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Intercepts the "soft" back button events from the iOS TopViewController and forwards them to the Page.OnBackButtonPressed for handling.
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UIKit;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;
[assembly: ExportRenderer(typeof(NavigationPage), typeof(MyApp.iOS.Renderers.InterceptBackButtonNavigationPageRenderer))]
namespace MyApp.iOS.Renderers
/// <summary>
/// This custom renderer overrides Xamarin.Forms implementation of the soft back navigation button and use the <see cref="Page.OnBackButtonPressed"/> result to decide if it should pop.
/// <para/>
/// Xamarin.Forms seals the navigation handling and does not provide a mechanism to override it. This class wires into the places where the toolbar icon is updated by Forms and replaces it with a custom back button with our own navigation handling.
/// <para/>
/// See:
/// *
/// </summary>
public class InterceptBackButtonNavigationPageRenderer : NavigationRenderer
private readonly FieldInfo _flyoutPageFieldInfo;
FlyoutPage FlyoutPage => _flyoutPageFieldInfo.GetValue(this) as FlyoutPage;
public InterceptBackButtonNavigationPageRenderer()
_flyoutPageFieldInfo = typeof(NavigationRenderer).GetField("_parentFlyoutPage", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
enum NavigationEvent
private async void LeftNavigationItem_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
if (Element is null)
if (Element is INavigationPageController controller)
if (controller.StackDepth <= 1)
if (FlyoutPage != null)
FlyoutPage.IsPresented = !FlyoutPage.IsPresented;
var lastPage = controller.Pages?.LastOrDefault();
if (lastPage != null
&& lastPage.SendBackButtonPressed() == false)
await controller.PopAsyncInner(true);
private bool TryGetTopViewController(out UIViewController topViewController)
topViewController = null;
if (TopViewController is null || TopViewController.Handle == IntPtr.Zero)
return false;
topViewController = TopViewController;
return true;
catch (ObjectDisposedException)
Debug.WriteLine("Unable to retrieve the top-most view controller as it has been disposed. This is temporary and occurs while the App.MainPage is being changed. Subsequent calls should always succeed.");
return false;
private void BindNavigationIcon(NavigationEvent navigationEvent, Page page)
if (!TryGetTopViewController(out var topViewController))
topViewController.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = null;
if (Element is NavigationPage navigationPage)
var currentPagesCount = navigationPage.Pages.Count();
switch (navigationEvent)
case NavigationEvent.Push:
case NavigationEvent.Pop:
if (navigationPage.Pages.LastOrDefault() == page)
// Page is outgoing however is still on stack, reduce page count so we cater for it when detecting is we should setup the flyout menu.
case NavigationEvent.PopToRoot:
currentPagesCount = 1;
if (currentPagesCount <= 1)
if (FlyoutPage != null)
private void ApplyBackNavigationButton(UIViewController topViewController)
var backButton = new UIBarButtonItem();
backButton.Clicked += LeftNavigationItem_Clicked;
backButton.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("arrow_back"); // TODO: Provide your own "back navigation" icon here.
topViewController.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = backButton;
private void ApplyFlyoutMenuButton(UIViewController topViewController)
var flyoutButton = new UIBarButtonItem();
flyoutButton.Clicked += LeftNavigationItem_Clicked;
flyoutButton.Image = UIImage.FromBundle("icon_menu"); // TODO: Provide your own "flyout menu" icon here.
topViewController.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = flyoutButton;
public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
BindNavigationIcon(NavigationEvent.Push, null);
protected override async Task<bool> OnPopViewAsync(Page page, bool animated)
var result = await base.OnPopViewAsync(page, animated);
BindNavigationIcon(NavigationEvent.Pop, page);
return result;
protected override async Task<bool> OnPopToRoot(Page page, bool animated)
var result = await base.OnPopToRoot(page, animated);
BindNavigationIcon(NavigationEvent.PopToRoot, page);
return result;
protected override async Task<bool> OnPushAsync(Page page, bool animated)
var result = await base.OnPushAsync(page, animated);
BindNavigationIcon(NavigationEvent.Push, page);
return result;
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