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matthewhammer /
Created September 8, 2017 17:42
Parallel Adapton

Demand-driven change propagation

If you have a DAG where for each node, you have some local computation (internal to the node) and some external dependencies (other nodes in the DAG that I’ll call the “successors”) and some dependents (other DAG nodes that I’ll call the “predecessors”) then we can consider doing change propagation over this via Adapton’s demand-driven algorithm:

— Dirty the graph (perhaps in parallel) when a reference cell (e.g., input cell) changes, by traversing all dependent (predecessor) edges and marking them dirty. An invariant is that if an edge is dirty, all preceding edges are dirty too, so we can stop dirtying early.

— Clean the graph on demand (of a node in the DAG) by traversing its successor edges that are dirty, until we reach a node that depends directly on a changed input. Re-evaluate that node. If its return value changes, then we need to re-evaluate its predecessors, and so on. Change propagation here is demand-driven, and follows the original order of execution (fo

(* Directed graph *)
type graph
val empty : graph
val add_nd : graph -> ndid -> nddat -> (graph, option<nddat>)
val del_nd : graph -> ndid -> (graph, option<nddat>)
val dat_of_nd : graph -> ndid -> optional<nddat>
val adj_of_nd : graph -> ndid -> List<ndid>
val adj_of_nd : graph -> ndid -> (ndid -> α -> α) -> α -> α
type edgeid = (ndid, ndid)
matthewhammer / DataPipesLang.txt
Created October 6, 2017 17:01
Data Pipes -- Language Definition
Element types
E ::= Generate(D)
| Consume(D)
| Modify(D1, D2)
| Pair(D1,D2,D3) // D3 is a function of D1 and D2 (its the "product" of the dictionary types)
| Proj(D1,D2,D3) // D2 and D3 are each "projections" of the dictionary type D1
matthewhammer /
Last active November 20, 2017 12:44
Curating Hazel Edits

Curating Hazel Edits

How should we curate edit histories in Hazel so that we can make sense of them, and find patterns and structure in them?

Interacting with terms in Coq and Agda

Let's step back and consider related systems like Cog and Agda (both provide interactive editor services for functional programs, though these have depedent types, unlike Hazel; let's ignore dependent types). Though all of these systems have similar interaction models, Agda's way of doing things is very different from Coq, and both should be different than Hazel:

matthewhammer / Time_with_random_points.elm
Last active February 1, 2018 19:38
Time with random points
import Html exposing (Html, div, text)
import Time exposing (Time, second)
import Random exposing (Seed)
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = subscriptions
matthewhammer /
Last active March 5, 2018 13:20
Comments on Hazel prototype, somewhat "organized"


Nested contexts


Nested contexts (e.g., nested lets) give rise to nested hole contexts. The current Hazel interface displays paths through this nested structure, with clickable links, which is very cool.

This makes we wonder:

matthewhammer / Hammer-writing-preferences.Md
Last active April 11, 2018 16:20
Matthew Hammer's writing preferences and guidelines (a reference for students and collaborators)

Matt's Writing Preferences

Below, I am cataloging my writing preferences.

Many of these guidelines simply codify well-established principles for clear, concise technical writing. Some guidelines are specific to me, and others are suggestions that are especially important for reading really wide columns of text, as in this new PACMPL format. :)

matthewhammer / ledger.did
Created May 18, 2021 22:27 — forked from ninegua/ledger.did
Internet computer ledger utility supporting 2 step transfer (separate sign and send)
type ICPTs = record {
e8s : nat64;
type Duration = record {
secs: nat64;
nanos: nat32;
type TimeStamp = record {
matthewhammer /
Created July 26, 2021 15:51
Recursively `class`-`func` definitions in Motoko.
// Recursion via "manual back-patching"
// What?
// MyClass is defined recursively with myFunc, which refer to each other.
// How?
// The myClass method uses a variable for mutable storage (myClass_) to
// determine if the initialization has occured yet or not.
class Test() {