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Last active October 29, 2015 23:25
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use runtime::Runtime;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::fmt::Result as FMTResult;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::path::Path;
use std::result::Result;
use module::todo::TodoModule;
mod todo;
pub struct ModuleError {
desc: String,
impl ModuleError {
fn mk(desc: &'static str) -> ModuleError {
ModuleError {
desc: desc.to_owned().to_string(),
impl Error for ModuleError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> {
impl Display for ModuleError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FMTResult {
write!(f, "ModuleError: {}", self.description())
pub type ModuleResult = Result<(), ModuleError>;
pub trait Module {
fn new(rt : &Runtime) -> Self;
fn callnames() -> &'static [&'static str];
fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
fn execute(&self, rt : &Runtime) -> ModuleResult;
fn shutdown(&self, rt : &Runtime) -> ModuleResult;
pub mod file {
use regex::Regex;
extern crate core;
use self::core::marker::Sized;
pub struct ParserError {
summary: String,
parsertext: String,
index: i32,
explanation: Option<String>,
impl ParserError {
fn new(sum: &'static str, text: String, idx: i32, expl: &'static str) -> ParserError {
ParserError {
summary: String::from(sum),
parsertext: text,
index: idx,
explanation: Some(String::from(expl)),
fn short(sum: &'static str, text: String, idx: i32) -> ParserError {
ParserError {
summary: String::from(sum),
parsertext: text,
index: idx,
explanation: None
pub enum FileHeaderSpec {
Key { name: String, value_type: Box<FileHeaderSpec> },
Array { allowed_types: Box<Vec<FileHeaderSpec>> },
pub enum FileHeaderData {
Key { name: String, value: Box<FileHeaderData> },
Array { values: Box<Vec<FileHeaderData>> },
pub trait FileHeaderParser : Sized {
fn new(spec: &FileHeaderSpec) -> Self;
fn read(&self, string: Option<String>) -> Result<FileHeaderData, ParserError>;
fn write(&self, data: &FileHeaderData) -> Result<String, ParserError>;
pub trait FileData : core::marker::Sized {
fn get_fulltext(&self) -> String;
fn get_abbrev(&self) -> String;
pub trait FileDataParser<FD> : Sized {
fn new() -> Self;
fn read(&self, string: Option<String>) -> Result<FD, ParserError>;
fn write(&self, data: &FileData) -> Result<String, ParserError>;
type TextTpl = (Option<String>, Option<String>);
pub struct Parser<HP, DP, FD> where
FD: FileData,
HP: FileHeaderParser,
DP: FileDataParser<FD>,
headerp : HP,
datap : DP,
impl<HP, DP, FD> Parser<HP, DP, FD> {
fn new(headerp: HP, datap: DP) -> Parser<HP, DP, FD> {
Parser {
headerp: headerp,
datap: datap,
fn read(&self, s: String) -> Result<(FileHeaderData, FD), ParserError> {
let divided = divide_text(&s);
if divided.is_err() {
return Err(divided.err().unwrap());
let (header, data) = divided.ok().unwrap();
let h_parseres =;
let d_parseres =;
if h_parseres.is_err() {
return Err(h_parseres.err().unwrap());
if d_parseres.is_err() {
return Err(d_parseres.err().unwrap());
Ok(h_parseres.ok().unwrap(), d_parseres.ok().unwrap())
fn divide_text(text: &String) -> Result<TextTpl, ParserError> {
let re = Regex::new(r"(?m)^\-\-\-$\n(.*)^\-\-\-$\n(.*)").unwrap();
let captures = re.captures(&text[..]).unwrap_or(
return Err(ParserError::new("Cannot run regex on text",
text.clone(), 0,
"Cannot run regex on text to divide it into header and content."))
if captures.len() != 2 {
return Err(ParserError::new("Unexpected Regex output",
text.clone(), 0,
"The regex to divide text into header and content had an unexpected output."))
let header =|s| String::from(s));
let content =|s| String::from(s));
Ok((header, content))
use runtime::Runtime;
use std::error::Error;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::fmt::Result as FMTResult;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::path::Path;
use std::result::Result;
use module::todo::TodoModule;
mod todo;
pub struct ModuleError {
desc: String,
impl ModuleError {
fn mk(desc: &'static str) -> ModuleError {
ModuleError {
desc: desc.to_owned().to_string(),
impl Error for ModuleError {
fn description(&self) -> &str {
fn cause(&self) -> Option<&Error> {
impl Display for ModuleError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> FMTResult {
write!(f, "ModuleError: {}", self.description())
pub type ModuleResult = Result<(), ModuleError>;
pub trait Module {
fn new(rt : &Runtime) -> Self;
fn callnames() -> &'static [&'static str];
fn name(&self) -> &'static str;
fn execute(&self, rt : &Runtime) -> ModuleResult;
fn shutdown(&self, rt : &Runtime) -> ModuleResult;
pub mod file {
use regex::Regex;
extern crate core;
use self::core::marker::Sized;
pub struct ParserError {
summary: String,
parsertext: String,
index: i32,
explanation: Option<String>,
impl ParserError {
fn new(sum: &'static str, text: String, idx: i32, expl: &'static str) -> ParserError {
ParserError {
summary: String::from(sum),
parsertext: text,
index: idx,
explanation: Some(String::from(expl)),
fn short(sum: &'static str, text: String, idx: i32) -> ParserError {
ParserError {
summary: String::from(sum),
parsertext: text,
index: idx,
explanation: None
pub enum FileHeaderSpec {
Key { name: String, value_type: Box<FileHeaderSpec> },
Array { allowed_types: Box<Vec<FileHeaderSpec>> },
pub enum FileHeaderData {
Key { name: String, value: Box<FileHeaderData> },
Array { values: Box<Vec<FileHeaderData>> },
pub trait FileHeaderParser : Sized {
fn new(spec: &FileHeaderSpec) -> Self;
fn read(&self, string: Option<String>) -> Result<FileHeaderData, ParserError>;
fn write(&self, data: &FileHeaderData) -> Result<String, ParserError>;
pub trait FileData : core::marker::Sized {
fn get_fulltext(&self) -> String;
fn get_abbrev(&self) -> String;
pub trait FileDataParser : Sized {
fn new() -> FileDataParser;
fn read<T>(&self, string: Option<String>) -> Result<T, ParserError>
where T: FileData;
fn write(&self, data: &FileData) -> Result<String, ParserError>;
type TextTpl = (Option<String>, Option<String>);
pub struct Parser {
headerp : FileHeaderParser,
datap : FileDataParser,
impl Parser {
fn new(headerp: FileHeaderParser, datap: FileDataParser) -> Parser {
Parser {
headerp: headerp,
datap: datap,
fn read<FHP: FileHeaderParser>(&self, s: String) -> Result<(FHP, FileData), ParserError> {
let divided = divide_text(s);
if divided.is_err() {
return Err(divided.err().unwrap());
let (header, data) = divided.ok().unwrap();
let h_parseres =;
let d_parseres =;
if h_parseres.is_err() {
return Err(h_parseres.err().unwrap());
if d_parseres.is_err() {
return Err(d_parseres.err().unwrap());
Ok(h_parseres.ok().unwrap(), d_parseres.ok().unwrap())
fn divide_text(text: &String) -> Result<TextTpl, ParserError> {
let re = Regex::new(r"(?m)^\-\-\-$\n(.*)^\-\-\-$\n(.*)").unwrap();
let captures = re.captures(&text[..]).unwrap_or(
return Err(ParserError::new("Cannot run regex on text",
text.clone(), 0,
"Cannot run regex on text to divide it into header and content."))
if captures.len() != 2 {
return Err(ParserError::new("Unexpected Regex output",
text.clone(), 0,
"The regex to divide text into header and content had an unexpected output."))
let header =|s| String::from(s));
let content =|s| String::from(s));
Ok((header, content))
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