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Created September 30, 2023 14:58
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Reduced Motion (Webflow-Specific JS)
// Cancel Webflow animations for users who prefer reduced motion
if (window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion)").matches) {
const cancelAnimationsInterval = setInterval(function() {
if (typeof Webflow == "undefined" || typeof Webflow.require == "undefined") {
// Get the interactions data from Webflow's state
const interactionsData = Webflow.require('ix2').store.getState().ixData;
// Filter out all non-click events from the interactions = Object.fromEntries(
Object.entries( => {
return /^MOUSE_.*CLICK$/.test(eventEntry[1].eventTypeId);
// Put the data in the format that Webflow expects it = {
mediaQueries: interactionsData.mediaQueries
// Stop Webflow's handling of animations
// Reset the inline styles for every element that has already been initialized
const animatedElementsSelector = "[style*='will-change'], [style*='opacity: 0']";
for (const animatedEl of document.querySelectorAll(animatedElementsSelector)) { = "";
// Re-initialize Webflow interactions for click-related events only
}, 10);
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MINIFIED & COMPRESSED (reducedMotion.min.js)

if(window.matchMedia("(prefers-reduced-motion)").matches){const a=setInterval(function(){if("undefined"!=typeof Webflow&&"undefined"!=typeof Webflow.require){clearInterval(a);const b=Webflow.require("ix2").store.getState().ixData;>/^MOUSE_.*CLICK$/.test(a[1].eventTypeId))),{mediaQueries:b.mediaQueries},Webflow.require("ix2").destroy();for(const a of document.querySelectorAll("[style*='will-change'], [style*='opacity: 0']"))"";Webflow.require("ix2").init(b)}},10)}

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