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Created October 29, 2015 22:08
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A "Tree" represents a binary tree. A "Node" in a binary tree
always has two children. A tree can also be "Empty". Below I have
defined "Tree" and a number of useful functions.
This example also includes some challenge problems :)
import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Text
type Tree a
= Empty
| Node a (Tree a) (Tree a)
empty : Tree a
empty =
singleton : a -> Tree a
singleton v =
Node v Empty Empty
insert : comparable -> Tree comparable -> Tree comparable
insert x tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
singleton x
Node y left right ->
if | x > y -> Node y left (insert x right)
| x < y -> Node y (insert x left) right
| otherwise -> tree
fromList : List comparable -> Tree comparable
fromList xs =
List.foldl insert empty xs
depth : Tree a -> Int
depth tree =
case tree of
Empty -> 0
Node v left right ->
1 + max (depth left) (depth right)
map : (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree b
map f tree =
case tree of
Empty -> Empty
Node v left right ->
Node (f v) (map f left) (map f right)
t1 = fromList [1,2,3]
t2 = fromList [2,1,3]
main : Element
main =
flow down
[ display "depth" depth t1
, display "depth" depth t2
, display "map ((+)1)" (map ((+)1)) t2
, display "sum t1" sum t1
, display "flatten t1" flatten t1
, display "fold t1" ( fold ( \a b -> a + b ) 0 ) t1
, display "isElement t1 4" ( isElement 4 ) t1
, display "isElement t1 2" ( isElement 2 ) t1
, display "aSum t1" aSum t1
, display "aFlatten t1" aFlatten t1
, display "aIsElement t1" (aIsElement 2) t1
display : String -> (Tree a -> b) -> Tree a -> Element
display name f value =
name ++ " (" ++ toString value ++ ") &rArr;\n " ++ toString (f value) ++ "\n "
|> Text.fromString
|> Text.monospace
|> leftAligned
-- (1) Sum all of the elements of a tree.
sum : Tree Int -> Int
sum tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
Node v left right ->
v + ( sum left ) + ( sum right )
-- (2) Flatten a tree into a list.
flatten : Tree a -> List a
flatten tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
Node v left right ->
v :: ( List.append ( flatten left ) ( flatten right ) )
-- (3) Check to see if an element is in a given tree.
isElement : a -> Tree a -> Bool
isElement x tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
Node y left right ->
y == x || ( isElement x left ) || ( isElement x right )
fold : (a -> b -> b) -> b -> Tree a -> b
fold f acc tree =
case tree of
Empty ->
Node v left right ->
fold f ( f v ( fold f acc right ) ) left
-- (5) Use "fold" to do exercises 1-3 in one line each.
aSum : Tree Int -> Int
aSum tree =
fold (\a b -> a + b) 0 tree
aFlatten : Tree a -> List a
aFlatten tree =
fold (\a b -> a :: b) [] tree
aIsElement : a -> Tree a -> Bool
aIsElement x xt =
fold (\a b -> b || a == x) False xt
-- (6) Can "fold" be used to implement "map" or "depth"?
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