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Last active May 20, 2020 23:19
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Save mattia72/f422d965d2dcd6db3bbf to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoHotkey.ahk with handy features.

Autohotkey script

This script has a special filename and path because it is automatically launched when you run autohotkey directly.


  • Search selected text on Google: Win+Alt+g
  • Translate selected words DE/EN <-> HU: Win+Alt+d/e
  • Open selected path in the default program: Win+Alt+o
  • Open selected path in the commander:Win+Alt+t
  • Abbreviation for writing date: 2dm / 2dd
  • Start or activate editor, commander, explorer or firefox
  • Open selected text in a new buffer of vim
; File: AutoHotkey.ahk
; Author: Mattia72
; Description: Automatically launched AHK script
; Created: 28 okt. 2015
; Project Repo:
; This script has a special filename and path because it is automatically
; launched when you run the program directly. Also, any text file whose
; name ends in .ahk is associated with the program, which means that it
; can be launched simply by double-clicking it. You can have as many .ahk
; files as you want, located in any folder. You can also run more than
; one ahk file simultaneously and each will get its own tray icon.
OutputDebug, Script loading on %A_ComputerName%.
TrayTip, Autohotkey, Starting..., 2, 1
;set default editor
;editor = %HOME%\utils\editors\SublimeText\sublime_text.exe
editor_params=--servername GVIM
;set path for
freeCommander=%HOME%\utils\misc\FreeCommander XE\FreeCommander.exe
regwrite, reg_sz, hkey_classes_root, autohotkeyscript\shell\edit\command, , %editor% %editor_params% --remote-tab-silent `"`%1`"
;regwrite, reg_sz, hkey_classes_root, batfile\shell\open\command, , %HOME%\utils\power-toys\Console2\Console.exe -r `"/c `"`%1`" `%*`"
;regwrite, reg_sz, hkey_classes_root, batfile\shell\open\command, , %HOME%\utils\misc\FarManager\ConEmu.exe `"/Single /cmd `"`%1`" `%*`"
; ===========================================================================
; RunOrActivate: Run a program or switch to it if already running.
; program - Program to run. E.g. Calc.exe or C:\Progs\Bobo.exe
; This can be a list of paths separeted by new line
; E.g C:\Progs\Bobo.exe`nD:\Bobo.Exe
; params - parameter for program
; title - Optional title of the window to activate. Programs like
; MS Outlook might have multiple windows open (main window and email
; windows). This parm allows activating a specific window.
; alwaysRun - don't search anything just run.
; ===========================================================================
RunOrActivate(program, params := "", title := "", alwaysRun=false)
if alwaysRun
PID := RunProgramWithParameters(program,params)
OutputDebug, Always run with params %fileName% params: %params%
OutputDebug, program: %program%
StringSplit, program_path_array, program, `n
if (PID == 0)
Loop, %program_path_array0%
prog := program_path_array%a_index%
OutputDebug, program in loop: %prog%
;exists := FileExist(prog)
;isPath := InStr(prog, ":")
;OutputDebug, %prog% %exists% %isPath%
;If not a path e.g calc.exe or path exists...
If(!InStr(prog, ":") or FileExist(prog))
; Get the filename without a path
SplitPath, prog, fileName
OutputDebug, search %fileName% in running process.
Process, Exist, %fileName%
If ErrorLevel > 0
PID = %ErrorLevel%
OutputDebug, It runs already (%PID%) %fileName%
PID := RunProgramWithParameters(prog,params)
OutputDebug Running %fileName% with params: %params%
; If an app wouldn't become active
; using Run, we always force a window activate.
; Activate by title if given, otherwise use PID.
If title <>
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
WinWait, %title%, , 3
TrayTip, Activating, Window Title "%title%" (%fileName%), 2, 1
WinActivate, %title%
WinWait, ahk_pid %PID%, , 3
TrayTip, Activating, %fileName% (PID %PID%), 2, 1
WinActivate, ahk_pid %PID%
SetTimer, RunOrActivateTrayTipOff, 2000
; ===========================================================================
; RunOrActivateTrayTipOf: fTurn off the tray tip
; ===========================================================================
SetTimer, RunOrActivateTrayTipOff, off
; ===========================================================================
; GetSelectedText: Returns with the selected text
; ===========================================================================
tmp = %ClipboardAll% ; save clipboard
selection = %Clipboard% ; save the content of the clipboard
OutputDebug Selection: %selection%
Clipboard = %tmp% ; restore old content of the clipboard
VarSetCapacity(tmp, 0)
return selection
; ===========================================================================
; CopyToClipboard: Copy selected text to clipboard
; ===========================================================================
Clipboard = ; Start off empty to allow ClipWait to detect when the text has arrived.
Send, ^{Ins}
ClipWait, 1 ; Wait for the clipboard to contain text.
; ===========================================================================
; SearchSelectionOnWeb: Searches selected text on web site
; postFix is the end of the url, search string(selection)
; is between searchSite and postfix
; if there is no selected text, it opens the main site
; ===========================================================================
SearchSelectionOnWeb(searchSite, postFix="")
selection := GetSelectedText()
SearchOnWebs(searchSite, selection, postFix)
; ===========================================================================
; SearchClipBoardOnWeb: Searches clipboard content text on web site
; postFix is the end of the url, search string(selection)
; is between searchSite and postfix
; if there is no selected text, it opens the main site
; ===========================================================================
SearchClipBoardOnWeb(searchSite, postFix="")
content = %Clipboard% ; save the content of the clipboard
SearchOnWebs(searchSite, content, postFix)
; ===========================================================================
; SearchSelectionOnWebs: Searches selected text on web sites
; searchSites are separeted with spaces...
; if there is no selected text, it opens the main site
; ===========================================================================
SearchSelectionOnWebs(searchSites, postFixes="")
selection := GetSelectedText()
SearchOnWebs(searchSites, selection, postFixes)
; ===========================================================================
; SearchClipBoardOnWebs: Searches clipboard content text on web sites
; searchSites are separeted with spaces...
; if there is no selected text, it opens the main site
; ===========================================================================
SearchClipBoardOnWebs(searchSites, postFixes="")
content = %Clipboard% ; save the content of the clipboard
SearchOnWebs(searchSites, content, postFixes)
; ===========================================================================
; SearchOnWebs: Searches text on web sites
; searchSites are separeted with spaces...
; if there is no selected text, it opens the main site
; ===========================================================================
SearchOnWebs(searchSites,text, postFixes="")
OutputDebug, sites: '%searchSites%' text: '%text%' post: '%postFixes%'
StringSplit, postFix_array, postFixes, `n
Loop, parse, searchSites, `n
post := postFix_array%index%
; MsgBox, %searchSite%
if (StrLen(text) == 0)
searchSite := RegexReplace(searchSite,"(http.?://[^/]*)/.*$","$1" )
StringGetPos, pos, searchSite, `%
if (pos == 0)
StringTrimLeft, searchSite, searchSite, 1
;MsgBox, %searchSite% %pos% %text%
OutputDebug, handle:'%searchSite%' text:'%text%' post:'%post%'
fullSearchString = %searchSite%%text%%post%
OutputDebug, Full search string: %fullSearchString%
TrayTip, Open, %fullSearchString%, 2, 1
Run, %fullSearchString%
SetTimer, RunOrActivateTrayTipOff, 3000
; ===========================================================================
; OpenSelectedTextInVim: Opens selection in a new buffer in Vim
; ===========================================================================
global editor
tmp = %ClipboardAll% ; save clipboard
selection = %Clipboard% ; save the content of the clipboard
OutputDebug Selection: %selection%
RunOrActivate( editor, "-c ""put! *""" , "", true)
Clipboard = %tmp% ; restore old content of the clipboard
VarSetCapacity(tmp, 0)
; ===========================================================================
; OpenSelectedURL: Opens selection, optional with given program
; if selection could not be launched, MsgBox is shown.
; ===========================================================================
OpenSelectedURL(program_path="", program_args="", remove_protocol=false)
selection := GetSelectedText()
selection := RegExReplace( selection, "(^\s+)|(\s+$)")
if (remove_protocol)
selection := RemoveProtocolSelector(selection)
TryOpen(selection, program_path, program_args)
; ===========================================================================
; OpenURLFromClipBoard: Opens clipboard content, optional with given program
; if selection could not be launched, MsgBox is shown.
; ===========================================================================
OpenURLFromClipBoard(program_path="", program_args="", remove_protocol=false)
content = %Clipboard% ; save the content of the clipboard
content := RegExReplace( content, "(^\s+)|(\s+$)")
if (remove_protocol)
selection := RemoveProtocolSelector(selection)
TryOpen(content, program_path, program_args)
text := RegExReplace( text, "i)^(file|https?|mailto)://" )
return text
; ===========================================================================
; TryOpen: Opens something, optional with given program
; if selection could not be launched, MsgBox is shown.
; ===========================================================================
TryOpen(something, program_path="", program_args="")
if (StrLen(something) != 0)
TrayTip, Open, %something%, 2, 1
if (StrLen(program_path) == 0)
Run, %something%, , UseErrorLevel
if ErrorLevel = ERROR ; document not found...
MsgBox, 52, Autohotkey: error, The document "%something%" could not be launched.`nWould you search it on the web?
IfMsgBox Yes
OutputDebug, Run something=%something%
StringSplit, program_path_array, program_path, `n
Loop, %program_path_array0%
program_path := program_path_array%a_index%
IfExist, %program_path%
Run, %program_path% %program_args% "%something%", , UseErrorLevel
if ErrorLevel = ERROR ; document not found...
MsgBox, 16, Autohotkey: error %program_path% %program_args% "%something%" could not be launched.
OutputDebug, Run prog=%program_path% args=%program_args% with="%something%"
OutputDebug, prog=%program_path% not found!
SetTimer, RunOrActivateTrayTipOff, 3000
; ===========================================================================
; RunProgramWithParameters: Runs a program with given parameters
; ===========================================================================
RunProgramWithParameters(program_path, param="")
StringSplit, program_path_array, program_path, `n
Loop, %program_path_array0%
prog := program_path_array%a_index%
IfNotExist, %prog%
OutputDebug, prog=%prog% not found, but we try to start it, it may be in path!
TrayTip, Running, %prog% %param%, 2, 1
if (StrLen(param) == 0)
Run,%prog%, , ,PID
Run, %prog% %param%, , ,PID
SetTimer, RunOrActivateTrayTipOff, 3000
return PID
; ===========================================================================
; EncodeUriString: Encodes the uri
; ===========================================================================
EncodeUriString(ByRef Text)
;oSC := ComObjCreate("ScriptControl")
;oSC.Language := "JScript"
;Script := "var Encoded = encodeURIComponent(""" . Uri . """)"
;encoded := oSC.Eval("Encoded")
;Return encoded
StringReplace, Text, Text, `%, `%25, All
FormatInteger := A_FormatInteger, FoundPos := 0
SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex
While (FoundPos := RegExMatch(Text, "[^\w-.~% ]", Char, FoundPos + 1))
a:= Asc(Char)
OutputDebug Char:%Char% %a%
StringReplace, Text, Text, %Char%, % "%" SubStr(0 SubStr(Asc(Char), 3), -1), All
OutputDebug %Text%
StringReplace, Text, Text, %A_Space%, +, All
SetFormat, IntegerFast, %FormatInteger%
Text := RegExReplace(Text, "%..", "$U0")
; ===========================================================================
; Hotkey definitions...
; ===========================================================================
;Alt+Win -> Search / Open selected text
!#b:: SearchSelectionOnWebs("")
;_d_e-hu dict
; `n separated list of sites and postfixes
; begins with % if needs to be encoded
;MsgBox, %A_Thishotkey%
if ( A_ThisHotkey = "!#d" )
SearchSelectionOnWebs( sites, postfixes)
else if ( A_ThisHotkey = "!#+d" )
SearchClipBoardOnWebs( sites, postfixes)
;_e_n dict
; `n separated list of sites and postfixes
; begins with % if needs to be encoded
if ( A_ThisHotkey = "!#e" )
SearchSelectionOnWebs( sites, postfixes)
else if ( A_ThisHotkey = "!#+e" )
SearchClipBoardOnWebs( sites, postfixes)
;google _f_ordító
!#f:: SearchSelectionOnWebs("|hu|")
;google search
!#g:: SearchSelectionOnWebs("")
!#+g:: SearchClipBoardOnWebs("")
;internet explorer
!#i:: OpenSelectedURL("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe")
!#+i:: OpenURLFromClipBoard("C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe")
;_l_eo dict
; `n separated list of sites and postfixes
; begins with % if needs to be encoded
if ( A_ThisHotkey = "!#l" )
SearchSelectionOnWebs( sites, postfixes)
else if ( A_ThisHotkey = "!#+l" )
SearchClipBoardOnWebs( sites, postfixes)
!#m:: OpenSelectedURL(farManager, "/C", true)
!#+m:: OpenURLFromClipBoard(farManager, "/C", true)
;SearchSelectionOnWebs( sites, postfixes)
;;open with notepad++
!#n:: OpenSelectedURL("C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe")
!#+n:: OpenURLFromClipBoard("C:\Program Files\Notepad++\notepad++.exe")
;open with
!#t:: OpenSelectedURL(freeCommander, "/C", true)
!#+t:: OpenURLFromClipBoard(freeCommander, "/C", true)
;search in Everyithing
!#y:: OpenSelectedURL("C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe","-s")
!#+y:: OpenURLFromClipBoard("C:\Program Files\Everything\Everything.exe","-s")
;open with vim
!#v:: OpenSelectedTextInVim()
!#s:: OpenSelectedURL(editor, editor_params)
!#+v:: OpenURLFromClipBoard(editor, editor_params)
!#+s:: OpenURLFromClipBoard(editor, editor_params)
;search on wiki
!#w:: SearchSelectionOnWebs("")
!#r:: SearchSelectionOnWebs("")
;open with default...
!#o:: OpenSelectedURL()
!#+o:: OpenURLFromClipBoard()
;Ctrl+Win Run or Activate
^#=:: RunOrActivate("calc.exe")
^#b:: RunOrActivate(browser, "", "")
^#c:: RunOrActivate(console, "/Dir " HOME " /cmd {Dos}","",true)
^#e:: Edit ;edit this script
^#f:: RunOrActivate(freeCommander,"","",true)
;different path on 32 and 64 bit windows
; firefox_path_array = C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe`nc:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe`nc:\Program Files\Nightly\firefox.exe
; RunOrActivate(firefox_path_array)
;^#g:: ; vimgolf
;selection := RegExReplace( GetSelectedText(), "(^\s+)|(\s+$)")
;command = %console% /dir %HOME%\dev\ruby\gems\bin\ /cmd "/k " %HOME% "\dev\ruby\gems\bin\vimgolf.bat put " %selection%
;Run, %command%
^#l:: ;Make Selection Lowercase
selection := GetSelectedText()
StringLower Clipboard, selection
Send %Clipboard%
selection := GetSelectedText()
StringUpper Clipboard, selection
Send %Clipboard%
selection := GetSelectedText()
StringUpper Clipboard, selection, T
Send %Clipboard%
^#m:: RunOrActivate(console, "/dir " HOME " /cmd {Far}")
^#n:: RunOrActivate(notepad,"-n0","",true)
^#o:: RunOrActivate("C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Office14\OUTLOOK.EXE","/recycle","",true)
^#p:: RunOrActivate(console, "/dir " HOME " /cmd {PowerShell}", "", true)
^#r:: Reload ;reload this script
^#t:: RunOrActivate(freeCommander,"","",true)
; vim ...
^#v:: RunOrActivate(editor, editor_params)
;AltGr Run only (Vigyázz az äÄ&@# billentyűkkel!)
<^>!d:: RunProgramWithParameters( "c:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe", "shell32.dll`,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl`,`, 3 ")
<^>!r:: RunProgramWithParameters("c:\WINDOWS\system32\mstsc.exe", "/span")
;Ctrl+Alt system...
^!CtrlBreak::Run, %HOME%\bin\waitsusp.exe
^!+CtrlBreak::Run, %HOME%\bin\waitsusp.exe -m hibernate
^!m::Run, %HOME%\utils\system\PowerOnOff\pwroff301\poweroff.exe monitor_off
;^!p::Run, powershell.exe -File %HOME%\utils\power-toys\Wallpaper\Set-Wallpaper.ps1 -WindowStyle Hidden
^!p::Run, C:\Users\akmattia\root\msys64\home\akmattia\apps\Start.exe
::2dm:: ;this hotstring replaces '2dm' to the current date
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyy.MM.dd
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
::2dd:: ;this hotstring replaces '2dd' to the current date
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, dd.MM.yyyy
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
::2de:: ;this hotstring replaces '2de' to the current date
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, dd/MM/yyyy
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
::2di:: ;this hotstring replaces '2di' to the current date
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyyMMdd
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
::2dii:: ;this hotstring replaces '2dii' to the current date and time
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyyyMMddHH24MI
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
#Include %A_ScriptDir%
;#Include Jabber.ahk
;#Include FreeCommander.ahk
;#Include %A_ScriptDir%\vim.ahk
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