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Created February 16, 2024 09:21
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Simulate individual keystrokes from the clipboard's contents using AppleScript. Comprehensively iterate through all characters, handling numbers & special characters (e.g., `.`), with pauses to mimic human typing. Ideal for environments where direct paste is otherwise unavailable.
on run {input, parameters}
-- Setup: Delay before initiating the sequence of key presses.
tell application "System Events"
delay 1 -- Delay (in seconds) allows for any preparations before the script runs.
-- Iterates over each character in the clipboard's content.
repeat with char in (the clipboard)
set cID to id of char -- Retrieves the ASCII value of the character for conditional handling.
-- Checks if the character is a number (0-9) and maps it to the corresponding key code.
if cID ≥ 48 and cID ≤ 57 then
key code {item (cID - 47) of {29, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 22, 26, 28, 25}}
-- Special character handling using their ASCII values for accurate key code mapping.
else if cID = 46 then -- For period (.), press key code 47.
key code 47
else if cID = 96 then -- For grave accent (`), press key code 50.
key code 50
else if cID = 126 then -- For tilde (~), press key code 50 with shift modifier.
key code 50 using {shift down}
else if cID = 124 then -- For pipe (|), press key code 42 with shift modifier.
key code 42 using {shift down}
-- Directly types the character for any other non-special characters.
keystroke char
end if
delay 0.05 -- Introduces a brief pause between each keystroke to simulate natural typing speed.
end repeat
end tell
end run
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