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Created September 13, 2013 06:47
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Save matthewkastor/6547389 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A jison file with comments about jison file structure and demonstrating how to create a grammar that can recognize comments.

The jison grammar file describes a parser that recognizes HTML style comments. It should be simple to change the grammar to recognize any other markup for multiline comments. I've put a lot of notes in the grammar file about it's structure and links to where I found the information.

To generate the comment parser you'll need jison installed. Then run commentsParserGenerator.js through Node, it will read comments.jison and generate the parser as comments.js. It will then run comments.js over comments.txt and display the results.

* # Lexer
* Section begins with %lex and ends with /lex it is divided up by %%
* signs. Explained in
* ## Lexer: Definitions
* ### Miscellaneous Code
* Any code in crazybraces anywhere in the lex section is copied into
* the lexer.
* ### Name Definitions
* Basically its "name" space "regular expression". Then you can refer to the
* regex in your lexer rules by wrapping the name in curly braces {name}
ANY (.|\s)
* ### Start conditions
* (%s, %x) explained at
* %s is shared %x is exclusive
* %s contexts use their own rules and rules without contexts.
* %x contexts use only the set of rules for their specific context.
* Add rules to a context by preceeding them with the context name in angle
* brackets. <myContext>
%s Comments
* ## Lexer: Rules
// left arrow in the "INITIAL" (default, 0) context switches to "Comments"
// context.
<INITIAL>"<--" {
//console.log("comment : " + showInvisibles(yytext));
return 'COMMENT';
// when in "Comments" context the first right arrow will switch back to
// "INITIAL" context.
<Comments>"-->" {
//console.log("comment : " + showInvisibles(yytext));
return 'COMMENT';
// when in "Comments" context every character is a comment and passes through to
// the parser.
<Comments>{ANY} {
//console.log("comment : " + showInvisibles(yytext));
return 'COMMENT';
// end of "Comments" context conditions.
// in the "INITIAL" context, by default every character is text and and passes
// through to the parser. Since the start conditions are specified with %s this
// rule has effect in all contexts. Override it to treat characters as something
// other than "TEXT", or switch the start conditions to %x
{ANY} {
//console.log("text : " + showInvisibles(yytext));
return 'TEXT';
// same "global" effect as noted above. Allows you to catch the end of the file
// in parser rules.
<<EOF>> {
return 'EOF';
* ## Lexer: User Code
function showInvisibles (text) {
var replacers = ["\\r", "\\n", "\\t", "\\v", "\\f", "\\0"];
replacers.forEach(function (replacement) {
var replacer = new RegExp(replacement, "g");
text = text.replace(replacer, replacement);
text = text.replace(/ /g, "•")
return text;
* # Parser
* Section begins here and goes to end of file it is divided up by %% signs
* explained in
* ## Parser: Prologue
* These crazybraces . . .
* The prologue is copied into the parser. Put code in here to use in
* actions in the grammar rules. You may declare a lexical analyzer `lexer`
* and the error printer yyerror here. To `require` code, you will need to
* keep in mind that parser is going to be in a different scope from your
* module, so either pass it as an argument to simple functions or give the
* parser to some initialization code in your module that will keep a
* reference to it.
* ## Parser Declarations
* The Bison declarations declare the names of the terminal and nonterminal
* symbols, and may also describe operator precedence and the data types of
* semantic values of various symbols. Explained in
%token EOF
%start corruption
* ## Parser Grammar
* The grammar rules define how to construct each nonterminal symbol from its
* parts. Explained in
// corruption comes from studying dark arts.
: dark_arts EOF {return $dark_arts;}
// dark arts may be a single occurrence of pyrotechnics or repeated occurrences.
: pyrotechnics {$$ = $pyrotechnics;}
| dark_arts pyrotechnics {$$ = $dark_arts + $pyrotechnics;}
// flame warriors from every corner of the internet know that the best way to
// start a tire fire is with misspelled text or smarmy comments.
: TEXT {$$ = yytext;}
| COMMENT {$$ = '';}
* ## Parser Epilogue
* The epilogue can contain any code you want to use. Often the definitions of
* functions declared in the prologue go here. In a simple program, all the
* rest of the program can go here.
b magic
<-- magic -->
~ magic
d magic
white: true,
vars: true,
stupid: true
* Generates the parser described in `grammarFile`.
* @param {String} modType The type of module to generate.
* @param {String} grammarFile The path to the grammar file.
* @returns {String} Returns the parser object.
module.exports.generateParser = function generateParser (modType, grammarFile) {
"use strict";
var fs = require('fs');
var jison = require('jison');
var grammarFileContent = fs.readFileSync(grammarFile, 'utf8');
var generatorOptions = {
type : 'lalr',
debug: false,
moduleType: modType || 'commonjs',
moduleName: 'blahblah'
var parser = new jison.Parser(grammarFileContent, generatorOptions);
grammarFile.replace('.jison', '.js'),
return parser;
* Use a parser in a file to parse a file.
* @param {String} parserFile The path to the parser file.
* @param {String} fileToParse The path to the file to parse.
* @returns {Mixed} Returns the result of parsing `fileToParse` using
* `parserFile`.
module.exports.runParser = function runParser (parserFile, fileToParse) {
"use strict";
var fs = require('fs');
var parser = require(parserFile);
return parser.parse(fs.readFileSync(fileToParse, 'utf8'));
var parser = module.exports.generateParser('commonjs', './comments.jison');
var result = module.exports.runParser('./comments.js', './comments.txt');
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