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Last active September 21, 2019 15:16
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// Runs in
open System
type Intermediate = { Digit : int; Flow: int; LastWasZero : bool }
let t = [ 1 .. 9 ] |> (fun i -> { Digit = i; Flow = 0; LastWasZero = false })
let nextRound (intermediate) =
let sum = intermediate.Digit * 2 + intermediate.Flow
let digit = sum % 10
let nextFlow = sum / 10
{ Digit = digit; Flow = nextFlow; LastWasZero = intermediate.Digit = 0 }
let checkFoundSingle startNum intermediate =
let ok = startNum = intermediate.Digit && intermediate.Flow = 0 && not intermediate.LastWasZero
if ok then Console.WriteLine(sprintf "Found OK: %A" intermediate)
let checkFound list =
|> List.mapi (fun idx intermediate -> (idx, intermediate))
|> List.tryFind (fun (idx, intermediate) ->
checkFoundSingle (idx + 1) intermediate)
|> (fun (idx, _) -> idx + 1)
let y_0 = t |> nextRound
let mutable next = y_0
let mutable found = None
let mutable i = 0
while found.IsNone do
i <- i + 1
next <- next |> nextRound
match checkFound next with
| Some num ->
Console.WriteLine(sprintf "%d worked in round %d" num i)
found <- Some num
| _ -> ()
Console.WriteLine(sprintf "Testing round %d" i)
match found with
| Some num ->
let start = { Digit = num; Flow = 0; LastWasZero = false }
let mutable start = [ nextRound start; start ]
while not (checkFoundSingle num start.Head) do
start <- nextRound start.Head :: start
let sol = start.Tail |> (fun i -> i.Digit)
Console.WriteLine (sprintf "Solution %A" sol)
let num =
|> List.rev
|> List.mapi (fun idx num -> bigint num * (System.Numerics.BigInteger.Pow(10I, idx)))
|> List.sum
Console.WriteLine (sprintf "Solution %A" num)
Console.WriteLine (sprintf "Times 2: %A" (num * 2I))
| _ -> ()
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