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Last active April 24, 2024 00:00
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Example Kubernetes pod for the multi-container sidecar design pattern
# Example YAML configuration for the sidecar pattern.
# It defines a main application container which writes
# the current date to a log file every five seconds.
# The sidecar container is nginx serving that log file.
# (In practice, your sidecar is likely to be a log collection
# container that uploads to external storage.)
# To run:
# kubectl apply -f pod.yaml
# Once the pod is running:
# (Connect to the sidecar pod)
# kubectl exec pod-with-sidecar -c sidecar-container -it bash
# (Install curl on the sidecar)
# apt-get update && apt-get install curl
# (Access the log file via the sidecar)
# curl 'http://localhost:80/app.txt'
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: pod-with-sidecar
# Create a volume called 'shared-logs' that the
# app and sidecar share.
- name: shared-logs
emptyDir: {}
# In the sidecar pattern, there is a main application
# container and a sidecar container.
# Main application container
- name: app-container
# Simple application: write the current date
# to the log file every five seconds
image: alpine # alpine is a simple Linux OS image
command: ["/bin/sh"]
args: ["-c", "while true; do date >> /var/log/app.txt; sleep 5;done"]
# Mount the pod's shared log file into the app
# container. The app writes logs here.
- name: shared-logs
mountPath: /var/log
# Sidecar container
- name: sidecar-container
# Simple sidecar: display log files using nginx.
# In reality, this sidecar would be a custom image
# that uploads logs to a third-party or storage service.
image: nginx:1.7.9
- containerPort: 80
# Mount the pod's shared log file into the sidecar
# container. In this case, nginx will serve the files
# in this directory.
- name: shared-logs
mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html # nginx-specific mount path
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Now i am trying to use Pod user Manage Identity instead of service principle, Now I am able to update pod identity on my cluster and but now while trying to create ResoureGroup I am getting following error

      message: "DefaultAzureCredential: failed to acquire a token.\nAttempted credentials:\n\tEnvironmentCredential:
        incomplete environment variable configuration. Only AZURE_TENANT_ID and AZURE_CLIENT_ID
        are set\n\tWorkloadIdentityCredential: no token file specified. Check pod
        configuration or set TokenFilePath in the options\n\tManagedIdentityCredential:
        managed identity timed out\n\tAzureCLICredential: fork/exec /bin/sh: no such
        file or directory"
      observedGeneration: 1
      reason: UnknownError 

Below are the steps I have performed it on our Private AKS cluster


az aks update \
    --resource-group dev \
    --name dev-cluster  \
    --enable-managed-identity \
    --assign-identity /subscriptions/aaaaaaaaaa/resourceGroups/dev/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/dev-azureoperator

az aks update --enable-pod-identity --name dev-magenta-mlops-cluster --resource-group dev-magenta --enable-pod-identity-with-kubenet

export POD_IDENTITY_NAMESPACE=azureserviceoperator-system
export IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID="/subscriptions/aaaaaaaaaa/resourceGroups/dev/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/dev-azureoperator"
export POD_IDENTITY_NAME=az-pod-identity
az aks pod-identity add --resource-group dev --cluster-name dev-cluster --namespace ${POD_IDENTITY_NAMESPACE}  --name ${POD_IDENTITY_NAME} --identity-resource-id ${IDENTITY_RESOURCE_ID}

Step2: I have deployed Azure Operator using v2 helm charts

helm upgrade --install azure-service-operator . \
     --create-namespace \
     --namespace=azureserviceoperator-system \
     --set azureSubscriptionID=aaaaaaa \
     --set azureTenantID=aaaaaa \
     --set azureClientID=<Manager Identiy Clientid> \
     --set crdPattern='*;*;*;*'

Step3: Here I was getting above error
Now I am trying to create Resources on Azure

kind: ResourceGroup
  name: dev-mlflow-rg
  namespace: azureserviceoperator-system
  location: Westeurope

kubectl create resource.yaml

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