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Last active June 20, 2020 06:53
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(* TODO: use Random.State *)
open Random;;
open List;;
(* =========================================== General Utils = *)
let sign x = if x < 0 then -1 else 1;;
let truncate x l = sign x * min (abs x) l;;
let id (a: 'a) = a;;
let (--) i j =
let rec go acc n = if n < i
then acc
else go (n :: acc) (n - 1)
in go [] j;;
let comp (f: 'b -> 'c) (g: 'a -> 'b) (x: 'a) = f (g x);;
let flip f y x = f x y;;
let rec duplicate x = function
| 0 -> []
| n -> x :: duplicate x (n - 1);;
let iterate f z =
let rec go acc = function
| None -> acc
| Some (a, b) -> go (a :: acc) (f b)
in go [] (f z);;
let rec take n xs = match (n, xs) with
| (_, []) -> []
| (0, _) -> []
| (n, x::xs) -> x :: take (n-1) xs;;
let rec drop n xs = match (n, xs) with
| (_, []) -> []
| (0, xs) -> xs
| (n, _::xs) -> drop (n-1) xs;;
let rec repeat n f = match n with
| 0 -> ()
| n -> let _ = f () in repeat (n - 1) f;;
let rec repeat_with_stop n f = match n with
| 0 -> ()
| n -> if f ()
then repeat_with_stop (n - 1) f
else ();;
let first_some l r = match l with
| None -> r
| _ -> l;;
let maybe v = function
| Some w -> w
| _ -> v;;
let rescue_with x m = Some (maybe x m);;
let rec find_first p = function
| [] -> None
| x :: xs -> let m = p x
in match m with
| Some _ -> m
| _ -> find_first p xs;;
(* =========================================== Defered = *)
type 'a defered =
| Thunk of (unit -> 'a)
| Val of 'a;;
let force = function
| Thunk d -> d ()
| Val v -> v;;
let map_defered f = function
| Thunk g -> Thunk (comp f g)
| Val a -> Val (f a);;
let apply_defered f l r = match (l, r) with
| (Val x, Val y) -> Val (f x y)
| (l, r) -> Thunk (fun _ -> f (force l) (force r));;
let ret_defered x = Val x;;
let bind_defered m f = match m with
| Thunk d -> Thunk (fun _ -> force (f (d ())))
| Val x -> f x;;
(* =========================================== Rose Tree = *)
type 'a rose = {
root: 'a;
children: 'a rose list defered;
let rec map_rose f r = {
root=f r.root;
children= map_defered ( (map_rose f)) r.children
let ret_rose a = { root=a; children= ret_defered []};;
let rec bind_rose (r : 'a rose) (f: 'a -> 'b rose) : ' b rose =
let froot = f r.root in
{ root= froot.root;
children= apply_defered (@)
(map_defered ( (flip bind_rose f)) r.children)
(* =========================================== Show = *)
type 'a show = 'a -> string;;
let show_int = string_of_int;;
let show_bool = string_of_bool;;
let show_pair sl sr (l, r) = "(" ^ sl l ^ ", " ^ sr r ^ ")";;
let show_str = id;;
let show_list s l = "[ " ^
List.fold_left (fun r l -> s l ^ " " ^ r) "" l ^
let rec show_rose s n r =
let rest = if n <= 0
then "[...]"
else (show_list (show_rose s (n - 1))) (force r.children)
in "{ root= " ^ s r.root ^ ", " ^ "children= " ^ rest ^ " }";;
(* =========================================== Gen Monad = *)
(* Int param is the term size constraint *)
type 'a gen = int -> 'a rose;;
let bind_gen (g : 'a gen) (f: 'a -> 'b gen) : 'b gen = fun i ->
(g i)
(fun a -> f a i);;
let ret_gen (a : 'a) _ = ret_rose a;;
let map_gen (f : 'a -> 'b) (g: 'a gen) i = map_rose f (g i);;
(* =========================================== Combinators = *)
let shrink_int n = {
let it z = if z == 0
then None
else Some (z/2, z/2) in
let f _ = ret_rose (iterate it n)
in Thunk f
let choose lo hi size =
let sized_lo = truncate lo size in
let sized_hi = truncate hi size in
let n = sized_lo + (sized_hi - sized_lo + 1)
in shrink_int n;;
let element (xs : 'a list) : ('a gen) = map_gen (nth xs) (choose 0 (length xs - 1));;
let oneof (gens : 'a gen list) : 'a gen = bind_gen (element gens) id;;
let frequency (gens : (int * 'a gen) list) : 'a gen =
let universe = fold_left (fun n (f, _) -> n + f) 0 gens in
let rec pick ((k, gen) :: xs) n = if n <= k
then gen
else pick xs (n - k)
in bind_gen (choose 1 universe) (pick gens);;
let sized (f : int -> 'a gen) i = f i i;;
let resize n gen _ = gen n;;
(* =========================== Arbitrary instances = *)
let gen_bool = element [false; true];;
let gen_int = sized (fun i -> choose (-i) i);;
let gen_pair (genl: 'a gen) (genr: 'b gen) : ('a * 'b) gen = fun i ->
let l = genl i in
let r = genr i in
let rec shrink (l, r) =
let pl l = (ret_rose l, r) in
let pr r = (l, ret_rose r) in
let map_children f = (map_rose f) in
let unshrinked_children = apply_defered (@)
(map_defered (map_children pl) l.children)
(map_defered (map_children pr) r.children)
in { root=(l.root, r.root);
children= map_defered ( (flip bind_rose shrink)) unshrinked_children
in shrink (l, r)
(* ================================================== Property = *)
type result = { ok: bool option; arguments: string list };;
type property = Prop of result gen;;
type 'a testable = { prop: ('a -> property) };;
let nothing = { ok=None; arguments=[] };;
let res r = Prop (ret_gen r);;
let evaluate { prop; } a = let Prop gen = prop a in gen;;
let forall ((testableb, gena, showa) : 'b testable * 'a gen * 'a show) f =
Prop (bind_gen gena
(fun a -> bind_gen (evaluate testableb (f a))
(fun r -> ret_gen ({ r with arguments = (showa a) :: r.arguments})
let bool_testable = {
prop = fun b -> res ({ nothing with ok = Some b})
let prop_testable = {
prop = id
let fun_testable classes : ('a -> 'b) testable = {
prop= fun f -> forall classes f
let predicate_testable (arb, show) = fun_testable (bool_testable, arb, show);;
let to_prop_testable (arb, show) = fun_testable (prop_testable, arb, show);;
let quickcheck (testablea: 'a testable) (a: 'a) =
let gen = evaluate testablea a in
let failed {root= {ok}} = (match ok with
| None | Some true -> false
| Some false -> true
) in
let rec find_smallest_fail case =
if failed case
let smallest_child = find_first find_smallest_fail (force case.children)
in rescue_with case smallest_child
else None
let run_one _ =
let case = gen 30 in
(match find_smallest_fail case with
| None -> true
| Some { root={arguments}} ->
let str = "failed with: " ^ (show_list show_str) arguments ^ "\n" in
let _ = print_string str in
in repeat_with_stop 100 run_one
let (==>) pre post =
if pre
then bool_testable.prop post
else res nothing;;
let quickcheckb = comp quickcheck predicate_testable;;
let quickcheckp = comp quickcheck to_prop_testable;;
Random.self_init ();;
(* ================================================== Test Code = *)
let swap (l, r) = (r, l);;
let eq (ll, lr) (rl, rr) = ll == rl && lr == rr;;
let property x = let (l, r) = x in
l > 1 ==> eq (swap x) x;;
(resize 100 (gen_pair gen_int gen_int), show_pair show_int show_int)
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