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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Save matthewkcarr/8890986 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
processing - cracks - slight edit will give tree leaves or a bridge.
int currMouseX;
int currMouseY;
int x_screen_size = 200;
int y_screen_size = 200;
//to use this look at
static CGeometry Geom = CGeometry.getInstance();
void setup() {
size(x_screen_size, y_screen_size);
//acrack = new Crack( int(10 + random(100)), 1, 1);
void display() {
// acrack.display();
void draw() {
/*void mouseMoved() {
int mouseNormX = mouseX;
int mouseNormY = mouseY;
//float mouseVelX = (mouseX - pmouseX);
//float mouseVelY = (mouseY - pmouseY);
println("pmouse x: " + pmouseX);
println("pmouse y: " + pmouseY);
println("mouse x: " + mouseX); println("mouse y: " + mouseY);
acrack = new Crack( int(10 + random(100)), 1, 1);
//addForce(mouseNormX, mouseNormY, mouseVelX, mouseVelY);
//maybe use two clicks and make mouse x,y, 0,0 a dead spot
void mouseClicked() {
currMouseX = mouseX;
currMouseY = mouseY;
Crack acrack;
acrack = new Crack( 100, 1, 1);
class Crack {
CrackLine acrackLine;
CrackLine bcrackLine;
CrackLine ccrackLine;
int len;
float cdx;
float cdy;
Crack(int ilen, float idx, float idy) {
len = ilen;
cdx = idx;
cdy = idy;
acrackLine = new CrackLine(cdx, cdy, 0, 0, len);
CrackPoint acp = acrackLine.randomPointOnLine();
bcrackLine = new CrackLine(4, 1, acp.x, acp.y, (len/4));
acp = acrackLine.randomPointOnLine();
ccrackLine = new CrackLine(1, 4, acp.x, acp.y, (len/4));
void display() {
//draw subline
class CrackLine {
float x_mult;
float y_mult;
int x_start;
int y_start;
int len;
CrackPoint acp;
CrackLine(float xm, float ym, int x, int y, int l) {
x_mult = xm;
y_mult = ym;
x_start = x;
y_start = y;
len = l;
CrackPoint randomPointOnLine() {
float rand_l = random(len);
float rand_x;
float rand_y;
if ( x_mult >= y_mult) {
rand_x = rand_l;
rand_y = (rand_x * x_mult) / y_mult;
//float rand_y = rand_x * ( x_mult / y_mult);
else {
rand_y = rand_l;
rand_x = (rand_y * y_mult) / x_mult;
float real_x = rand_x + x_start;
float real_y = rand_y + y_start;
//these are reversed because we solved for each.
println("(rx, ry) -> (" + real_x + ", " + real_y + ")" );
acp = new CrackPoint( int(real_x), int(real_y));
return acp;
void display() {
float x_end = (((x_mult / y_mult ) * x_start + len)/x_screen_size);
float y_end = (((y_mult / x_mult ) * y_start + len)/y_screen_size);
print("drawing line - (x,y): (" + x_start + ", " + y_start + ")");
println( "-> (" + int(x_end) + ", " + int(y_end) + ")");
line(x_start, y_start, int(x_end), int(y_end));
class CrackVector {
RVector v1;
RVector v2;
CrackVector( RVector rv1, RVector rv2 ) {
v1 = rv1;
v2 = rv2;
void makeNewCrack() {
//generate array of new RLine's based on points? ?
class CrackPoint {
RPoint cp;
CrackVector v;
CrackPoint( int nx, int ny, CrackVector cv ) {
cp = new RPoint(nx, ny);
v = cv;
class RVector {
RPoint p1;
RPoint p2;
float slope;
float magnitude;
RVector( RPoint rp1, RPoint rp2) {
p1 = rp1;
p2 = rp2;
private void calculateMagnitude() {
float d = 0;
float a = sq( p2.x - p1.x);
float b = sq( p2.y - p1.y);
d = = sqrt(a + b);
private void calculateSlope() {
slope = 0;
float x = p1.x - p2.x;
float y = p1.y - p2.y;
slope = y / x;
boolean pointIsBetween(RPoint c) {
float crossproduct = (c.y - p1.y) * (p2.x - p1.x) - (c.x - p1.x) * (p2.y - p1.y);
if(abs(crossproduct) > EPSILON)
return false; # (or != 0 if using integers)
float dotproduct = (c.x - p1.x) * (p2.x - p1.x) + (c.y - p1.y)*(p2.y - p1.y);
if(dotproduct < 0)
return false;
float squaredlengthba = (p2.x - p1.x)*(p2.x - p1.x) + (p2.y - p1.y)*(p2.y - p1.y);
if(dotproduct > squaredlengthba )
return false;
return true;
//Given a imaginary horizontal line between two points, find the rect
class RRect {
RPoint p0;
RPoint p1; //zeroed y value
RPoint p2; //zeroed x value
RPoint p3;
//use lesser valued points for the base number
RRect( RPoint rp0, RPoint rp3 ) {
if( (rp0.x + rp0.y) <= ( rp3.x + rp3.y) ) {
p0 = rp0;
p3 = rp3;
} else {
p0 = rp3;
p3 = rp0;
//Generate other two rectangle points
void findPoints() {
p1 = RPoint( p0.x + p3.x, p3.y)
p2 = RPoint( p3.x, p0.y + p3.y)
boolean pointIsInRect( RPoint np ) {
if( (np.x >= p0.x && np.x <= p3.x ) &&
(np.y >= p0.y && np.y <= p3.y ) ) {
return true;
return false;
RPoint randPointInRect() {
float rx = p0.x + random( p3.x );
float ry = p0.y + random( p3.y );
return new RPoint( rx, ry);
class RPoint {
float x;
float y;
RPoint( float nx, float ny ) {
x = nx;
y = ny;
public class CGeometry {
private static CGeometry geometryObject;
public static CGeometry getInstance() {
return geometryObject;
private CGeometry() {
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