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Last active September 17, 2015 21:23
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CG on A'A vs CG on Cimmino projection
## CG on (Id - AA'/diag(AA')X = 0)
type CimminoProblem
function CimminoProblem(X::Matrix{Float64})
return CimminoProblem(X, 1./vec(sumabs2(X, 1)), Array(Float64, size(X, 1)))
function Base.A_mul_B!(y::Vector{Float64}, cp::CimminoProblem, x::Vector{Float64})
# Multiply by (I - AA'/diag(AA')X)
At_mul_B(cp.z, cp.X, x)
broadcast!(*, cp.z, cp.z, cp.invsumabs2)
copy!(y, x)
BLAS.gemm!('N', 'N', -1.0, cp.z, tmp, 1.0, y)
return y
function cg!(x, r, A; tol::Real=1e-8, maxiter::Int=100)
# Initialization.
converged = false
iterations = maxiter
p = deepcopy(r)
q = similar(r)
tmp = Array(Float64, size(A.X, 2))
ssr0 = sumabs2(r)
ssrold = ssr0
iter = 0
while iter < maxiter
iter += 1
A_mul_B!(q, A, p)
α = ssrold / dot(q, p)
Base.BLAS.axpy!(α, p, x)
Base.BLAS.axpy!(-α, q, r)
ssr = sumabs2(r)
error = sumabs2(At_mul_B!(tmp, A.X, x))
@show error
if error <= tol^2
iterations = iter
converged = true
β = ssr / ssrold
scale!(p, β)
Base.BLAS.axpy!(1.0, r, p)
ssrold = ssr
return iterations, converged
function residualize!(y, cp::CimminoProblem)
# r = b- Ax0
r = similar(y)
A_mul_B!(r, cp, y)
scale!(r, -1.0)
# start conjugate gradient
iterations, converged = cg!(y, r, cp)
@assert sumabs2(At_mul_B(cp.X, cp.X) \ At_mul_B(cp.X, y)) <= 1e-10
return iterations
## CG on A'A X = A'y
function cgls!(r, A; tol::Real=1e-8, maxiter::Int=100)
# Initialization.
converged = false
iterations = maxiter
s = Array(Float64, size(A, 2))
p = similar(s)
ptmp = similar(s)
q = similar(r)
invdiag = 1./vec(sumabs2(A, 1))
At_mul_B!(s, A, r)
broadcast!(*, ptmp, s, invdiag)
copy!(p, ptmp)
ssr0 = dot(s, ptmp)
ssrold = ssr0
iter = 0
tmp = similar(s)
while iter < maxiter
iter += 1
A_mul_B!(q, A, p)
At_mul_B!(ptmp, A, q)
α = ssrold / dot(ptmp, p)
Base.BLAS.axpy!(-α, q, r)
Base.BLAS.axpy!(-α, ptmp, s)
broadcast!(*, ptmp, s, invdiag)
ssr = dot(s, ptmp)
error = sumabs2(At_mul_B!(tmp, A, r))
@show error
if error <= tol^2
iterations = iter
converged = true
β = ssr / ssrold
# p = s + β p
scale!(p, β)
Base.BLAS.axpy!(1.0, ptmp, p)
ssrold = ssr
return iterations, converged
function residualize!(y, X::Matrix{Float64})
# start conjugate gradient
iterations, converged = cgls!(y, X)
@assert sumabs2(At_mul_B(X, X) \ At_mul_B(X, y)) <= 1e-10
return iterations
residualize(y, X) = residualize!(deepcopy(y), X)
## Tests
## For both methods, error stopped when sumabs2(A' x residual) <= tol
## Both method require the same amount of computations at each iteration
X = randn(500, 2)
y = randn(500)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(5000, 2)
y = randn(5000)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(50000, 2)
y = randn(50000)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(500, 10)
y = randn(500)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(5000, 10)
y = randn(5000)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(50000, 10)
y = randn(50000)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(500, 100)
y = randn(500)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(5000, 100)
y = randn(5000)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(50000, 100)
y = randn(50000)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(500, 1000)
y = randn(500)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(5000, 1000)
y = randn(5000)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
X = randn(50000, 1000)
y = randn(50000)
residualize(y, CimminoProblem(X))
residualize(y, X)
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