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Created December 17, 2014 07:19
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  • Save matthewkastor/89d6eb7ca4ef08b835de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save matthewkastor/89d6eb7ca4ef08b835de to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@echo off
REM Put the standalone server, chromedriver, IEdriver,
REM the HTML test suite, and your user-extensions.js file
REM all in the same folder. Then you can run this bat file
REM to launch everything real easy like.
REM *firefox
REM *mock
REM *firefoxproxy
REM *pifirefox
REM *chrome
REM *iexploreproxy
REM *iexplore
REM *firefox3
REM *safariproxy
REM *googlechrome
REM *konqueror
REM *firefox2
REM *piiexplore
REM *safari
REM *firefoxchrome
REM *opera
REM *webdriver
REM *iehta
REM *custom
SET baseURL=http://localtest
SET browser=*firefox
SET resultsLog=%~dp0\results.html
SET serverLog=%~dp0\Selenium Server Log.txt
SET testSuite=%~dp0\Test_Suite.html
SET userExtensions=%~dp0\user-extensions.js
DEL /Q "%serverLog%"
DEL /Q "%resultsLog%"
FOR %%I IN (selenium-server-standalone*) DO SET seleniumServerJar=%%~nxI
start /wait "selenium server" /MIN java -jar "%seleniumServerJar%" -userExtensions "%userExtensions%" -log "%serverLog%" -browserSideLog -htmlSuite "%browser%" "%baseURL%" "%testSuite%" "%resultsLog%"
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I made this awhile ago and it's been pretty useful while I work on refactoror/SelBlocks#13 so I'm sharing it.

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