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Last active November 21, 2016 22:33
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Name Term sublanguage of Typed Adapton
(* The 'Name Term' sublanguage of Typed Adapton. *)
(* See:
Figure 6 (top)
and Figure 8 (top)
Inductive sort : Set :=
| Arr : sort -> sort -> sort
| Nm : sort
| Prod : sort -> sort -> sort
| Unit : sort
Inductive var : Set := Z | S : var -> var.
Inductive tag : Set := One | Two.
Inductive ntm : Set :=
| Lam : var -> ntm -> ntm
| Var : var -> ntm
| App : ntm -> ntm -> ntm
| Tag : ntm -> tag -> ntm
| Pair : ntm -> ntm -> ntm
| Triv : ntm
Inductive ctx : Set :=
| Ctx_emp : ctx
| Ctx_var : ctx -> var -> sort -> ctx
Fixpoint vareq (x y:var) : bool :=
match (x, y) with
| (Z, Z) => true
| (S(x), S(y)) => vareq x y
| _ => false
Fixpoint ctx_find (Γ:ctx) (x:var) : (option sort) :=
match Γ with
| Ctx_emp => None
| Ctx_var Γ y γ => if vareq x y then Some γ else (ctx_find Γ x)
(* Name-term Sorting Derivations *)
(* See: Figure 8, top *)
Inductive d_sort : ctx -> ntm -> sort -> Prop :=
| Ds_Pair : forall Γ M N γ1 γ2,
d_sort Γ M γ1
-> d_sort Γ N γ2
-> d_sort Γ (Pair M N) (Prod γ1 γ2)
| Ds_Unit : forall Γ,
d_sort Γ Triv Unit
| Ds_Var : forall Γ x γ,
(ctx_find Γ x = (Some γ))
-> d_sort Γ (Var x) γ
| Ds_Lam : forall Γ M γ1 γ2 x,
d_sort (Ctx_var Γ x γ1) M γ2
-> d_sort Γ (Lam x M) (Arr γ1 γ2)
| Ds_Tag : forall Γ t M,
d_sort Γ M Nm
-> d_sort Γ (Tag M t) Nm
| Ds_App : forall Γ M N γ1 γ2,
d_sort Γ M (Arr γ1 γ2)
-> d_sort Γ N γ1
-> d_sort Γ (App M N) γ2
Fixpoint subst (N:ntm) (x:var) (M:ntm) : ntm :=
match M with
| Triv => Triv
| Var y => if vareq x y then N else M
| Lam y M => if vareq x y then Lam y M else Lam y (subst N x M)
| App M1 M2 => App (subst N x M1) (subst N x M2)
| Pair M1 M2 => Pair (subst N x M1) (subst N x M2)
| Tag M t => Tag (subst N x M) t
Inductive val : ntm -> Prop :=
| V_Lam : forall M x,
val (Lam x M)
| V_Triv : val Triv
| V_Pair : forall M N,
val N
-> val M
-> val (Pair M N)
| V_Tag : forall M t,
val M
-> val (Tag M t)
Inductive d_eval : ntm -> ntm -> Prop :=
| De_App : forall M N x M' V,
d_eval M (Lam x M')
-> d_eval N V
-> d_eval (App M N) (subst V x M')
| De_Pair : forall M1 V1 M2 V2,
d_eval M1 V1
-> d_eval M2 V2
-> d_eval (Pair M1 M2) (Pair V1 V2)
| De_Tag : forall M V t,
d_eval M V
-> d_eval (Tag M t) (Tag V t)
| De_Val : forall M,
val M
-> d_eval M M
Theorem subst_lemma : forall Γ M γ1 x N γ2
(S_M : d_sort Γ M γ1)
(S_N : d_sort (Ctx_var Γ x γ1) N γ2),
d_sort Γ (subst M x N) γ2.
Theorem subjred :
forall M γ, d_sort Ctx_emp M γ
forall V, d_eval M V
d_sort Ctx_emp V γ.
intros M γ .
intro S.
induction S.
(* Pair *)
intros V E. inversion E.
apply Ds_Pair. auto. auto.
apply Ds_Pair. auto. auto.
(* Unit *)
intros V E. inversion E.
apply Ds_Unit.
(* Var *)
intros V E. inversion E.
apply Ds_Var. apply H.
(* Lam *)
intros V E. inversion E.
apply Ds_Lam. apply S0.
(* Tag *)
intros V E. inversion E.
apply Ds_Tag. auto.
apply Ds_Tag. apply S0.
(* App *)
intros V E. inversion E.
apply IHS1 in H1.
apply subst_lemma with (γ1 := γ1). auto.
inversion H1. auto.
apply Ds_App with (γ1 := γ1).
auto. auto.
Inductive ectx : Set :=
| Emp
| Equiv : ectx -> var -> var -> sort -> ectx
| Disj : ectx -> var -> var -> sort -> ectx
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