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Created January 18, 2024 03:10
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OlaVM clippy complaints
~/m/p/o/olavm (main)$ git rev-parse HEAD && cargo clippy
warning: virtual workspace defaulting to `resolver = "1"` despite one or more workspace members being on edition 2021 which implies `resolver = "2"`
note: to keep the current resolver, specify `workspace.resolver = "1"` in the workspace root's manifest
note: to use the edition 2021 resolver, specify `workspace.resolver = "2"` in the workspace root's manifest
note: for more details see
warning: suspicious use of `*` in `Div` impl
--> plonky2/field/src/arch/x86_64/
86 | self * rhs.inverse()
| ^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::suspicious_arithmetic_impl)]` on by default
warning: suspicious use of `*` in `DivAssign` impl
--> plonky2/field/src/arch/x86_64/
92 | *self *= rhs.inverse();
| ^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::suspicious_op_assign_impl)]` on by default
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> plonky2/field/src/arch/x86_64/
329 | let res_s = _mm256_add_epi64(res_wrapped_s, wrapback_amt);
| ---------------------------------------------------------- unnecessary `let` binding
330 | res_s
| ^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::let_and_return)]` on by default
help: return the expression directly
329 ~
330 ~ _mm256_add_epi64(res_wrapped_s, wrapback_amt)
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> plonky2/field/src/arch/x86_64/
348 | let res = _mm256_sub_epi64(res_wrapped, wrapback_amt);
| ------------------------------------------------------ unnecessary `let` binding
349 | res
| ^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: return the expression directly
348 ~
349 ~ _mm256_sub_epi64(res_wrapped, wrapback_amt)
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> plonky2/field/src/arch/x86_64/
443 | let res_s = _mm256_add_epi64(res_wrapped_s, wrapback_amt);
| ---------------------------------------------------------- unnecessary `let` binding
444 | res_s
| ^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: return the expression directly
443 ~
444 ~ _mm256_add_epi64(res_wrapped_s, wrapback_amt)
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> plonky2/field/src/arch/x86_64/
464 | let res_s = _mm256_sub_epi64(res_wrapped_s, wrapback_amt);
| ---------------------------------------------------------- unnecessary `let` binding
465 | res_s
| ^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: return the expression directly
464 ~
465 ~ _mm256_sub_epi64(res_wrapped_s, wrapback_amt)
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> plonky2/field/src/arch/x86_64/
476 | let lo2 = shift(lo2_s);
| ----------------------- unnecessary `let` binding
477 | lo2
| ^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: return the expression directly
476 ~
477 ~ shift(lo2_s)
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `u64`
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
32 | let offset = g.exp_u64(idx.into()) * domain_offset;
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into()`: `idx`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::useless_conversion)]` on by default
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `u64`
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
66 | let mut offset = domain_offset.exp_u64(((i * batch_size) as u64).into()) * inv_len;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into()`: `((i * batch_size) as u64)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
68 | *coeff = *coeff * offset;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `*coeff *= offset`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::assign_op_pattern)]` on by default
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
69 | offset = offset * domain_offset;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `offset *= domain_offset`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `u64`
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
102 | debug_assert_eq!(g.exp_u64((n as u64).into()), F::ONE);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into()`: `(n as u64)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
116 | .for_each(|row| super::serial::fft_in_place(row, &twiddles, stretch, stretch, 0));
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `twiddles`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]` on by default
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `u64`
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
128 | let inner_twiddle = g.exp_u64((i as u64).into());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into()`: `(i as u64)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
131 | *element = (*element) * outer_twiddle;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `*element *= outer_twiddle`
= help: for further information visit
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
132 | outer_twiddle = outer_twiddle * inner_twiddle;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `outer_twiddle *= inner_twiddle`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
135 | super::serial::fft_in_place(row, &twiddles, 1, 1, 0)
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `twiddles`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `u64`
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
193 | let mut factor = offset.exp_u64(((i * batch_size) as u64).into());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into()`: `((i * batch_size) as u64)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
196 | factor = factor * offset;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `factor *= offset`
= help: for further information visit
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
149 | values[j] = values[j] * twiddle;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `values[j] *= twiddle`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unsafe function's docs miss `# Safety` section
--> plonky2/field/src/cfft/
226 | pub unsafe fn uninit_vector<T>(length: usize) -> Vec<T> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::missing_safety_doc)]` on by default
warning: the function `evaluate_poly_with_offset` doesn't need a mutable reference
--> plonky2/field/src/polynomial/
95 | let v = evaluate_poly_with_offset(&mut v, &twiddles, F::coset_shift(), blowup_factor);
| ^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_mut_passed)]` on by default
warning: called `unwrap` on `twiddles` after checking its variant with `is_some`
--> plonky2/field/src/polynomial/
293 | if twiddles.is_some() {
| --------------------- help: try: `if let Some(..) = twiddles`
294 | self.coset_fft_with_options(shift, twiddles.unwrap(), 1)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_unwrap)]` on by default
warning: the function `evaluate_poly_with_offset` doesn't need a mutable reference
--> plonky2/field/src/polynomial/
309 | let v = evaluate_poly_with_offset(&mut v, twiddles, shift, blowup_factor);
| ^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: `plonky2_field` (lib) generated 24 warnings (run `cargo clippy --fix --lib -p plonky2_field` to apply 18 suggestions)
warning: unused imports: `LookupTableGate`, `LookupTable`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/gadgets/
4 | BitwiseLookupTable, BitwiseLookupTableGate, LookupTable, LookupTableGate,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
warning: unused import: `ROUNDS`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/gates/
10 | use crate::hash::poseidon2::{Poseidon2, ROUNDS, ROUND_F_BEGIN, ROUND_F_END, ROUND_P, WIDTH};
| ^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `std::time::Instant`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/gates/
1 | use std::time::Instant;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `Extendable`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
14 | use plonky2_field::extension::{Extendable, FieldExtension};
| ^^^^^^^^^^
warning: operator precedence can trip the unwary
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
212 | slice::from_raw_parts(input.as_ptr() as *const u8, input.len() * F::BITS >> 3)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider parenthesizing your expression: `(input.len() * F::BITS) >> 3`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::precedence)]` on by default
warning: unused import: `std::borrow::BorrowMut`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
1 | use std::borrow::BorrowMut;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `zip_eq`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/iop/
3 | use itertools::{zip_eq, Itertools};
| ^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `alloc::sync::Arc`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
1 | use alloc::sync::Arc;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `LookupGate`, `Lookup`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
24 | use crate::gates::lookup::{BitwiseLookup, BitwiseLookupGate, Lookup, LookupGate};
| ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `LookupTable`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
25 | use crate::gates::lookup_table::{BitwiseLookupTable, LookupTable};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `Lookup`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
18 | use crate::gates::lookup::{BitwiseLookup, Lookup};
| ^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `LookupGate`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
18 | use crate::gates::lookup::{BitwiseLookupGate, LookupGate};
| ^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `LookupTableGate`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
19 | use crate::gates::lookup_table::{BitwiseLookupTableGate, LookupTableGate};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `LookupGate`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
14 | use crate::gates::lookup::{BitwiseLookupGate, LookupGate};
| ^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `LookupTableGate`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
15 | use crate::gates::lookup_table::{BitwiseLookupTableGate, LookupTableGate};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `Field`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
15 | use plonky2_field::types::{Field, PrimeField64};
| ^^^^^
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/fri/
248 | pub(crate) fn decompress<C: GenericConfig<D, F = F, Hasher = H>>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::extra_unused_type_parameters)]` on by default
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/fri/
28 | fn compute_evaluation<C: GenericConfig<D, F = F>>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/fri/
73 | fn check_recursion_config<C: GenericConfig<D, F = F>>(&self, max_fri_arity_bits: usize) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
warning: type parameter `H` goes unused in function definition
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/fri/
107 | fn fri_verify_proof_of_work<H: AlgebraicHasher<F>>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/fri/
223 | fn fri_combine_initial<C: GenericConfig<D, F = F>>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
warning: this operation has no effect
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/gates/
108 | 3 * i + 0
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: consider reducing it to: `3 * i`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::identity_op)]` on by default
warning: a `Vec` of `Range` that is only one element
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/gates/
134 | groups: vec![0..num_gates],
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::single_range_in_vec_init)]` on by default
help: if you wanted a `Vec` that contains the entire range, try
134 | groups: (0..num_gates).collect::<std::vec::Vec<usize>>(),
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: this operation has no effect
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
90 | block_words[1] = u32::from_le_bytes(*array_ref!(block, 1 * 4, 4));
| ^^^^^ help: consider reducing it to: `4`
= help: for further information visit
warning: casting raw pointers to the same type and constness is unnecessary (`*const u8` -> `*const u8`)
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
222 | let left = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(left.0.as_ptr() as *const u8, 32) };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `left.0.as_ptr()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_cast)]` on by default
warning: casting raw pointers to the same type and constness is unnecessary (`*const u8` -> `*const u8`)
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
224 | let right = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(right.0.as_ptr() as *const u8, 32) };
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `right.0.as_ptr()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/merkle_tree/
195 | for (j, value) in (0..leaves[0].len()).into_iter().zip(row_buf.iter_mut()) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `(0..leaves[0].len())`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::useless_conversion)]` on by default
warning: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/merkle_tree/
219 | / for i in 0..len_cap {
220 | | cap[i] = row_hashes[i];
221 | | }
| |_____________^ help: try replacing the loop by: `cap[..len_cap].copy_from_slice(&row_hashes[..len_cap]);`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::manual_memcpy)]` on by default
warning: it looks like you're manually copying between slices
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/merkle_tree/
223 | / for i in 0..len_cap {
224 | | cap[i] = nodes[i + len_cap];
225 | | }
| |_____________^ help: try replacing the loop by: `cap[..len_cap].copy_from_slice(&nodes[len_cap..(len_cap + len_cap)]);`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/merkle_tree/
286 | let siblings = (0..num_layers)
| ________________________^
287 | | .into_iter()
| |________________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `(0..num_layers)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
281 | input[i] = input[i] * (F::from_canonical_u64(mat_internal_diag_m_1[i] - 1));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `input[i] *= (F::from_canonical_u64(mat_internal_diag_m_1[i] - 1))`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::assign_op_pattern)]` on by default
warning: this operation has no effect
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
411 | builder.mul_const_add_extension(Self::ONE, input[i * 4 + 0], input[i * 4 + 1]);
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: consider reducing it to: `i * 4`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this operation has no effect
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
424 | input[i * 4 + 0] = t_6;
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: consider reducing it to: `i * 4`
= help: for further information visit
warning: casting integer literal to `u8` is unnecessary
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
32 | let mut bytes = vec![0 as u8; padding_count];
| ^^^^^^^ help: try: `0_u8`
= help: for further information visit
warning: writing `&Vec` instead of `&[_]` involves a new object where a slice will do
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
46 | input: &Vec<F>,
| ^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&[F]`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::ptr_arg)]` on by default
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/hash/
90 | *field = *field + F::from_canonical_u64(offset);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `*field += F::from_canonical_u64(offset)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
55 | let pt = builder.add_virtual_proof_with_pis(&inner_cd);
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `inner_cd`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]` on by default
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> plonky2/plonky2/src/plonk/
68 | builder.verify_proof(pt, &inner_data, &inner_cd);
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `inner_cd`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `plonky2` (lib) generated 38 warnings (run `cargo clippy --fix --lib -p plonky2` to apply 31 suggestions)
warning: unused import: `PoseidonRow`
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
5 | use crate::trace::trace::{HashTrace, PoseidonRow};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
warning: unused import: `crate::trace::trace::PoseidonRow`
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
8 | use crate::trace::trace::PoseidonRow;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `TreeValue`
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
12 | LevelIndex, NodeEntry, TreeKey, TreeMetadata, TreeOperation, TreeValue, ZkHash,
| ^^^^^^^^^
warning: this `else { if .. }` block can be collapsed
--> core/src/program/
285 | } else {
| ____________________^
286 | | if matched_op1_reg.is_some() {
287 | | Some(OlaOperand::RegisterOperand {
288 | | register: matched_op1_reg.unwrap(),
... |
296 | | }
297 | | }
| |_____________^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::collapsible_else_if)]` on by default
help: collapse nested if block
285 ~ } else if matched_op1_reg.is_some() {
286 + Some(OlaOperand::RegisterOperand {
287 + register: matched_op1_reg.unwrap(),
288 + })
289 + } else if opcode == OlaOpcode::MOV {
290 + Some(OlaOperand::SpecialReg {
291 + special_reg: OlaSpecialRegister::PSP,
292 + })
293 + } else {
294 + None
295 + }
warning: unused import: `u8_arr_to_tree_key`
--> core/src/state/
3 | use crate::types::merkle_tree::{tree_key_to_u8_arr, u8_arr_to_tree_key, TreeValue};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: variable does not need to be mutable
--> core/src/state/
67 | let mut res = self.db.get_cf(cf, code_hash);
| ----^^^
| |
| help: remove this `mut`
= note: `#[warn(unused_mut)]` on by default
warning: associated function `all` is never used
--> core/src/storage/
60 | impl StateKeeperColumnFamily {
| ---------------------------- associated function in this implementation
61 | fn all() -> &'static [Self] {
| ^^^
= note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default
warning: writing `&Vec` instead of `&[_]` involves a new object where a slice will do
--> core/src/crypto/
7 | fn hash_bytes(&self, value: &Vec<GoldilocksField>) -> Hash;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&[GoldilocksField]`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::ptr_arg)]` on by default
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/crypto/
19 | hash_n_to_hash_no_pad::<GoldilocksField, PoseidonPermutation>(&value).elements
| ^^^^^^ help: change this to: `value`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]` on by default
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/crypto/
181 | / return (
182 | | state[0..4].try_into().expect("slice with incorrect length"),
183 | | rows,
184 | | );
| |_____^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_return)]` on by default
help: remove `return`
181 ~ (
182 + state[0..4].try_into().expect("slice with incorrect length"),
183 + rows,
184 ~ )
warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
113 | ) -> Result<(TreePatch, Arc<Mutex<Vec<(usize, HashTrace)>>>), TreeError>
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::type_complexity)]` on by default
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
128 | ... .map(|e| e.changes.last().unwrap().1.hash().clone())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*e.changes.last().unwrap().1.hash()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::clone_on_copy)]` on by default
warning: using `clone` on type `U256` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
130 | (key.clone(), changes)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*key`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
182 | ... .map(|(key, node)| (key, node.hash().clone()))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*node.hash()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this `.into_iter()` call is equivalent to `.iter_mut()` and will not consume the `Vec`
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
196 | ... .into_iter()
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: call directly: `iter_mut`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::into_iter_on_ref)]` on by default
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
204 | / ... mutex_data!(cur_path_map)
205 | | ... .get_mut(&cur_key)
206 | | ... .unwrap()
207 | | ... .get(update_index)
... |
211 | | ... .unwrap()
212 | | ... .clone()
| |__________________________________^
= help: for further information visit
help: try dereferencing it
204 ~ *mutex_data!(cur_path_map)
205 + .get_mut(&cur_key)
206 + .unwrap()
207 + .get(update_index)
208 + .unwrap()
209 + .uncles
210 + .last()
211 + .unwrap()
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
214 | ... cur_change.get(update_index - 1).unwrap().clone()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*cur_change.get(update_index - 1).unwrap()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
235 | ... current_hash.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `current_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
236 | ... nei_hash.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `nei_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: use of `flat_map` with an identity function
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
266 | ... .flat_map(|e| e)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `flatten()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::flat_map_identity)]` on by default
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
216 | return (None, block_number);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
216 - return (None, block_number);
216 + (None, block_number)
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
226 | / let key = [
227 | | GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(leaf_index),
228 | | GoldilocksField::ZERO,
229 | | GoldilocksField::ZERO,
230 | | GoldilocksField::ZERO,
231 | | ];
| |______- unnecessary `let` binding
232 | key
| ^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::let_and_return)]` on by default
help: return the expression directly
226 ~
227 ~ [
228 + GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(leaf_index),
229 + GoldilocksField::ZERO,
230 + GoldilocksField::ZERO,
231 + GoldilocksField::ZERO,
232 + ]
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
82 | self.root_hash.clone()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `self.root_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: use of `flat_map` with an identity function
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
209 | .flat_map(|e| e)
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `flatten()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
218 | .map(|metadata| metadata.root_hash.clone())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `metadata.root_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
219 | .unwrap_or_else(|| self.root_hash.clone());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `self.root_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
237 | let root_hash = metadata.last().unwrap().root_hash.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `metadata.last().unwrap().root_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: explicit call to `.into_iter()` in function argument accepting `IntoIterator`
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
271 | .zip(op_idxs.clone().into_iter())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the `.into_iter()`: `op_idxs.clone()`
note: this parameter accepts any `IntoIterator`, so you don't need to call `.into_iter()`
--> /home/matthias/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/iter/traits/
642 | U: IntoIterator,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::useless_conversion)]` on by default
warning: explicit call to `.into_iter()` in function argument accepting `IntoIterator`
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
289 | .zip(op_idxs.into_iter())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the `.into_iter()`: `op_idxs`
note: this parameter accepts any `IntoIterator`, so you don't need to call `.into_iter()`
--> /home/matthias/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/iter/traits/
642 | U: IntoIterator,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
330 | TreeOperation::Delete => default_leaf.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `default_leaf`
= help: for further information visit
warning: explicit call to `.into_iter()` in function argument accepting `IntoIterator`
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
361 | .zip(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the `.into_iter()`: ``
note: this parameter accepts any `IntoIterator`, so you don't need to call `.into_iter()`
--> /home/matthias/.rustup/toolchains/nightly-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/core/src/iter/traits/
642 | U: IntoIterator,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
421 | merkle_paths.push(witness_hash.clone());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*witness_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
426 | let root_hash = branches.get(&(0, U256::zero()).into()).unwrap().clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*branches.get(&(0, U256::zero()).into()).unwrap()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
48 | None => NodeEntry::Leaf { hash: hash.clone() },
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
50 | hash: hash.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
51 | left_hash: prev_hash.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*prev_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/merkle_tree/
52 | right_hash: prev_hash.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*prev_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this loop could be written as a `for` loop
--> core/src/program/
34 | while let Some(instruction) = {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `for instruction in iter`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::while_let_on_iterator)]` on by default
warning: called `unwrap` on `imm` after checking its variant with `is_some`
--> core/src/program/
188 | if imm.is_some() {
| ---------------- help: try: `if let Some(..) = imm`
189 | codes.push(imm.unwrap().hex);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_unwrap)]` on by default
warning: called `unwrap` on `matched_op1_reg` after checking its variant with `is_some`
--> core/src/program/
286 | if matched_op1_reg.is_some() {
| ---------------------------- help: try: `if let Some(..) = matched_op1_reg`
287 | Some(OlaOperand::RegisterOperand {
288 | register: matched_op1_reg.unwrap(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless use of `format!`
--> core/src/program/
196 | return Err(format!(
| ________________________^
197 | | "decode binary instruction error, empty binary code."
198 | | ));
| |_____________^ help: consider using `.to_string()`: `"decode binary instruction error, empty binary code.".to_string()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::useless_format)]` on by default
warning: using `clone` on type `bool` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/program/
219 | .find(|(_op, matched)| matched.clone())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*matched`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `OlaOpcode` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/program/
220 | .map(|(op, _matched)| op.clone());
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*op`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `OlaOpcode` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/program/
227 | let opcode = matched_opcode.unwrap().clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `matched_opcode.unwrap()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `bool` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/program/
257 | .find(|(_reg, matched)| matched.clone())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*matched`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `OlaRegister` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/program/
259 | register: reg.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*reg`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `bool` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/program/
275 | .find(|(_reg, matched)| matched.clone())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*matched`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `OlaRegister` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/program/
276 | .map(|(reg, _matched)| reg.clone());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*reg`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless use of `format!`
--> core/src/program/
279 | return Err(format!(""));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using `String::new()`: `String::new()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `bool` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/program/
308 | .find(|(_reg, matched)| matched.clone())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*matched`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `OlaRegister` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> core/src/program/
310 | register: reg.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*reg`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless use of `format!`
--> core/src/program/
382 | format!("{}", self.opcode.token())
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using `.to_string()`: `self.opcode.token().to_string()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless use of `format!`
--> core/src/program/
403 | Some(prophet) => format!("{}", prophet.code),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using `.to_string()`: `prophet.code.to_string()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/program/
17 | return decode_binary_program_to_instructions(program);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
17 - return decode_binary_program_to_instructions(program);
17 + decode_binary_program_to_instructions(program)
warning: useless use of `format!`
--> core/src/program/
13 | return Err(format!("{}", program_res.err().unwrap().to_string()));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using `.to_string()`: `program_res.err().unwrap().to_string()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `to_string` applied to a type that implements `Display` in `format!` args
--> core/src/program/
13 | return Err(format!("{}", program_res.err().unwrap().to_string()));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: remove this
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::to_string_in_format_args)]` on by default
warning: this loop could be written as a `while let` loop
--> core/src/program/
32 | / loop {
33 | | if let Some(line) = {
34 | | if !cached_first_instruction.is_empty() {
35 | | cached_first_instruction.push(line.to_string());
... |
55 | | }
56 | | }
| |_____^ help: try: `while let Some(line) = { .. }`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::while_let_loop)]` on by default
warning: writing `&Vec` instead of `&[_]` involves a new object where a slice will do
--> core/src/state/
33 | code_hashes: &Vec<TreeValue>,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&[TreeValue]`
= help: for further information visit
warning: called `unwrap` on `res` after checking its variant with `is_some`
--> core/src/state/
70 | if res.is_some() {
| ---------------- help: try: `if let Some(..) = res`
71 | return Ok(res.unwrap());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: writing `&Vec` instead of `&[_]` involves a new object where a slice will do
--> core/src/state/
82 | code_hashes: &Vec<TreeValue>,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&[TreeValue]`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
113 | return Ok(u8_arr_to_field_arr(&code.unwrap()));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
113 - return Ok(u8_arr_to_field_arr(&code.unwrap()));
113 + Ok(u8_arr_to_field_arr(&code.unwrap()))
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
115 | return Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
115 - return Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()));
115 + Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()))
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
140 | return Ok(code.unwrap());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
140 - return Ok(code.unwrap());
140 + Ok(code.unwrap())
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
142 | return Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
142 - return Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()));
142 + Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()))
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
180 | return Ok(String::from_utf8(code).unwrap());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
180 - return Ok(String::from_utf8(code).unwrap());
180 + Ok(String::from_utf8(code).unwrap())
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
182 | return Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
182 - return Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()));
182 + Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()))
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
194 | return Ok(String::from_utf8(code).unwrap());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
194 - return Ok(String::from_utf8(code).unwrap());
194 + Ok(String::from_utf8(code).unwrap())
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
196 | return Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
196 - return Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()));
196 + Err(StateError::StorageIoError(res.err().unwrap()))
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
48 | return Ok(code_hashes);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
48 - return Ok(code_hashes);
48 + Ok(code_hashes)
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/state/
44 | code_hashes.push(self.hasher.hash_bytes(&code));
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `code`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/state/
47 | .save_contracts(&code_hashes, &contracts)?;
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `contracts`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
57 | return Ok(code_hash);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
57 - return Ok(code_hash);
57 + Ok(code_hash)
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/state/
55 | let code_hash = self.hasher.hash_bytes(&contract);
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `contract`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/state/
56 | self.state_storage.save_contract(&code_hash, &contract)?;
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `contract`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/state/
65 | self.state_storage.save_program(&code_hash, &contract)?;
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `code_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/state/
65 | self.state_storage.save_program(&code_hash, &contract)?;
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `contract`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
82 | return Ok(());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
82 - return Ok(());
82 + Ok(())
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/state/
91 | return Ok(());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
91 - return Ok(());
91 + Ok(())
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/state/
111 | self.state_storage.save_contract_map(&contract, &code_hash)
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `contract`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/state/
111 | self.state_storage.save_contract_map(&contract, &code_hash)
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `code_hash`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/state/
115 | self.state_storage.get_contract_map(&contract)
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `contract`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> core/src/state/
120 | trace.tape.extend(std::mem::replace(
| ___________________________^
121 | | &mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().tape,
122 | | Vec::new(),
123 | | ));
| |_________^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().tape)`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::mem_replace_with_default)]` on by default
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> core/src/state/
124 | trace.exec.extend(std::mem::replace(
| ___________________________^
125 | | &mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().exec,
126 | | Vec::new(),
127 | | ));
| |_________^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().exec)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> core/src/state/
128 | trace.builtin_storage_hash.extend(std::mem::replace(
| ___________________________________________^
129 | | &mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().builtin_storage_hash,
130 | | Vec::new(),
131 | | ));
| |_________^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().builtin_storage_hash)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> core/src/state/
132 | trace.builtin_program_hash.extend(std::mem::replace(
| ___________________________________________^
133 | | &mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().builtin_program_hash,
134 | | Vec::new(),
135 | | ));
| |_________^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().builtin_program_hash)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> core/src/state/
137 | trace.ret.extend(std::mem::replace(
| __________________________^
138 | | &mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().ret,
139 | | Vec::new(),
140 | | ));
| |_________^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut self.txs_trace.get_mut(&0).unwrap().ret)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: module has the same name as its containing module
--> core/src/trace/
2 | pub mod trace;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::module_inception)]` on by default
warning: this function has too many arguments (18/7)
--> core/src/trace/
427 | / pub fn insert_step(
428 | | &mut self,
429 | | clk: u32,
430 | | pc: u64,
... |
445 | | storage_access_idx: GoldilocksField,
446 | | ) {
| |_____^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::too_many_arguments)]` on by default
warning: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
--> core/src/trace/
469 | / pub fn insert_storage(
470 | | &mut self,
471 | | clk: u32,
472 | | diff_clk: u32,
... |
477 | | env_idx: GoldilocksField,
478 | | ) {
| |_____^
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (10/7)
--> core/src/trace/
490 | / pub fn insert_sccall(
491 | | &mut self,
492 | | caller_env_idx: GoldilocksField,
493 | | addr_storage: Address,
... |
500 | | clk_callee_end: GoldilocksField,
501 | | ) {
| |_____^
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (12/7)
--> core/src/trace/
515 | / pub fn insert_poseidon_chunk(
516 | | &mut self,
517 | | env_idx: GoldilocksField,
518 | | clk: u32,
... |
527 | | is_ext_line: GoldilocksField,
528 | | ) {
| |_____^
= help: for further information visit
warning: you are using an explicit closure for copying elements
--> core/src/types/merkle_tree/
162 ||e| *e).collect::<Vec<_>>().try_into().unwrap(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider calling the dedicated `copied` method: `chunk.copied()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::map_clone)]` on by default
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `([plonky2::plonky2_field::goldilocks_field::GoldilocksField; 4], trace::trace::PoseidonRow)`
--> core/src/types/storage/
49 | Self::raw_hashed_key(self.address(), self.key()).into()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into()`: `Self::raw_hashed_key(self.address(), self.key())`
= help: for further information visit
warning: writing `&Vec` instead of `&[_]` involves a new object where a slice will do
--> core/src/types/storage/
53 | pub fn field_arr_to_u8_arr(value: &Vec<GoldilocksField>) -> Vec<u8> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `&[GoldilocksField]`
= help: for further information visit
warning: you are using an explicit closure for copying elements
--> core/src/types/storage/
73 ||e| *e).collect::<Vec<_>>().try_into().unwrap(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider calling the dedicated `copied` method: `chunk.copied()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: the loop variable `i` is only used to index `state`
--> core/src/util/
303 | for i in 0..POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_range_loop)]` on by default
help: consider using an iterator
303 | for <item> in state.iter_mut().take(POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH) {
| ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `res`
--> core/src/util/
322 | for i in 0..POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
322 | for (i, <item>) in res.iter_mut().enumerate().take(POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> core/src/util/
323 | res[i] = mds_row_shf_field(i, &state);
| ^^^^^^ help: change this to: `state`
= help: for further information visit
warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `state`
--> core/src/util/
329 | for i in 0..12 {
| ^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
329 | for (i, <item>) in state.iter_mut().enumerate().take(12) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: the loop variable `r` is used to index `state`
--> core/src/util/
343 | for r in 1..12 {
| ^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
343 | for (r, <item>) in state.iter().enumerate().take(12).skip(1) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: the loop variable `c` is used to index `result`
--> core/src/util/
345 | for c in 1..12 {
| ^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
345 | for (c, <item>) in result.iter_mut().enumerate().skip(1) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `state`
--> core/src/util/
365 | for i in 1..POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
365 | for (i, <item>) in state.iter().enumerate().take(POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH).skip(1) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: this function has too many arguments (10/7)
--> core/src/vm/
33 | / pub fn read(
34 | | &mut self,
35 | | addr: u64,
36 | | clk: u32,
... |
43 | | env_idx: GoldilocksField,
44 | | ) -> Result<GoldilocksField, ProcessorError> {
| |________________________________________________^
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (11/7)
--> core/src/vm/
70 | / pub fn write(
71 | | &mut self,
72 | | addr: u64,
73 | | clk: u32,
... |
81 | | env_idx: GoldilocksField,
82 | | ) {
| |_____^
= help: for further information visit
warning: called `unwrap` on `special_reg` after checking its variant with `is_ok`
--> core/src/vm/
85 | if special_reg.is_ok() {
| ---------------------- help: try: `if let Ok(..) = special_reg`
86 | return Ok(OlaOperand::SpecialReg {
87 | special_reg: special_reg.unwrap(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/vm/
91 | return Err(format!("invalid operand: {}", s));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
91 - return Err(format!("invalid operand: {}", s));
91 + Err(format!("invalid operand: {}", s))
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> core/src/vm/
136 | return u64::from_str_radix(without_prefix, 16);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
136 - return u64::from_str_radix(without_prefix, 16);
136 + u64::from_str_radix(without_prefix, 16)
warning: this call to `from_str_radix` can be replaced with a call to `str::parse`
--> core/src/vm/
167 | let parsed_result = i128::from_str_radix(s, 10);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `s.parse::<i128>()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::from_str_radix_10)]` on by default
warning: this multiplication by -1 can be written more succinctly
--> core/src/vm/
173 | if value >= signed_order || value * -1 >= signed_order {
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `-value`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::neg_multiply)]` on by default
warning: large size difference between variants
--> core/src/vm/
12 | / pub enum VMState {
13 | | ExeEnd(Option<Step>),
| | -------------------- the largest variant contains at least 536 bytes
14 | | SCCall(SCCallType),
| | ------------------ the second-largest variant contains at least 40 bytes
15 | | }
| |_^ the entire enum is at least 536 bytes
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::large_enum_variant)]` on by default
help: consider boxing the large fields to reduce the total size of the enum
13 | ExeEnd(Box<Option<Step>>),
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: `core` (lib) generated 110 warnings (run `cargo clippy --fix --lib -p core` to apply 84 suggestions)
warning: unused import: `info`
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
21 | use log::{debug, info};
| ^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
warning: this `else { if .. }` block can be collapsed
--> interpreter/src/parser/
122 | } else {
| ____________________^
123 | | if self.get_current_token() == Comma {
124 | | self.consume(&Comma);
125 | | }
126 | | }
| |_____________^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::collapsible_else_if)]` on by default
help: collapse nested if block
122 ~ } else if self.get_current_token() == Comma {
123 + self.consume(&Comma);
124 + }
warning: this `else { if .. }` block can be collapsed
--> interpreter/src/sema/
233 | } else {
| ____________________^
234 | | if let Some(IdentSymbol(_ident, BuiltIn(token), size)) = ident {
235 | | array_id!(name, node, size, IdentNode);
236 | | if size.is_some() {
... |
242 | | }
243 | | }
| |_____________^
= help: for further information visit
help: collapse nested if block
233 ~ } else if let Some(IdentSymbol(_ident, BuiltIn(token), size)) = ident {
234 + array_id!(name, node, size, IdentNode);
235 + if size.is_some() {
236 + return Ok(Single(number_from_token(&token, size.unwrap())));
237 + }
238 + Ok(Single(Number::from(&token)))
239 + } else {
240 + panic!("ident not support symbol type")
241 + }
warning: this `else { if .. }` block can be collapsed
--> interpreter/src/sema/
394 | } else {
| ________________________^
395 | | if let IdentSymbol(name, BuiltIn(_token), size) =
396 | |
397 | | {
398 | | array_id!(name, ident, size, IdentNode);
399 | | }
400 | | }
| |_________________^
= help: for further information visit
help: collapse nested if block
394 ~ } else if let IdentSymbol(name, BuiltIn(_token), size) =
395 +
396 + {
397 + array_id!(name, ident, size, IdentNode);
398 + }
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
95 | / return CallStack {
96 | | records: Vec::new(),
97 | | };
| |_________^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_return)]` on by default
help: remove `return`
95 ~ CallStack {
96 + records: Vec::new(),
97 ~ }
warning: casting to the same type is unnecessary (`u64` -> `u64`)
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
147 | .insert(name.clone(), Some(Number::from((*value) as u64)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `(*value)`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_cast)]` on by default
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
286 | return true;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
286 - return true;
286 + true
warning: this `if let` can be collapsed into the outer `if let`
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
310 | / if let Some(value) = value {
311 | | out_values.extend(value.clone());
312 | | }
| |_________________^
help: the outer pattern can be modified to include the inner pattern
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
306 | } else if let Some(value) = self.call_stack.records[GLOBAL_LEVEL]
| ^^^^^ replace this binding
310 | if let Some(value) = value {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ with this pattern
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::collapsible_match)]` on by default
warning: this `if let` can be collapsed into the outer `if let`
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
323 | / if let Some(value) = value {
324 | | out_values.extend(value.clone());
325 | | }
| |_________________^
help: the outer pattern can be modified to include the inner pattern
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
321 | } else if let Some(value) = self.call_stack.records[GLOBAL_LEVEL].array_idents.get(ctx)
| ^^^^^ replace this binding
322 | {
323 | if let Some(value) = value {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ with this pattern
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
352 | ret =;
| ^^^^^^ help: change this to: `block`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]` on by default
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
363 | let res =;
| ------------------------------------------------ unnecessary `let` binding
364 | res
| ^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::let_and_return)]` on by default
help: return the expression directly
363 ~
364 ~
warning: binary comparison to literal `Option::None`
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
392 | if self.call_stack.records[self.stack_depth]
| ____________________^
393 | | .array_idents
394 | | .get(name)
395 | | != None
| |___________________________^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::partialeq_to_none)]` on by default
help: use `Option::is_some()` instead
392 ~ if self.call_stack.records[self.stack_depth]
393 + .array_idents
394 + .get(name).is_some()
warning: binary comparison to literal `Option::None`
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
409 | if self.call_stack.records[self.stack_depth].idents.get(name) != None {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `Option::is_some()` instead: `self.call_stack.records[self.stack_depth].idents.get(name).is_some()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
489 | return Ok(Single(ret));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
489 - return Ok(Single(ret));
489 + Ok(Single(ret))
warning: equality checks against true are unnecessary
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
554 | if flag == true {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try simplifying it as shown: `flag`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::bool_comparison)]` on by default
warning: equality checks against true are unnecessary
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
577 | if flag == true {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try simplifying it as shown: `flag`
= help: for further information visit
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
600 | / let res = match value {
601 | | Number::Felt(number) => Ok(Single(Number::Felt((number as f64).sqrt() as i128))),
602 | | _ => panic!("wrong sqrt value type"),
603 | | };
| |______________- unnecessary `let` binding
604 | res
| ^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: return the expression directly
600 ~
601 ~ match value {
602 + Number::Felt(number) => Ok(Single(Number::Felt((number as f64).sqrt() as i128))),
603 + _ => panic!("wrong sqrt value type"),
604 + }
warning: length comparison to zero
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
612 | if node.returns.len() > 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `!is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `!node.returns.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::len_zero)]` on by default
warning: the method `travel` doesn't need a mutable reference
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
615 | let res = node)?;
| ^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_mut_passed)]` on by default
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
615 | let res = node)?;
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `node`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
643 |;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `ident_node`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
19 | let mut parser = Parser::new(&text);
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `text`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
34 | .traverse(&mut SymTableGen::new(&prophet))?;
| ^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `prophet`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/interpreter/
36 | let mut exe = Executor::new(&prophet, values, mem);
| ^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `prophet`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this lifetime isn't used in the impl
--> interpreter/src/lexer/
60 | impl<'a> fmt::Display for Token {
| ^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::extra_unused_lifetimes)]` on by default
warning: binary comparison to literal `Option::None`
--> interpreter/src/lexer/
72 | while self.current_char != None && self.current_char.unwrap().is_whitespace() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `Option::is_some()` instead: `self.current_char.is_some()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: binary comparison to literal `Option::None`
--> interpreter/src/lexer/
79 | while self.current_char != None && self.current_char.unwrap().is_alphanumeric()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `Option::is_some()` instead: `self.current_char.is_some()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: binary comparison to literal `Option::None`
--> interpreter/src/lexer/
98 | while self.current_char != None && self.current_char.unwrap().is_digit(10) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `Option::is_some()` instead: `self.current_char.is_some()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: use of `char::is_digit` with literal radix of 10
--> interpreter/src/lexer/
98 | while self.current_char != None && self.current_char.unwrap().is_digit(10) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `self.current_char.unwrap().is_ascii_digit()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::is_digit_ascii_radix)]` on by default
warning: binary comparison to literal `Option::None`
--> interpreter/src/lexer/
112 | while self.current_char != None {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: use `Option::is_some()` instead: `self.current_char.is_some()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: use of `char::is_digit` with literal radix of 10
--> interpreter/src/lexer/
156 | char if char.is_digit(10) => self.number(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `char.is_ascii_digit()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/parser/
93 | to_string(&left),
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `left`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/parser/
94 | to_string(&right),
| ^^^^^^ help: change this to: `right`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/parser/
44 | let mut lexer = Lexer::new(&text);
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `text`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
77 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<EntryNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<EntryNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<EntryNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::arc_with_non_send_sync)]` on by default
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
106 | declarations.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(node)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentDeclarationNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentDeclarationNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<IdentDeclarationNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/parser/
111 | declarations.extend(self.ident_declaration(&type_node));
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `type_node`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded late initialization
--> interpreter/src/parser/
26 | / $len = match $v.get_current_token() {
27 | | FeltConst(num) => num,
28 | | I32Const(num) => num,
29 | | _ => panic!("not support token type for declare"),
30 | | };
| |_________^ initialised here
163 | let len;
| ^^^^^^^^ created here
164 | array_type_node!(self, len);
| --------------------------- in this macro invocation
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_late_init)]` on by default
= note: this warning originates in the macro `array_type_node` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
help: declare `len` here
164 | array_type_node!(self, let len);
| ~~~~~~~
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
168 | ... returns.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(node)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<TypeNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<TypeNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<TypeNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
170 | ... returns.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(type_node)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<TypeNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<TypeNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<TypeNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded late initialization
--> interpreter/src/parser/
26 | / $len = match $v.get_current_token() {
27 | | FeltConst(num) => num,
28 | | I32Const(num) => num,
29 | | _ => panic!("not support token type for declare"),
30 | | };
| |_________^ initialised here
180 | let len;
| ^^^^^^^^ created here
181 | array_type_node!(self, len);
| --------------------------- in this macro invocation
= help: for further information visit
= note: this warning originates in the macro `array_type_node` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
help: declare `len` here
181 | array_type_node!(self, let len);
| ~~~~~~~
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
184 | ... returns.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(node)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<TypeNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<TypeNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<TypeNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
186 | ... returns.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(type_node)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<TypeNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<TypeNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<TypeNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
195 | declarations.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(node)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<FunctionNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<FunctionNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<FunctionNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
214 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<EntryBlockNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<EntryBlockNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<EntryBlockNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
224 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<BlockNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<BlockNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<BlockNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
231 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(CompoundNode::new(nodes)))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<CompoundNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<CompoundNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<CompoundNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
298 | results.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(node)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<ReturnNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<ReturnNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<ReturnNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
310 | idents.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(IdentNode::new(
| _____________________________________^
311 | | self.get_current_token(),
312 | | ))));
| |___________________________^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<IdentNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
324 | results.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(node)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<MultiAssignNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<MultiAssignNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<MultiAssignNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
336 | results.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(PrintfNode::new(start, flag))));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<PrintfNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<PrintfNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<PrintfNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
367 | declaration_nodes.push(Arc::new(RwLock::new(declaration)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentDeclarationNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentDeclarationNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<IdentDeclarationNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
400 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<CallNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<CallNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<CallNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
416 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<AssignNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<AssignNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<AssignNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> interpreter/src/parser/
447 | return Arc::new(RwLock::new(node));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
447 - return Arc::new(RwLock::new(node));
447 + Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
447 | return Arc::new(RwLock::new(node));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<CondStatNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<CondStatNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<CondStatNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
460 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<LoopStatNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<LoopStatNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<LoopStatNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
479 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<CallNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<CallNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<CallNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
485 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentIndexNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentIndexNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<IdentIndexNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
488 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<IdentNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<IdentNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
493 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<ContextIdentNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<ContextIdentNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<ContextIdentNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
506 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<UnaryOpNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<UnaryOpNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<UnaryOpNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
525 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(SqrtNode::new(sqrt_value)))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<SqrtNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<SqrtNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<SqrtNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
532 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(MallocNode::new(num_bytes)))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<MallocNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<MallocNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<MallocNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
549 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(PrintfNode::new(start, flag)))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<PrintfNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<PrintfNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<PrintfNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
565 | node = Arc::new(RwLock::new(BinOpNode::new(
| ____________________^
566 | | node,
567 | | self.cast_expr(),
568 | | current_token,
569 | | )));
| |_______________^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<BinOpNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
580 | node = Arc::new(RwLock::new(BinOpNode::new(
| ____________________^
581 | | node,
582 | | self.mul_expr(),
583 | | current_token,
584 | | )));
| |_______________^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<BinOpNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
603 | Arc::new(RwLock::new(node))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<BinOpNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
614 | node = Arc::new(RwLock::new(BinOpNode::new(
| ____________________^
615 | | node,
616 | | self.rel_expr(),
617 | | current_token,
618 | | )));
| |_______________^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<BinOpNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/parser/
629 | node = Arc::new(RwLock::new(BinOpNode::new(
| ____________________^
630 | | node,
631 | | self.and_expr(),
632 | | current_token,
633 | | )));
| |_______________^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<BinOpNode>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<BinOpNode>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: called `unwrap` on `symbol` after checking its variant with `is_some`
--> interpreter/src/sema/
59 | if symbol.is_some() {
| ------------------- help: try: `if let Some(..) = symbol`
60 | symbol.unwrap()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_unwrap)]` on by default
warning: use of `println!` in `Display` impl
--> interpreter/src/sema/
122 | println!("Symbol Table Info:");
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace with: `writeln!(f, ..)`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::print_in_format_impl)]` on by default
warning: use of `println!` in `Display` impl
--> interpreter/src/sema/
123 | println!("Scope: {}, Level: {}", &self.scope_name, &self.scope_level);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace with: `writeln!(f, ..)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/sema/
60 | current_scope: Arc::new(RwLock::new(SymbolTable::new(
| ____________________________^
61 | | "Global Scope".to_string(),
62 | | 1,
63 | | None,
64 | | ))),
| |_______________^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<SymbolTable>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<SymbolTable>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<SymbolTable>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/sema/
104 | self.current_scope = Arc::new(RwLock::new(cur_scope));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<SymbolTable>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<SymbolTable>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<SymbolTable>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/sema/
127 | if let BuiltInSymbol(builtin) = current_scope.get(&builtin_token) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `builtin_token`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/sema/
131 | } else if let BuiltInSymbol(builtin) = current_scope.get(&token) {
| ^^^^^^ help: change this to: `token`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/sema/
166 | if {
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `name`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/sema/
209 | if {
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `name`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/sema/
212 | let symbol =;
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `name`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/sema/
218 | if {
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `name`
= help: for further information visit
warning: called `unwrap` on `size` after checking its variant with `is_some`
--> interpreter/src/sema/
236 | if size.is_some() {
| ----------------- help: try: `if let Some(..) = size`
237 | return Ok(Single(number_from_token(&token, size.unwrap())));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/sema/
230 | let ident =;
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `name`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/sema/
257 | if {
| ^^^^^ help: change this to: `name`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/sema/
335 | self.current_scope = Arc::new(RwLock::new(cur_scope));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<SymbolTable>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<SymbolTable>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<SymbolTable>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> interpreter/src/sema/
363 | if !Number::from(&item.1 .0).eq(&actual_types.get(index).unwrap()) {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: change this to: `actual_types.get(index).unwrap()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: usage of an `Arc` that is not `Send` or `Sync`
--> interpreter/src/sema/
370 | Some(Arc::new(RwLock::new(FuncSymbol(name, params, body))));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: the trait `Send` is not implemented for `RwLock<Symbol>`
= note: the trait `Sync` is not implemented for `RwLock<Symbol>`
= note: required for `Arc<RwLock<Symbol>>` to implement `Send` and `Sync`
= help: consider using an `Rc` instead or wrapping the inner type with a `Mutex`
= help: for further information visit
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> interpreter/src/sema/
436 | let ret =;
| -------------------------------------- unnecessary `let` binding
437 | ret
| ^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: return the expression directly
436 ~
437 ~
warning: accessing first element with `values.get(0)`
--> interpreter/src/utils/
75 | return values.get(0).unwrap().clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `values.first()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::get_first)]` on by default
warning: re-implementing `PartialEq::ne` is unnecessary
--> interpreter/src/utils/
181 | / fn ne(&self, rhs: &Self) -> bool {
182 | | number_binop!(self, !=, rhs, "ne", cmp)
183 | | }
| |_____^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::partialeq_ne_impl)]` on by default
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> interpreter/src/utils/
270 | / let value = match self {
271 | | Felt(num) => *num as usize,
272 | | I32(num) => *num as usize,
273 | | Bool(num) => *num as usize,
274 | | Nil => panic!("wrong type"),
275 | | };
| |__________- unnecessary `let` binding
276 | value
| ^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: return the expression directly
270 ~
271 ~ match self {
272 + Felt(num) => *num as usize,
273 + I32(num) => *num as usize,
274 + Bool(num) => *num as usize,
275 + Nil => panic!("wrong type"),
276 + }
warning: variants `ParseIntError` and `ParseOpcodeError` are never constructed
--> assembler/src/
2 | pub enum AssemblerError {
| -------------- variants in this enum
3 | /// parse string to integer fail
4 | ParseIntError,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
5 | /// parse integer to opcode fail
6 | ParseOpcodeError,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `AssemblerError` has a derived impl for the trait `Debug`, but this is intentionally ignored during dead code analysis
= note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default
warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions
--> assembler/src/
92 | ) -> Result<
| ______^
93 | | (
94 | | OlaOpcode,
95 | | Option<OlaAsmOperand>,
... |
99 | | String,
100 | | > {
| |_^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::type_complexity)]` on by default
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> assembler/src/
101 | let instruction_without_comment = &asm_line[0..asm_line.find(";").unwrap_or(asm_line.len())];
| ^^^ help: try using a `char` instead: `';'`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::single_char_pattern)]` on by default
warning: found call to `str::trim` before `str::split_whitespace`
--> assembler/src/
103 | .trim()
| __________^
104 | | .split_whitespace()
| |_________^ help: remove `trim()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::trim_split_whitespace)]` on by default
warning: accessing first element with `ops.get(0)`
--> assembler/src/
146 | let dst = ops.get(0).unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `ops.first()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::get_first)]` on by default
warning: accessing first element with `ops.get(0)`
--> assembler/src/
175 | let dst = ops.get(0).unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `ops.first()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: accessing first element with `ops.get(0)`
--> assembler/src/
179 | let op0 = ops.get(0).unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `ops.first()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: accessing first element with `ops.get(0)`
--> assembler/src/
189 | let op1 = ops.get(0).unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `ops.first()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: length comparison to zero
--> assembler/src/
194 | if ops.len() != 0 {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: using `!is_empty` is clearer and more explicit: `!ops.is_empty()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::len_zero)]` on by default
warning: called `unwrap` on `instruction_res` after checking its variant with `is_ok`
--> assembler/src/
260 | return if instruction_res.is_ok() {
| -------------------------- help: try: `if let Ok(..) = instruction_res`
261 | Ok(AsmRow::Instruction(instruction_res.unwrap()))
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_unwrap)]` on by default
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> assembler/src/
260 | / return if instruction_res.is_ok() {
261 | | Ok(AsmRow::Instruction(instruction_res.unwrap()))
262 | | } else {
263 | | Err(format!("AsmRow parse err: {}", s))
264 | | };
| |_________^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_return)]` on by default
help: remove `return`
260 ~ if instruction_res.is_ok() {
261 + Ok(AsmRow::Instruction(instruction_res.unwrap()))
262 + } else {
263 + Err(format!("AsmRow parse err: {}", s))
264 ~ }
warning: this loop could be written as a `for` loop
--> assembler/src/
30 | while let Some(asm) = {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `for asm in iter`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::while_let_on_iterator)]` on by default
warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions
--> assembler/src/
31 | let ops_result: Result<
| _________________________^
32 | | (Option<OlaOperand>, Option<OlaOperand>, Option<OlaOperand>),
33 | | String,
34 | | > = if is_adjusted_operand(asm) {
| |_________^
= help: for further information visit
warning: manual implementation of `Option::map`
--> assembler/src/
86 | / if let Some(asm_prophet) = asm_prophets.get(&binary_counter) {
87 | | Some(OlaProphet {
88 | | host: binary_counter.clone(),
89 | | code: asm_prophet.code.clone(),
... |
95 | | None
96 | | };
| |_____________^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::manual_map)]` on by default
help: try
86 ~ asm_prophets.get(&binary_counter).map(|asm_prophet| OlaProphet {
87 + host: binary_counter.clone(),
88 + code: asm_prophet.code.clone(),
89 + ctx: Vec::new(),
90 + inputs: asm_prophet.inputs.clone(),
91 + outputs: asm_prophet.outputs.clone(),
92 ~ });
warning: using `clone` on type `usize` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> assembler/src/
88 | host: binary_counter.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `binary_counter`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::clone_on_copy)]` on by default
warning: this if-then-else expression returns a bool literal
--> assembler/src/
117 | / if asm.opcode == OlaOpcode::MLOAD || asm.opcode == OlaOpcode::MSTORE {
118 | | true
119 | | } else {
120 | | false
121 | | }
| |_____^ help: you can reduce it to: `asm.opcode == OlaOpcode::MLOAD || asm.opcode == OlaOpcode::MSTORE`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_bool)]` on by default
warning: called `unwrap` on `special_reg` after checking its variant with `is_ok`
--> assembler/src/
165 | if special_reg.is_ok() {
| ---------------------- help: try: `if let Ok(..) = special_reg`
166 | return Ok(OlaAsmOperand::SpecialReg {
167 | special_reg: special_reg.unwrap(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> assembler/src/
179 | return Err(format!("invalid asm operand: {}", s));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
179 - return Err(format!("invalid asm operand: {}", s));
179 + Err(format!("invalid asm operand: {}", s))
warning: useless use of `format!`
--> assembler/src/
79 | return Err(format!("generate scopes error, no scope found"));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using `.to_string()`: `"generate scopes error, no scope found".to_string()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::useless_format)]` on by default
warning: useless use of `format!`
--> assembler/src/
82 | return Err(format!("generate scopes error, no main scope found"));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using `.to_string()`: `"generate scopes error, no main scope found".to_string()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this loop could be written as a `while let` loop
--> assembler/src/
134 | / loop {
135 | | if let Some(line) = {
136 | | let row_res = AsmRow::from_str(line);
137 | | if row_res.is_err() {
... |
206 | | }
207 | | }
| |_____^ help: try: `while let Some(line) = { .. }`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::while_let_loop)]` on by default
warning: this loop could be written as a `for` loop
--> assembler/src/
212 | while let Some(prophet) = {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `for prophet in prophets_iter`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `usize` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> assembler/src/
220 | prophets.insert(host.unwrap().clone(), prophet.clone());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*host.unwrap()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: called `unwrap` on `comment_start` after checking its variant with `is_some`
--> assembler/src/
233 | let without_comment: &str = if comment_start.is_some() {
| -------------------------- help: try: `if let Some(..) = comment_start`
234 | &line[..comment_start.unwrap()]
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> assembler/src/
232 | let comment_start = line.find(";");
| ^^^ help: try using a `char` instead: `';'`
= help: for further information visit
warning: call to `.clone()` on a reference in this situation does nothing
--> assembler/src/
34 | let row_res = AsmRow::from_str(processed_line.clone());
| ^^^^^^^^ help: remove this redundant call
= note: the type `str` does not implement `Clone`, so calling `clone` on `&str` copies the reference, which does not do anything and can be removed
= note: `#[warn(noop_method_call)]` on by default
warning: `interpreter` (lib) generated 91 warnings (run `cargo clippy --fix --lib -p interpreter` to apply 46 suggestions)
warning: `assembler` (lib) generated 26 warnings (run `cargo clippy --fix --lib -p assembler` to apply 19 suggestions)
warning: unused import: `info`
--> executor/src/
35 | use log::{debug, info};
| ^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
warning: unused import: `u8_arr_to_tree_key`
--> executor/src/
1 | use core::types::merkle_tree::{tree_key_to_u8_arr, u8_arr_to_tree_key};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `TreeKey`
--> executor/src/
2 | use core::types::merkle_tree::{TreeKey, TreeValue};
| ^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `BigUint`, `Num`
--> executor/src/
4 | use num::{BigUint, Num};
| ^^^^^^^ ^^^
warning: use of deprecated associated function `secp256k1::Message::from_slice`: use from_digest_slice instead
--> executor/src/
36 | Message::from_slice(&msg_arr).map_err(|e| ProcessorError::MessageInvalid(e.to_string()))?;
| ^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(deprecated)]` on by default
warning: variable does not need to be mutable
--> executor/src/
73 | mut calldata: Vec<GoldilocksField>,
| ----^^^^^^^^
| |
| help: remove this `mut`
= note: `#[warn(unused_mut)]` on by default
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1819 | let mut data = GoldilocksField::ZERO;
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
= note: `#[warn(unused_assignments)]` on by default
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1820 | memory_op!(self, msg_mem_addr + i, data, Opcode::MSTORE);
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1828 | let mut data = GoldilocksField::ZERO;
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1829 | memory_op!(self, pk_x_addr + i, data, Opcode::MSTORE);
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1837 | let mut data = GoldilocksField::ZERO;
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1838 | memory_op!(self, pk_y_addr + i, data, Opcode::MSTORE);
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1846 | let mut data = GoldilocksField::ZERO;
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1847 | memory_op!(self, sig_r_addr + i, data, Opcode::MSTORE);
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1855 | let mut data = GoldilocksField::ZERO;
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
warning: value assigned to `data` is never read
--> executor/src/
1856 | memory_op!(self, sig_s_addr + i, data, Opcode::MSTORE);
| ^^^^
= help: maybe it is overwritten before being read?
warning: using `clone` on type `GoldilocksField` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
18 | data.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*data`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::clone_on_copy)]` on by default
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> executor/src/
28 | return order;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_return)]` on by default
help: remove `return`
28 - return order;
28 + order
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> executor/src/
286 | let mut trace = std::mem::replace(&mut process.storage_log, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut process.storage_log)`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::mem_replace_with_default)]` on by default
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> executor/src/
287 | trace.extend(std::mem::replace(&mut process.program_log, Vec::new()));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut process.program_log)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> executor/src/
364 | let trace = std::mem::replace(&mut, HashMap::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut`
= help: for further information visit
warning: use Vec::sort here instead
--> executor/src/
367 | traces.sort_by(|a, b| a.cmp(b));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `traces.sort()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_sort_by)]` on by default
warning: useless use of `format!`
--> executor/src/
452 | let mut file = File::create(format!("dump.json")).unwrap();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using `.to_string()`: `"dump.json".to_string()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::useless_format)]` on by default
warning: you should consider adding a `Default` implementation for `Process`
--> executor/src/
220 | / pub fn new() -> Self {
221 | | Self {
222 | | env_idx: Default::default(),
223 | | call_sc_cnt: Default::default(),
... |
250 | | }
251 | | }
| |_____^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::new_without_default)]` on by default
help: try adding this
219 + impl Default for Process {
220 + fn default() -> Self {
221 + Self::new()
222 + }
223 + }
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> executor/src/
272 | / return (
273 | | GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(data),
274 | | ImmediateOrRegName::Immediate(GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(data)),
275 | | );
| |_____________^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
272 ~ (
273 + GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(data),
274 + ImmediateOrRegName::Immediate(GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(data)),
275 ~ )
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> executor/src/
279 | return (self.psp_start, ImmediateOrRegName::RegName(src_index));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
279 - return (self.psp_start, ImmediateOrRegName::RegName(src_index));
279 + (self.psp_start, ImmediateOrRegName::RegName(src_index))
warning: casting integer literal to `u64` is unnecessary
--> executor/src/
306 | GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(0 as u64),
| ^^^^^^^^ help: try: `0_u64`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unnecessary_cast)]` on by default
warning: casting integer literal to `u64` is unnecessary
--> executor/src/
323 | GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(0 as u64),
| ^^^^^^^^ help: try: `0_u64`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> executor/src/
352 | let value = self.read_prophet_input(&input, reg_cnt, &mut reg_index, &mut fp)?;
| ^^^^^^ help: change this to: `input`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_borrow)]` on by default
warning: this expression creates a reference which is immediately dereferenced by the compiler
--> executor/src/
358 | self.read_prophet_input(&input, reg_cnt, &mut reg_index, &mut fp)?;
| ^^^^^^ help: change this to: `input`
= help: for further information visit
warning: casting integer literal to `u64` is unnecessary
--> executor/src/
381 | ... GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(0 as u64),
| ^^^^^^^^ help: try: `0_u64`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
523 | / assert_eq!(
524 | | ops.len(),
525 | | 3,
526 | | "{}",
527 | | format!("{} params len is 2", opcode.as_str())
528 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::format_in_format_args)]` on by default
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
561 | / assert_eq!(
562 | | ops.len(),
563 | | 4,
564 | | "{}",
565 | | format!("{} params len is 3", opcode.as_str())
566 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
612 | / assert_eq!(
613 | | ops.len(),
614 | | 2,
615 | | "{}",
616 | | format!("{} params len is 2", opcode.as_str())
617 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
648 | / assert_eq!(
649 | | ops.len(),
650 | | 3,
651 | | "{}",
652 | | format!("{} params len is 2", opcode.as_str())
653 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
672 | / assert_eq!(
673 | | ops.len(),
674 | | 2,
675 | | "{}",
676 | | format!("{} params len is 1", opcode.as_str())
677 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
689 | / assert_eq!(
690 | | ops.len(),
691 | | 4,
692 | | "{}",
693 | | format!("{} params len is 3", opcode.as_str())
694 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
731 | / assert_eq!(
732 | | ops.len(),
733 | | 2,
734 | | "{}",
735 | | format!("{} params len is 1", opcode.as_str())
736 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded late initialization
--> executor/src/
95 | / $read_addr = $
96 | | $mem_addr,
97 | | $v.clk,
98 | | GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(1 << $opcode as u64),
... |
104 | | $v.env_idx,
105 | | )?;
| |__________^ initialised here
765 | let pc_value;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ created here
766 | let pc_addr = self.registers[FP_REG_INDEX].0 - 1;
767 | memory_op!(self, pc_addr, pc_value, Opcode::RET);
| ------------------------------------------------ in this macro invocation
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_late_init)]` on by default
= note: this warning originates in the macro `memory_op` (in Nightly builds, run with -Z macro-backtrace for more info)
help: declare `pc_value` here
767 | memory_op!(self, pc_addr, let pc_value, Opcode::RET);
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: this call to `from_str_radix` can be replaced with a call to `str::parse`
--> executor/src/
794 | let offset_res = u64::from_str_radix(ops[2], 10);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `ops[2].parse::<u64>()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::from_str_radix_10)]` on by default
warning: this call to `from_str_radix` can be replaced with a call to `str::parse`
--> executor/src/
807 | let offset_res = u64::from_str_radix(ops[3], 10);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `ops[3].parse::<u64>()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this call to `from_str_radix` can be replaced with a call to `str::parse`
--> executor/src/
857 | let offset_res = u64::from_str_radix(ops[3], 10);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `ops[3].parse::<u64>()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this call to `from_str_radix` can be replaced with a call to `str::parse`
--> executor/src/
870 | let offset_res = u64::from_str_radix(ops[4], 10);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `ops[4].parse::<u64>()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
899 | / assert_eq!(
900 | | ops.len(),
901 | | 2,
902 | | "{}",
903 | | format!("{} params len is 1", opcode.as_str())
904 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
932 | / assert_eq!(
933 | | ops.len(),
934 | | 4,
935 | | "{}",
936 | | format!("{} params len is 3", opcode.as_str())
937 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
992 | / assert_eq!(
993 | | ops.len(),
994 | | 4,
995 | | "{}",
996 | | format!("{} params len is 3", opcode.as_str())
997 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded late initialization
--> executor/src/
1026 | let abs_diff;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: declare `abs_diff` here
1027 | let abs_diff = if self.register_selector.dst.is_one() {
| ++++++++++++++
help: remove the assignments from the branches
1028 ~ self.register_selector.op0 - self.register_selector.op1
1029 | } else {
1030 ~ self.register_selector.op1 - self.register_selector.op0
help: add a semicolon after the `if` expression
1031 | };
| +
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1095 | ctx_regs_status.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 10]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1096 | registers_status.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*registers_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1101 | ctx_code_regs_status.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_code_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
--> executor/src/
1136 | / fn execute_inst_sstore(
1137 | | &mut self,
1138 | | program: &mut Program,
1139 | | aux_steps: &mut Vec<Step>,
... |
1144 | | ctx_code_regs_status: &Address,
1145 | | ) -> Result<(), ProcessorError> {
| |___________________________________^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::too_many_arguments)]` on by default
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1180 | let storage_key = StorageKey::new(AccountTreeId::new(self.addr_storage.clone()), slot_key);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `self.addr_storage`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1204 | let ctx_regs_status = ctx_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1205 | let ctx_code_regs_status = ctx_code_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_code_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 10]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1206 | let registers_status = registers_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*registers_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (9/7)
--> executor/src/
1244 | / fn execute_inst_sload(
1245 | | &mut self,
1246 | | program: &mut Program,
1247 | | account_tree: &mut AccountTree,
... |
1253 | | ctx_code_regs_status: &Address,
1254 | | ) -> Result<(), ProcessorError> {
| |___________________________________^
= help: for further information visit
warning: the loop variable `index` is used to index `slot_key`
--> executor/src/
1274 | for index in 0..TREE_VALUE_LEN {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_range_loop)]` on by default
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
1274 | for (index, <item>) in slot_key.iter_mut().enumerate().take(TREE_VALUE_LEN) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1282 | let storage_key = StorageKey::new(AccountTreeId::new(self.addr_storage.clone()), slot_key);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `self.addr_storage`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1289 | read_value = data.last().unwrap().value.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `data.last().unwrap().value`
= help: for further information visit
warning: the loop variable `index` is used to index `read_value`
--> executor/src/
1300 | for index in 0..TREE_VALUE_LEN {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
1300 | for (index, <item>) in read_value.iter().enumerate().take(TREE_VALUE_LEN) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1335 | let ctx_regs_status = ctx_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1336 | let ctx_code_regs_status = ctx_code_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_code_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 10]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1337 | let registers_status = registers_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*registers_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: casting to the same type is unnecessary (`usize` -> `usize`)
--> executor/src/
1475 | memory_op!(self, mem_addr, input[index as usize], Opcode::POSEIDON);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `index`
= help: for further information visit
warning: the loop variable `index` is used to index `output`
--> executor/src/
1501 | for index in 0..POSEIDON_OUTPUT_VALUE_LEN {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
1501 | for (index, <item>) in output.iter().enumerate().take(POSEIDON_OUTPUT_VALUE_LEN) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
--> executor/src/
1516 | / fn execute_inst_tload(
1517 | | &mut self,
1518 | | _program: &mut Program,
1519 | | aux_steps: &mut Vec<Step>,
... |
1524 | | ctx_code_regs_status: &Address,
1525 | | ) -> Result<(), ProcessorError> {
| |___________________________________^
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
1527 | / assert_eq!(
1528 | | ops.len(),
1529 | | 4,
1530 | | "{}",
1531 | | format!("{} params len is not match", opcode.as_str())
1532 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1571 | let ctx_regs_status = ctx_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1572 | let ctx_code_regs_status = ctx_code_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_code_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 10]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1573 | let registers_status = registers_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*registers_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
1609 | / assert_eq!(
1610 | | ops.len(),
1611 | | 3,
1612 | | "{}",
1613 | | format!("{} params len is not match", opcode.as_str())
1614 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1637 | let ctx_regs_status = ctx_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1638 | let ctx_code_regs_status = ctx_code_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_code_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 10]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1639 | let registers_status = registers_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*registers_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
--> executor/src/
1666 | / fn execute_inst_sccall(
1667 | | &mut self,
1668 | | program: &mut Program,
1669 | | ops: &[&str],
... |
1674 | | ctx_code_regs_status: &Address,
1675 | | ) -> Result<VMState, ProcessorError> {
| |________________________________________^
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> executor/src/
1788 | return Ok(VMState::SCCall(SCCallType::DelegateCall(callee_address)));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: remove `return`
1788 - return Ok(VMState::SCCall(SCCallType::DelegateCall(callee_address)));
1788 + Ok(VMState::SCCall(SCCallType::DelegateCall(callee_address)))
warning: `format!` in `assert_eq!` args
--> executor/src/
1677 | / assert_eq!(
1678 | | ops.len(),
1679 | | 3,
1680 | | "{}",
1681 | | format!("{} params len is not match", opcode.as_str())
1682 | | );
| |_________^
= help: combine the `format!(..)` arguments with the outer `assert_eq!(..)` call
= help: or consider changing `format!` to `format_args!`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 10]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1734 | registers_status.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*registers_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1747 | ctx_regs_status.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 10]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1748 | registers_status.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*registers_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1753 | ctx_code_regs_status.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_code_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 10]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1773 | registers_status.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*registers_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
--> executor/src/
1796 | / fn execute_inst_sigcheck(
1797 | | &mut self,
1798 | | program: &mut Program,
1799 | | aux_steps: &mut Vec<Step>,
... |
1804 | | ctx_code_regs_status: &Address,
1805 | | ) -> Result<(), ProcessorError> {
| |___________________________________^
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1874 | let ctx_regs_status = ctx_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1875 | let ctx_code_regs_status = ctx_code_regs_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*ctx_code_regs_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 10]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1876 | let registers_status = registers_status.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*registers_status`
= help: for further information visit
warning: casting integer literal to `u64` is unnecessary
--> executor/src/
1910 | GoldilocksField::from_canonical_u64(0 as u64),
| ^^^^^^^^ help: try: `0_u64`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1954 | let ctx_regs_status = self.addr_storage.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `self.addr_storage`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> executor/src/
1955 | let ctx_code_regs_status = self.addr_code.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `self.addr_code`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `executor` (lib) generated 89 warnings (run `cargo clippy --fix --lib -p executor` to apply 52 suggestions)
Checking circuits v0.1.0 (/home/matthias/mozak/prog/olavm/olavm/circuits)
warning: unused import: `OlaProphet`
--> zk-vm/src/
8 | use ola_core::program::binary_program::{BinaryProgram, OlaProphet};
| ^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
warning: unused import: `ola_core::crypto::hash::Hasher`
--> zk-vm/src/
26 | use ola_core::crypto::hash::Hasher;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `ola_core::types::storage::field_arr_to_u8_arr`
--> zk-vm/src/
28 | use ola_core::types::storage::field_arr_to_u8_arr;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `BTreeMap`
--> zk-vm/src/
29 | use std::collections::{BTreeMap, HashMap};
| ^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `Write`
--> zk-vm/src/
31 | use std::io::{BufReader, Write};
| ^^^^^
warning: unused import: `std::ops::Not`
--> zk-vm/src/
32 | use std::ops::Not;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions
--> zk-vm/src/
46 | pub process_ctx: Vec<(Arc<Mutex<Process>>, Arc<Mutex<Program>>, Address, Address)>,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::type_complexity)]` on by default
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> zk-vm/src/
169 | let instructions = bin_program.bytecode.split("\n");
| ^^^^ help: try using a `char` instead: `'\n'`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::single_char_pattern)]` on by default
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> zk-vm/src/
218 | let instructions = program.bytecode.split("\n");
| ^^^^ help: try using a `char` instead: `'\n'`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> zk-vm/src/
236 | storage_log: StorageLog::new_write_log(addr.clone(), code_hash),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*addr`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::clone_on_copy)]` on by default
warning: using `clone` on type `GoldilocksField` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> zk-vm/src/
287 | let tp = mutex_data!(process).tp.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `mutex_data!(process).tp`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `GoldilocksField` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> zk-vm/src/
299 | mutex_data!(process).tp = tp.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `tp`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> zk-vm/src/
307 | ... caller_addr = addr.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*addr`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> zk-vm/src/
308 | ... code_exe_addr = addr.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*addr`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> zk-vm/src/
312 | ... code_exe_addr = addr.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `*addr`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> zk-vm/src/
345 | ... std::mem::replace(&mut mutex_data!(program).trace, Trace::default());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut mutex_data!(program).trace)`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::mem_replace_with_default)]` on by default
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> zk-vm/src/
353 | ... std::mem::replace(&mut mutex_data!(program).trace, Trace::default());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut mutex_data!(program).trace)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `GoldilocksField` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> zk-vm/src/
355 | let tp = mutex_data!(process).tp.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `mutex_data!(process).tp`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `u32` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> zk-vm/src/
356 | let clk = mutex_data!(process).clk.clone();
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `mutex_data!(process).clk`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> zk-vm/src/
360 | ... std::mem::replace(&mut mutex_data!(process).program_log, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut mutex_data!(process).program_log)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> zk-vm/src/
362 | ... std::mem::replace(&mut mutex_data!(process).storage_log, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut mutex_data!(process).storage_log)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> zk-vm/src/
363 | let storage_tree = std::mem::replace(
| ____________________________________________^
364 | | &mut mutex_data!(process).storage.trace,
365 | | HashMap::new(),
366 | | );
| |_________________________^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut mutex_data!(process).storage.trace)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> zk-vm/src/
379 | let exec = std::mem::replace(&mut trace.exec, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut trace.exec)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: `zk-vm` (lib) generated 23 warnings (run `cargo clippy --fix --lib -p zk-vm` to apply 22 suggestions)
warning: unused import: `core::types::Field`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
289 | use core::types::Field;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(unused_imports)]` on by default
warning: unused import: `core::types::Field`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
184 | use core::types::Field;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `std::ops::Range`
--> circuits/src/cpu/
18 | std::ops::Range,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `Field`, `GoldilocksField`, `merkle_tree::decode_addr`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
1 | use core::types::{merkle_tree::decode_addr, Field, GoldilocksField};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `builtins::poseidon::columns::*`, `poseidon::generate_poseidon_trace`, `poseidon_chunk::generate_poseidon_chunk_trace`, `prog::generate_prog_chunk_trace`, `program::columns::*`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
4 | builtins::poseidon::columns::*,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
5 | generation::{
6 | poseidon::generate_poseidon_trace, poseidon_chunk::generate_poseidon_chunk_trace,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
7 | prog::generate_prog_chunk_trace,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
8 | },
9 | program::columns::*,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `get_exec_trace`, `get_rows_vec_from_trace`, `print_title_data`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
12 | use super::debug_trace_print::{get_exec_trace, get_rows_vec_from_trace, print_title_data};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `Field`, `GoldilocksField`, `merkle_tree::decode_addr`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
1 | use core::types::{merkle_tree::decode_addr, Field, GoldilocksField};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `cpu::columns::*`, `cpu::generate_cpu_trace`, `prog::generate_prog_trace`, `program::columns::*`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
4 | cpu::columns::*,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
5 | generation::{cpu::generate_cpu_trace, prog::generate_prog_trace},
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
6 | program::columns::*,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `get_exec_trace`, `get_rows_vec_from_trace`, `print_title_data`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
9 | use super::debug_trace_print::{get_exec_trace, get_rows_vec_from_trace, print_title_data};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `get_exec_trace`, `get_rows_vec_from_trace`, `print_title_data`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
10 | use super::debug_trace_print::{get_exec_trace, get_rows_vec_from_trace, print_title_data};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `itertools::Itertools`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
1 | use itertools::Itertools;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `Field`, `GoldilocksField`, `merkle_tree::decode_addr`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
1 | use core::types::{merkle_tree::decode_addr, Field, GoldilocksField};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `generate_prog_chunk_trace`, `generate_prog_trace`, `program::columns::*`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
4 | generation::prog::{generate_prog_chunk_trace, generate_prog_trace},
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
5 | program::columns::*,
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `get_exec_trace`, `get_rows_vec_from_trace`, `print_title_data`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
8 | use super::debug_trace_print::{get_exec_trace, get_rows_vec_from_trace, print_title_data};
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `maybe_rayon::MaybeParIter`
--> circuits/src/stark/
4 | use maybe_rayon::MaybeParIter;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused imports: `Arc`, `Mutex`
--> circuits/src/stark/
4 | use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
| ^^^ ^^^^^
warning: unused import: `std::time::Instant`
--> circuits/src/stark/
5 | use std::time::Instant;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused import: `crate::builtins::rangecheck::rangecheck_stark::RangeCheckStark`
--> circuits/src/stark/
30 | use crate::builtins::rangecheck::rangecheck_stark::RangeCheckStark;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unneeded unit return type
--> circuits/src/
31 | ) -> (),
| ^^^^^^ help: remove the `-> ()`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::unused_unit)]` on by default
warning: unneeded unit return type
--> circuits/src/
32 | H: Fn(usize, StarkEvaluationVars<GoldilocksField, GoldilocksField, COL_NUM>) -> (),
| ^^^^^^ help: remove the `-> ()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded unit return type
--> circuits/src/
204 | ) -> (),
| ^^^^^^ help: remove the `-> ()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded unit return type
--> circuits/src/
205 | H: Fn(usize, StarkEvaluationVars<GoldilocksField, GoldilocksField, COL_NUM>) -> (),
| ^^^^^^ help: remove the `-> ()`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unused import: `maybe_rayon::ParallelIterator`
--> circuits/src/stark/
13 | use maybe_rayon::ParallelIterator;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: unused variable: `init_value_heap_ptr`
--> circuits/src/memory/
117 | let init_value_heap_ptr = P::Scalar::from_canonical_u64(INIT_VALUE_HEAP_PTR);
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: if this is intentional, prefix it with an underscore: `_init_value_heap_ptr`
= note: `#[warn(unused_variables)]` on by default
warning: function `get_bitwise_col_name_map` is never used
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
79 | pub(crate) fn get_bitwise_col_name_map() -> BTreeMap<usize, String> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: `#[warn(dead_code)]` on by default
warning: function `get_cmp_col_name_map` is never used
--> circuits/src/builtins/cmp/
24 | pub(crate) fn get_cmp_col_name_map() -> BTreeMap<usize, String> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `get_storage_access_col_name_map` is never used
--> circuits/src/builtins/storage/
35 | pub(crate) fn get_storage_access_col_name_map() -> BTreeMap<usize, String> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `eval_ext_circuit` is never used
--> circuits/src/cpu/
29 | pub(crate) fn eval_ext_circuit<F: RichField + Extendable<D>, const D: usize>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `eval_ext_circuit` is never used
--> circuits/src/cpu/
34 | pub(crate) fn eval_ext_circuit<F: RichField + Extendable<D>, const D: usize>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `eval_ext_circuit` is never used
--> circuits/src/cpu/
18 | pub(crate) fn eval_ext_circuit<F: RichField + Extendable<D>, const D: usize>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `eval_ext_circuit` is never used
--> circuits/src/cpu/
35 | pub(crate) fn eval_ext_circuit<F: RichField + Extendable<D>, const D: usize>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `eval_ext_circuit` is never used
--> circuits/src/cpu/
29 | pub(crate) fn eval_ext_circuit<F: RichField + Extendable<D>, const D: usize>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `print_title_data` is never used
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
310 | pub fn print_title_data(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `get_memory_col_name_map` is never used
--> circuits/src/memory/
47 | pub(crate) fn get_memory_col_name_map() -> BTreeMap<usize, String> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `get_prog_col_name_map` is never used
--> circuits/src/program/
18 | pub(crate) fn get_prog_col_name_map() -> BTreeMap<usize, String> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `get_prog_chunk_col_name_map` is never used
--> circuits/src/program/
63 | pub(crate) fn get_prog_chunk_col_name_map() -> BTreeMap<usize, String> {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: method `combine_base_circuit` is never used
--> circuits/src/stark/
73 | impl GrandProductChallenge<Target> {
| ---------------------------------- method in this implementation
84 | pub(crate) fn combine_base_circuit<F: RichField + Extendable<D>, const D: usize>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: function `get_storagehash_extra_looking_products` is never used
--> circuits/src/stark/
208 | pub(crate) fn get_storagehash_extra_looking_products<F, const D: usize>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
86 | for (index, col) in OP0_LIMBS.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `OP0_LIMBS`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::useless_conversion)]` on by default
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
90 | for (index, col) in OP1_LIMBS.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `OP1_LIMBS`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
94 | for (index, col) in RES_LIMBS.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `RES_LIMBS`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
98 | for (index, col) in OP0_LIMBS_PERMUTED.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `OP0_LIMBS_PERMUTED`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
102 | for (index, col) in OP1_LIMBS_PERMUTED.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `OP1_LIMBS_PERMUTED`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
106 | for (index, col) in RES_LIMBS_PERMUTED.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `RES_LIMBS_PERMUTED`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
110 | for (index, col) in COMPRESS_LIMBS.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COMPRESS_LIMBS`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
114 | for (index, col) in COMPRESS_PERMUTED.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COMPRESS_PERMUTED`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
119 | for (index, col) in FIX_RANGE_CHECK_U8_PERMUTED.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `FIX_RANGE_CHECK_U8_PERMUTED`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/bitwise/
128 | for (index, col) in FIX_COMPRESS_PERMUTED.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `FIX_COMPRESS_PERMUTED`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
82 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_INPUT_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_INPUT_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
86 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_OUTPUT_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_OUTPUT_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
90 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_0_1_STATE_RANGE
| _________________________^
91 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_0_1_STATE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
97 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_0_2_STATE_RANGE
| _________________________^
98 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_0_2_STATE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
104 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_0_3_STATE_RANGE
| _________________________^
105 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_0_3_STATE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
| _________________________^
112 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_PARTIAL_ROUND_ELEMENT_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
118 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_1_0_STATE_RANGE
| _________________________^
119 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_1_0_STATE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
125 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_1_1_STATE_RANGE
| _________________________^
126 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_1_1_STATE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
132 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_1_2_STATE_RANGE
| _________________________^
133 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_1_2_STATE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
139 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_1_3_STATE_RANGE
| _________________________^
140 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_FULL_ROUND_1_3_STATE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
159 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_CHUNK_VALUE_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_CHUNK_VALUE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
163 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_CHUNK_CAP_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_CHUNK_CAP_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
167 | for (index, col) in COL_POSEIDON_CHUNK_HASH_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_CHUNK_HASH_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
| _________________________^
177 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_CHUNK_IS_FIRST_PADDING_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
| _________________________^
188 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_POSEIDON_CHUNK_FILTER_LOOKING_MEM_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
168 | *s = *s + v;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `*s += v`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::assign_op_pattern)]` on by default
warning: manual implementation of an assign operation
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
178 | *s = *s + v;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^ help: replace it with: `*s += v`
= help: for further information visit
warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `state`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
92 | for i in 0..POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_range_loop)]` on by default
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
92 | for (i, <item>) in state.iter_mut().enumerate().take(POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `state`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
123 | for i in 0..POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
123 | for (i, <item>) in state.iter_mut().enumerate().take(POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: the loop variable `i` is used to index `state`
--> circuits/src/builtins/poseidon/
133 | for i in 0..POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator and enumerate()
133 | for (i, <item>) in state.iter().enumerate().take(POSEIDON_STATE_WIDTH) {
| ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/sccall/
25 | for (index, col) in COL_SCCALL_CALLER_EXE_CTX_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_SCCALL_CALLER_EXE_CTX_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/sccall/
29 | for (index, col) in COL_SCCALL_CALLER_CODE_CTX_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_SCCALL_CALLER_CODE_CTX_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/sccall/
36 | for (index, col) in COL_SCCALL_CALLER_REG_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_SCCALL_CALLER_REG_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: explicit call to `.into_iter()` in function argument accepting `IntoIterator`
--> circuits/src/builtins/sccall/
36 | Column::singles(res.into_iter()).collect_vec()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the `.into_iter()`: `res`
note: this parameter accepts any `IntoIterator`, so you don't need to call `.into_iter()`
--> circuits/src/stark/
42 | pub fn singles<I: IntoIterator<Item = impl Borrow<usize>>>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: explicit call to `.into_iter()` in function argument accepting `IntoIterator`
--> circuits/src/builtins/sccall/
56 | Column::singles(res.into_iter()).collect_vec()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the `.into_iter()`: `res`
note: this parameter accepts any `IntoIterator`, so you don't need to call `.into_iter()`
--> circuits/src/stark/
42 | pub fn singles<I: IntoIterator<Item = impl Borrow<usize>>>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/storage/
38 | for (index, col) in COL_ST_PRE_ROOT_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ST_PRE_ROOT_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/storage/
42 | for (index, col) in COL_ST_ROOT_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ST_ROOT_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/storage/
50 | for (index, col) in COL_ST_ADDR_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ST_ADDR_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/storage/
54 | for (index, col) in COL_ST_PRE_PATH_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ST_PRE_PATH_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/storage/
58 | for (index, col) in COL_ST_PATH_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ST_PATH_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/storage/
62 | for (index, col) in COL_ST_SIB_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ST_SIB_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/storage/
67 | for (index, col) in COL_ST_PRE_HASH_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ST_PRE_HASH_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/builtins/storage/
71 | for (index, col) in COL_ST_HASH_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ST_HASH_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/cpu/
141 | for (index, col) in COL_ADDR_STORAGE_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ADDR_STORAGE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/cpu/
145 | for (index, col) in COL_ADDR_CODE_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_ADDR_CODE_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/cpu/
154 | for (index, col) in COL_REGS.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_REGS`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/cpu/
168 | for (index, col) in COL_S_OP0.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_S_OP0`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/cpu/
172 | for (index, col) in COL_S_OP1.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_S_OP1`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/cpu/
176 | for (index, col) in COL_S_DST.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_S_DST`
= help: for further information visit
warning: explicit call to `.into_iter()` in function argument accepting `IntoIterator`
--> circuits/src/cpu/
264 | Column::singles(res.into_iter()).collect_vec()
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing the `.into_iter()`: `res`
note: this parameter accepts any `IntoIterator`, so you don't need to call `.into_iter()`
--> circuits/src/stark/
42 | pub fn singles<I: IntoIterator<Item = impl Borrow<usize>>>(
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `F` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> circuits/src/generation/
284 | let append_value = trace[rangecheck::FIX_RANGE_CHECK_U16]
| ____________________________^
285 | | .last()
286 | | .unwrap()
287 | | .clone();
| |____________________^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::clone_on_copy)]` on by default
help: try dereferencing it
284 ~ let append_value = *trace[rangecheck::FIX_RANGE_CHECK_U16]
285 + .last()
286 ~ .unwrap();
warning: using `clone` on type `F` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> circuits/src/generation/
289 | trace[rangecheck::FIX_RANGE_CHECK_U16].push(append_value.clone());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `append_value`
= help: for further information visit
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> circuits/src/generation/
210 | / let trace_row_vecs = trace.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|v: Vec<Vec<F>>| {
211 | | panic!(
212 | | "Expected a Vec of length {} but it was {}",
213 | | cpu::NUM_CPU_COLS,
214 | | v.len()
215 | | )
216 | | });
| |_______- unnecessary `let` binding
217 | trace_row_vecs
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::let_and_return)]` on by default
help: return the expression directly
210 ~
211 ~ trace.try_into().unwrap_or_else(|v: Vec<Vec<F>>| {
212 + panic!(
213 + "Expected a Vec of length {} but it was {}",
214 + cpu::NUM_CPU_COLS,
215 + v.len()
216 + )
217 + })
warning: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
--> circuits/src/generation/
108 | / match opcode_to_selector.get(&s.opcode.0) {
109 | | Some(selector) => trace[selector.clone()][i] = F::from_canonical_u64(1),
110 | | None => (),
111 | | }
| |_________^ help: try: `if let Some(selector) = opcode_to_selector.get(&s.opcode.0) { trace[selector.clone()][i] = F::from_canonical_u64(1) }`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::single_match)]` on by default
warning: using `clone` on type `usize` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> circuits/src/generation/
109 | Some(selector) => trace[selector.clone()][i] = F::from_canonical_u64(1),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `(*selector)`
= help: for further information visit
error: this `if` has identical blocks
--> circuits/src/generation/
172 | / {
173 | | F::ONE
174 | | } else if s.op1_imm.0 == 1 {
| |_________^
note: same as this
--> circuits/src/generation/
174 | } else if s.op1_imm.0 == 1 {
| ____________________________________^
175 | | F::ONE
176 | | } else {
| |_________^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[deny(clippy::if_same_then_else)]` on by default
warning: very complex type used. Consider factoring parts into `type` definitions
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
41 | ) -> (
| ______^
42 | | [String; DATA_SIZE],
43 | | Vec<[GoldilocksField; DATA_SIZE]>,
44 | | [String; DATA_SIZE],
45 | | Vec<[GoldilocksField; DATA_SIZE]>,
46 | | ) {
| |_^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::type_complexity)]` on by default
warning: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
28 | / fn get_looking_looked_info<
29 | | const LOOKING_COL_NUM: usize,
30 | | const LOOKED_COL_NUM: usize,
31 | | const DATA_SIZE: usize,
... |
45 | | Vec<[GoldilocksField; DATA_SIZE]>,
46 | | ) {
| |_^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::too_many_arguments)]` on by default
warning: this `.into_iter()` call is equivalent to `.iter()` and will not consume the `Vec`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
71 | .into_iter()
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: call directly: `iter`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::into_iter_on_ref)]` on by default
warning: deref which would be done by auto-deref
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
72 | .filter(|row| row_filter(*row))
| ^^^^ help: try: `row`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::explicit_auto_deref)]` on by default
warning: this `.into_iter()` call is equivalent to `.iter()` and will not consume the `Vec`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
100 | .into_iter()
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: call directly: `iter`
= help: for further information visit
warning: deref which would be done by auto-deref
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
101 | .filter(|row| row_filter(*row, filter_offset))
| ^^^^ help: try: `row`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this `.into_iter()` call is equivalent to `.iter()` and will not consume the `Vec`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
132 | .into_iter()
| ^^^^^^^^^ help: call directly: `iter`
= help: for further information visit
warning: deref which would be done by auto-deref
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
133 | .filter(|row| filter(*row, filter_offset))
| ^^^^ help: try: `row`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unneeded `return` statement
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
259 | return program.trace;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::needless_return)]` on by default
help: remove `return`
259 - return program.trace;
259 + program.trace
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
174 | let instructions = program.bytecode.split("\n");
| ^^^^ help: try using a `char` instead: `'\n'`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::single_char_pattern)]` on by default
warning: the loop variable `j` is only used to index `cols`
--> circuits/src/generation/ctl_test/
286 | for j in 0..COL_NUM {
| ^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator
286 | for <item> in cols.iter().take(COL_NUM) {
| ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
--> circuits/src/generation/
58 | / match opcode_to_selector.get(&c.op.0) {
59 | | Some(selector) => trace[selector.clone()][i] = F::from_canonical_u64(1),
60 | | None => (),
61 | | }
| |_________^ help: try: `if let Some(selector) = opcode_to_selector.get(&c.op.0) { trace[selector.clone()][i] = F::from_canonical_u64(1) }`
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `usize` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> circuits/src/generation/
59 | Some(selector) => trace[selector.clone()][i] = F::from_canonical_u64(1),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try dereferencing it: `(*selector)`
= help: for further information visit
error: this `if` has identical blocks
--> circuits/src/generation/
79 | trace[memory::COL_MEM_FILTER_LOOKING_RC][i] = if i == 0 {
| _________________________________________________________________^
80 | | F::from_canonical_u64(0)
81 | | } else if c.region_prophet.to_canonical_u64() == 1 {
| |_________^
note: same as this
--> circuits/src/generation/
81 | } else if c.region_prophet.to_canonical_u64() == 1 {
| ____________________________________________________________^
82 | | F::from_canonical_u64(0)
83 | | } else if curr_is_heap && last_is_not_heap {
| |_________^
= help: for further information visit
error: this `if` has identical blocks
--> circuits/src/generation/
81 | } else if c.region_prophet.to_canonical_u64() == 1 {
| ____________________________________________________________^
82 | | F::from_canonical_u64(0)
83 | | } else if curr_is_heap && last_is_not_heap {
| |_________^
note: same as this
--> circuits/src/generation/
83 | } else if curr_is_heap && last_is_not_heap {
| ____________________________________________________^
84 | | F::from_canonical_u64(0)
85 | | } else {
| |_________^
= help: for further information visit
warning: using `clone` on type `[GoldilocksField; 4]` which implements the `Copy` trait
--> circuits/src/generation/
176 | addr.clone(),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try removing the `clone` call: `addr`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
83 | let exec = std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.exec, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.exec)`
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::mem_replace_with_default)]` on by default
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
91 | let memory = std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.memory, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.memory)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
99 | std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.builtin_bitwise_combined, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.builtin_bitwise_combined)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
106 | let builtin_cmp = std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.builtin_cmp, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.builtin_cmp)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
113 | let builtin_rangecheck = std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.builtin_rangecheck, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.builtin_rangecheck)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
120 | let builtin_poseidon = std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.builtin_poseidon, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.builtin_poseidon)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
128 | std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.builtin_poseidon_chunk, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.builtin_poseidon_chunk)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
137 | std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.builtin_storage_hash, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.builtin_storage_hash)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
139 | std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.builtin_program_hash, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.builtin_program_hash)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
147 | let tape = std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.tape, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.tape)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: replacing a value of type `T` with `T::default()` is better expressed using `std::mem::take`
--> circuits/src/generation/
154 | let sc_call = std::mem::replace(&mut program.trace.sc_call, Vec::new());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider using: `std::mem::take(&mut program.trace.sc_call)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/program/
20 | for (index, col) in COL_PROG_CODE_ADDR_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_PROG_CODE_ADDR_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/program/
28 | for (index, col) in COL_PROG_EXEC_CODE_ADDR_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_PROG_EXEC_CODE_ADDR_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/program/
65 | for (index, col) in COL_PROG_CHUNK_CODE_ADDR_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_PROG_CHUNK_CODE_ADDR_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/program/
70 | for (index, col) in COL_PROG_CHUNK_INST_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_PROG_CHUNK_INST_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/program/
74 | for (index, col) in COL_PROG_CHUNK_CAP_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_PROG_CHUNK_CAP_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/program/
78 | for (index, col) in COL_PROG_CHUNK_HASH_RANGE.into_iter().enumerate() {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_PROG_CHUNK_HASH_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/program/
| _________________________^
88 | | .into_iter()
| |____________________^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `COL_PROG_CHUNK_FILTER_LOOKING_PROG_RANGE`
= help: for further information visit
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> circuits/src/stark/
380 | pub(crate) fn eval_cross_table_lookup_checks<F, FE, P, C, S, const D: usize, const D2: usize>(
| ^
= help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::extra_unused_type_parameters)]` on by default
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> circuits/src/stark/
553 | / C: GenericConfig<D, F = F>,
554 | | const D: usize,
| |____^ help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
warning: the loop variable `c` is only used to index `extra_product_vec`
--> circuits/src/stark/
568 | for c in 0..config.num_challenges {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator
568 | for <item> in extra_product_vec.iter().take(config.num_challenges) {
| ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> circuits/src/stark/
589 | / C: GenericConfig<D, F = F>,
590 | | const D: usize,
| |____^ help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
warning: the loop variable `c` is only used to index `extra_product_vec`
--> circuits/src/stark/
605 | for c in 0..inner_config.num_challenges {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: consider using an iterator
605 | for <item> in extra_product_vec.iter().take(inner_config.num_challenges) {
| ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> circuits/src/stark/
102 | pub(crate) fn compute_permutation_z_polys<F, C, S, const D: usize>(
| ^
= help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> circuits/src/stark/
301 | pub(crate) fn eval_permutation_checks<F, FE, P, C, S, const D: usize, const D2: usize>(
| ^
= help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (8/7)
--> circuits/src/stark/
333 | / pub(crate) fn prove_single_table<F, C, S, const D: usize>(
334 | | stark: &S,
335 | | config: &StarkConfig,
336 | | trace_poly_values: &[PolynomialValues<F>],
... |
341 | | twiddle_map: &mut BTreeMap<usize, Vec<F>>,
342 | | ) -> Result<StarkProof<F, C, D>>
| |________________________________^
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (9/7)
--> circuits/src/stark/
574 | / fn compute_quotient_polys<'a, F, P, C, S, const D: usize>(
575 | | stark: &S,
576 | | trace_commitment: &'a PolynomialBatch<F, C, D>,
577 | | permutation_ctl_zs_commitment: &'a PolynomialBatch<F, C, D>,
... |
583 | | config: &StarkConfig,
584 | | ) -> Vec<PolynomialCoeffs<F>>
| |_____________________________^
= help: for further information visit
warning: useless conversion to the same type: `std::ops::Range<usize>`
--> circuits/src/stark/
695 | (0..P::WIDTH).into_iter().map(move |i| {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: consider removing `.into_iter()`: `(0..P::WIDTH)`
= help: for further information visit
warning: this function has too many arguments (9/7)
--> circuits/src/stark/
714 | / fn check_constraints<'a, F, C, S, const D: usize>(
715 | | stark: &S,
716 | | trace_commitment: &'a PolynomialBatch<F, C, D>,
717 | | permutation_ctl_zs_commitment: &'a PolynomialBatch<F, C, D>,
... |
723 | | config: &StarkConfig,
724 | | ) where
| |_^
= help: for further information visit
warning: struct `Buffer` has a public `len` method, but no `is_empty` method
--> circuits/src/stark/
24 | pub fn len(&self) -> usize {
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::len_without_is_empty)]` on by default
warning: module has the same name as its containing module
--> circuits/src/stark/
11 | pub mod stark;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= help: for further information visit
= note: `#[warn(clippy::module_inception)]` on by default
warning: type parameter `C` goes unused in function definition
--> circuits/src/stark/
48 | pub(crate) fn eval_vanishing_poly_circuit<F, C, S, const D: usize>(
| ^
= help: consider removing the parameter
= help: for further information visit
warning: returning the result of a `let` binding from a block
--> circuits/src/stark/
215 | let prod = F::ONE;
| ------------------ unnecessary `let` binding
216 | prod
| ^^^^
= help: for further information visit
help: return the expression directly
215 ~
216 ~ F::ONE
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> circuits/src/
46 | let instructions = program.bytecode.split("\n");
| ^^^^ help: try using a `char` instead: `'\n'`
= help: for further information visit
warning: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
--> circuits/src/
183 | / match error_hook {
184 | | Some(ref hook) => hook(i, vars),
185 | | None => {}
186 | | }
| |_________________^ help: try: `if let Some(ref hook) = error_hook { hook(i, vars) }`
= help: for further information visit
warning: single-character string constant used as pattern
--> circuits/src/
219 | let instructions = program.bytecode.split("\n");
| ^^^^ help: try using a `char` instead: `'\n'`
= help: for further information visit
warning: you seem to be trying to use `match` for destructuring a single pattern. Consider using `if let`
--> circuits/src/
357 | / match error_hook {
358 | | Some(ref hook) => hook(i, vars),
359 | | None => {}
360 | | }
| |_________________^ help: try: `if let Some(ref hook) = error_hook { hook(i, vars) }`
= help: for further information visit
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
87 | cpu_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(cpu_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
= note: `#[warn(unused_must_use)]` on by default
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
87 | let _ = cpu_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(cpu_rows));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
94 | memory_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(memory_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
94 | let _ = memory_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(memory_rows));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
102 | bitwise_tx.send((trace_to_poly_values(bitwise_rows), bitwise_beta));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
102 | let _ = bitwise_tx.send((trace_to_poly_values(bitwise_rows), bitwise_beta));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
109 | cmp_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(cmp_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
109 | let _ = cmp_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(cmp_rows));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
116 | rc_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(rc_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
116 | let _ = rc_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(rc_rows));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
123 | poseidon_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(poseidon_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
123 | let _ = poseidon_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(poseidon_rows));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
132 | poseidon_chunk_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(poseidon_chunk_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
132 | let _ = poseidon_chunk_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(poseidon_chunk_rows));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
143 | storage_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(storage_access_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
143 | let _ = storage_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(storage_access_rows));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
150 | tape_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(tape_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
150 | let _ = tape_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(tape_rows));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
157 | sccall_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(sccall_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
157 | let _ = sccall_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(sccall_rows));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
171 | program_tx.send((trace_to_poly_values(program_rows), program_beta));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
171 | let _ = program_tx.send((trace_to_poly_values(program_rows), program_beta));
| +++++++
warning: unused `std::result::Result` that must be used
--> circuits/src/generation/
177 | prog_chunk_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(prog_chunk_rows));
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
= note: this `Result` may be an `Err` variant, which should be handled
help: use `let _ = ...` to ignore the resulting value
177 | let _ = prog_chunk_tx.send(trace_to_poly_values(prog_chunk_rows));
| +++++++
warning: `circuits` (lib) generated 156 warnings
error: could not compile `circuits` (lib) due to 3 previous errors; 156 warnings emitted
~/m/p/o/olavm (main)$
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