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Created March 16, 2013 23:08
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Save matthewhudson/5178727 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
fs = require 'fs'
{exec, spawn} = require 'child_process'
{series} = require 'async'
sh = (command) -> (k) ->
console.log "Executing #{command}"
exec command, (err, sout, serr) ->
console.log err if err
console.log sout if sout
console.log serr if serr
do k
getVersion = ->
packageJson = JSON.parse fs.readFileSync "#{__dirname}/package.json", 'utf-8'
task 'doc', 'generate documentation for *.coffee files', ->
series [
(sh "./node_modules/.bin/docco-husky src")
task 'doc_copy', 'copy documentation to gh-pages branch', ->
series [
(sh "./node_modules/.bin/docco-husky src")
(sh "mv docs docs_tmp")
(sh "git checkout gh-pages")
(sh "mv docs_tmp/* docs")
(sh "git add docs/*")
(sh "git commit -m 'updating documentation from master'")
(sh "git checkout master")
task 'build', 'generate unified JavaScript file for whole Hallo', ->
version = do getVersion
console.log version
series [
(sh "cp -R src tmp")
(sh "sed -ibak 's/{{ VERSION }}/#{version}/' '#{__dirname}/tmp/'")
(sh "./node_modules/.bin/coffee -o examples -j hallo.js -c `find tmp -type f -name '*.coffee'`")
(sh "rm -r tmp")
task 'min', 'minify the generated JavaScript file', ->
version = do getVersion
console.log version
series [
(sh "cp -R src tmp")
(sh "sed -ibak 's/{{ VERSION }}/#{version}/' '#{__dirname}/tmp/'")
(sh "./node_modules/.bin/coffee -o examples -j hallo.js -c `find tmp -type f -name '*.coffee'`")
(sh "./node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs examples/hallo.js > examples/hallo-min.js")
(sh "rm -r tmp")
task 'bam', 'build and minify Hallo', ->
invoke 'min'
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