0-9_()]*.(jpg|png)", data)
if res:
imgurl = ""
image = urllib.URLopener()
image.retrieve(imgurl, path+str(i)+imgurl[-4:])
print "Downloaded", i
if"Not Found", data) and i != 404:
content = False
i += 1
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