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Last active December 12, 2015 10:39
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Unit testing views in Ember

We (at Kabisa ICT) are in the process of learning Ember.js. We do all our development TDD, and want Ember.js to be no exception. We have experience building Backbone.js apps test-driven, so we are familiar with testing front-end code using Jasmine or Mocha/Chai.

When figuring out how to test views, we ran into a problem when the template for the view uses has a #linkTo statement. Unfortunately we are unable to find good test examples and practices. This gist is our quest to get answers how to decently unit-test ember applications.

When looking at the test for linkTo, we noticed it contains a full wiring of an ember app to support #linkTo. Does this mean we cannot stub this behaviour when testing a template?

How do you create tests for ember views using template renders?

<div class="todos-count"><span class="todos">{{length}}</span> things to do</div>
{{#linkTo "index"}}Home{{/linkTo}}
# This test is made with Mocha / Chai,
# With the chai-jquery and chai-changes extensions
describe 'TodoItemsView', ->
beforeEach ->
testSerializer = DS.JSONSerializer.create
primaryKey: -> 'id'
TestAdapter = DS.Adapter.extend
serializer: testSerializer
TestStore = DS.Store.extend
revision: 11
adapter: TestAdapter.create()
TodoItem = DS.Model.extend
title: DS.attr('string')
store = TestStore.create()
@todoItem = store.createRecord TodoItem
title: 'Do something'
@controller = Em.ArrayController.create
content: []
@view = Em.View.create
templateName: 'working_template'
controller: @controller
@controller.pushObject @todoItem
afterEach ->
describe 'amount of todos', ->
beforeEach ->
# $('#konacha') is a div that gets cleaned between each test => @view.appendTo '#konacha'
it 'is shown', ->
$('#konacha .todos-count').should.have.text '1 things to do'
it 'is livebound', ->
expect(=> $('#konacha .todos-count').text()).to.change.from('1 things to do').to('2 things to do').when => =>
extraTodoItem = store.createRecord TodoItem,
title: 'Moar todo'
@controller.pushObject extraTodoItem
<div class="todos-count"><span class="todos">{{length}}</span> things to do</div>
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