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Last active April 11, 2018 16:20
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Matthew Hammer's writing preferences and guidelines (a reference for students and collaborators)

Matt's Writing Preferences

Below, I am cataloging my writing preferences.

Many of these guidelines simply codify well-established principles for clear, concise technical writing. Some guidelines are specific to me, and others are suggestions that are especially important for reading really wide columns of text, as in this new PACMPL format. :)

Other resources: I have produced most of these guidelines by adapting advice from other folks with more writing experience than myself, and similar preferences:

Grammar (within a single sentence)

  • Use short active sentences, where the subject is close to its verb.

  • Use singular over plural sentence subjects, whenever possible.

  • Use present tense; I prefer the phrasing "Hazelnut defines" not "Hazelnut defined" --- temporal ordering in "idea space" is inherently confusing to a reader that encounters papers in a non-chronological order, which is often the case in practice.

  • Use short noun phrases; "long" noun phrases consist of more than a few words.

  • Prefix each Greek letter (or math symbol) with an English word 'classifier', e.g., expression~$e$, not just $e$.

  • Expand contractions (e.g., can't becomes cannot). Contractions are appropriate for informal writing, and of course, for speech.

Please avoid these anti-patterns:

  • Avoid passive voice. Active voice gives the reader a more comprehensible and enjoyable narrative to digest.

    So, use "We", some aspect of the paper itself ("Section X"/"Figure Y"), or some interesting concept in the paper ("Judgement Z") as the subject of the sentence. Doing so also permits the author to choose a more interesting verb than 'is' for the sentence.

    Hint: To check your writing in a semi-automated way, count occurrences of the word 'is'; In Emacs, try doing count-matches with \b\is\b.

  • Avoid giving the paper a "temporal structure". Phrases such as "X will be discussed later" imply a temporal ordering to the paper's sections. Instead, the paper should refer to itself spatially, not temporally e.g., "We discuss X further below", or "Sec Y discusses X in further detail", not "X will be discussed further later". (I read and think through papers in a highly non-linear fashion, so temporal references make no sense to me as I read)

  • Avoid using lots of commas. Each 'extra' comma is a burden to the reader (it's asking the reader to either allocate or pop a stack frame in their brain!)

Multi-sentence and paragraph structure

  • Use short sentences in active voice.

  • Avoid numerous parenthenticals: just use more sentences instead.

  • Use short paragraphs, with a defined 'paragraph structure'. (E.g., use a topic sentence, some supporting sentences, and employ a final sentence that leads the reader to the next idea in the next paragraph)

  • If a sentence introduces a figure, that sentence should be the first sentence of a paragraph, and the figure reference should be the first word of that sentence, ideally. As a reader, then I look at figures first, and find the paragraphs for them easily by scanning the text.

  • PACMPL: Citations in "Names+Year" format break sentence and paragraph flow for the reader, sometimes quite severly. Instead, put long citation chains at the ends of sentences, or better yet, in their own little paragraph.

Paper structure: Intro section

Evan's "intro recipe":

  1. What is the problem we are attacking?
  2. Why is it important to address this problem?
  3. What else follows from solving this problem?

Paper structure: Overview section

  • Summary of overview structure:

    1. Explain an example program.
    2. Explain the challenges posed by example program.
    3. Explain how the paper's approach addresses each challenge.
  • Main point: In a well-organized overview section, Parts 1, 2 and 3 flow in a logical succession: they are not mixed together.

    In the process of revising, authors often need to reorganize these items to enforce this logical succession, and avoid confusing the reader.

  • In part 1, in some cases, a progression of worked examples may be more appropriate than a single example. For instance, such a progression helps if the paper is proposing a new programming model, rather than some analysis or verification approach for an existing programming model.

  • In part 2, separate challenges of the example (as introduced in Intro) from the approach that addresses these challenges. Avoid touring both of these aspects together. Rather, the section should re-establish the challenges (recalling material from Intro). Afterward, the section should introduce details about the paper's approach, one by one, as they address the challenges.

  • In part 3, the discussion of how the system works ideally results in a "worked example": An example program that demonstrates, in concrete terms (not abstract ones), how the approach applies.

  • The end of part 3 summarizes the challenges and approach, and in so doing, it ties the concrete details of the worked example to the general approach, which is the subject of the paper's technical section(s). These (abstract) technical sections immediately follow the (concrete) overview section. (Writing principle: Concrete ideas first; Abstract ideas second.)


  • Please, please please: Use line breaks. Git does not work well without them. If necessary, please change your editor or editor settings.

  • I put a blank latex comment between each sentence; my emacs mode will not line-wrap beyond those comments, and will preserve the line breaks that follow them.

    For example:

    The dog is brown, but its hair is wet and looks dark; I wish that 
    it did not smell like dog in here.
    Please, dry off the dog.
  • Use macros for fig and section references.

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