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Created December 8, 2014 21:14
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code for keychain
// Locksmith.swift
// Locksmith-Demo
// Created by Matthew Palmer on 26/10/2014.
// Copyright (c) 2014 Colour Coding. All rights reserved.
import UIKit
public let LocksmithErrorDomain = "com.locksmith.error"
class Locksmith: NSObject {
// MARK: Perform request
class func performRequest(request: LocksmithRequest) -> (NSDictionary?, NSError?) {
let type = request.type
var result: Unmanaged<AnyObject>? = nil
var status: OSStatus?
NSLog("lxcksmith: result: \(result) type: \(type) status: \(status)")
var parsedRequest: NSMutableDictionary = parseRequest(request)
NSLog("lxcksmith: parsedRequest: \(parsedRequest)")
var requestReference = parsedRequest as CFDictionaryRef
NSLog("lxcksmith: requestReference: \(requestReference)")
switch type {
case .Create:
status = SecItemAdd(requestReference, &result)
case .Read:
status = SecItemCopyMatching(requestReference, &result)
case .Delete:
status = SecItemDelete(requestReference)
case .Update:
status = Locksmith.performUpdate(requestReference, result: &result)
status = nil
if let status = status {
NSLog("lxcksmith: status is \(status)")
var statusCode = Int(status)
NSLog("lxcksmith: status code: \(statusCode)")
let error = Locksmith.keychainError(forCode: statusCode)
NSLog("lxcksmith: error: \(error)")
var resultsDictionary: NSDictionary?
NSLog("lxcksmith: result2: \(result) type2: \(type) status2: \(status)")
if result != nil {
NSLog("lxcksmith: resultopt: \(result!)")
if type == .Read && status == errSecSuccess {
if let data = result?.takeUnretainedValue() as? NSData {
NSLog("dlxcksmith data: \(data)")
// Convert the retrieved data to a dictionary
resultsDictionary = NSKeyedUnarchiver.unarchiveObjectWithData(data) as? NSDictionary
NSLog("lxcksmith results: \(resultsDictionary)")
} else {
NSLog("lxck: data not data")
} else {
NSLog("lxck: type off")
} else {
NSLog("lxcksmith: resultopt2:n willl")
return (resultsDictionary, error)
} else {
NSLog("lxcksmith: resultopt: nwil")
let code = LocksmithErrorCode.TypeNotFound.rawValue
let message = internalErrorMessage(forCode: code)
return (nil, NSError(domain: LocksmithErrorDomain, code: code, userInfo: ["message": message]))
private class func performUpdate(request: CFDictionaryRef, result: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<AnyObject>?>) -> OSStatus {
// We perform updates to the keychain by first deleting the matching object, then writing to it with the new value.
// Even if the delete request failed (e.g. if the item didn't exist before), still try to save the new item.
// If we get an error saving, we'll tell the user about it.
var status: OSStatus = SecItemAdd(request, result)
return status
// MARK: Error Lookup
enum ErrorMessage: String {
case Allocate = "Failed to allocate memory."
case AuthFailed = "Authorization/Authentication failed."
case Decode = "Unable to decode the provided data."
case Duplicate = "The item already exists."
case InteractionNotAllowed = "Interaction with the Security Server is not allowed."
case NoError = "No error."
case NotAvailable = "No trust results are available."
case NotFound = "The item cannot be found."
case Param = "One or more parameters passed to the function were not valid."
case Unimplemented = "Function or operation not implemented."
enum LocksmithErrorCode: Int {
case RequestNotSet = 1
case TypeNotFound = 2
enum LocksmithErrorMessage: String {
case RequestNotSet = "keychainRequest was not set."
case TypeNotFound = "The type of request given was undefined."
class func keychainError(forCode statusCode: Int) -> NSError? {
var error: NSError?
if statusCode != Int(errSecSuccess) {
let message = errorMessage(statusCode)
println("Keychain request failed. Code: \(statusCode). Message: \(message)")
error = NSError(domain: LocksmithErrorDomain, code: statusCode, userInfo: ["message": message])
return error
// MARK: Private methods
private class func internalErrorMessage(forCode statusCode: Int) -> NSString {
switch statusCode {
case LocksmithErrorCode.RequestNotSet.rawValue:
return LocksmithErrorMessage.RequestNotSet.rawValue
return "Error message for code \(statusCode) not set"
private class func parseRequest(request: LocksmithRequest) -> NSMutableDictionary {
var parsedRequest = NSMutableDictionary()
parsedRequest.setOptional(request.userAccount, forKey: String(kSecAttrAccount))
parsedRequest.setOptional(, forKey: String(kSecAttrAccessGroup))
parsedRequest.setOptional(request.service, forKey: String(kSecAttrService))
// parsedRequest.setOptional(Locksmith.securityCode(request.securityClass), forKey: String(kSecClass))
parsedRequest.setOptional(kSecClassGenericPassword, forKey: String(kSecClass))
switch request.type {
case .Create:
parsedRequest = parseCreateRequest(request, inDictionary: parsedRequest)
case .Delete:
parsedRequest = parseDeleteRequest(request, inDictionary: parsedRequest)
case .Update:
parsedRequest = parseCreateRequest(request, inDictionary: parsedRequest)
default: // case .Read:
parsedRequest = parseReadRequest(request, inDictionary: parsedRequest)
return parsedRequest
private class func parseCreateRequest(request: LocksmithRequest, inDictionary dictionary: NSMutableDictionary) -> NSMutableDictionary {
if let data = {
let encodedData = NSKeyedArchiver.archivedDataWithRootObject(data)
dictionary.setObject(encodedData, forKey: String(kSecValueData))
return dictionary
private class func parseReadRequest(request: LocksmithRequest, inDictionary dictionary: NSMutableDictionary) -> NSMutableDictionary {
dictionary.setOptional(kCFBooleanTrue, forKey: String(kSecReturnData))
switch request.matchLimit {
case .One:
dictionary.setObject(kSecMatchLimitOne, forKey: String(kSecMatchLimit))
case .Many:
dictionary.setObject(kSecMatchLimitAll, forKey: String(kSecMatchLimit))
return dictionary
private class func parseDeleteRequest(request: LocksmithRequest, inDictionary dictionary: NSMutableDictionary) -> NSMutableDictionary {
return dictionary
private class func errorMessage(code: Int) -> NSString {
switch code {
case Int(errSecAllocate):
return ErrorMessage.Allocate.rawValue
case Int(errSecAuthFailed):
return ErrorMessage.AuthFailed.rawValue
case Int(errSecDecode):
return ErrorMessage.Decode.rawValue
case Int(errSecDuplicateItem):
return ErrorMessage.Duplicate.rawValue
case Int(errSecInteractionNotAllowed):
return ErrorMessage.InteractionNotAllowed.rawValue
case Int(errSecItemNotFound):
return ErrorMessage.NotFound.rawValue
case Int(errSecNotAvailable):
return ErrorMessage.NotAvailable.rawValue
case Int(errSecParam):
return ErrorMessage.Param.rawValue
case Int(errSecSuccess):
return ErrorMessage.NoError.rawValue
case Int(errSecUnimplemented):
return ErrorMessage.Unimplemented.rawValue
return "Undocumented error with code \(code)."
private class func securityCode(securityClass: SecurityClass) -> CFStringRef {
switch securityClass {
case .GenericPassword:
return kSecClassGenericPassword
return kSecClassGenericPassword
// MARK: Convenient Class Methods
extension Locksmith {
class func saveData(data: Dictionary<String, String>, forKey key: String, inService service: String, forUserAccount userAccount: String) -> NSError? {
let saveRequest = LocksmithRequest(service: service, userAccount: userAccount, key: key, requestType: .Create, data: data)
let (dictionary, error) = Locksmith.performRequest(saveRequest)
return error
class func loadData(forKey key: String, inService service: String, forUserAccount userAccount: String) -> (NSDictionary?, NSError?) {
let readRequest = LocksmithRequest(service: service, userAccount: userAccount, key: key)
return Locksmith.performRequest(readRequest)
class func deleteData(forKey key: String, inService service: String, forUserAccount userAccount: String) -> NSError? {
let deleteRequest = LocksmithRequest(service: service, userAccount: userAccount, key: key, requestType: .Delete)
let (dictionary, error) = Locksmith.performRequest(deleteRequest)
return error
class func updateData(data: Dictionary<String, String>, forKey key: String, inService service: String, forUserAccount userAccount: String) -> NSError? {
let updateRequest = LocksmithRequest(service: service, userAccount: userAccount, key: key, requestType: .Update, data: data)
let (dictionary, error) = Locksmith.performRequest(updateRequest)
return error
// MARK: Dictionary Extensions
extension NSMutableDictionary {
func setOptional(optional: AnyObject?, forKey key: NSCopying) {
if let object: AnyObject = optional {
self.setObject(object, forKey: key)
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