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Created May 7, 2014 17:18
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Voronoi diagram generation with Fortune's algorithm in Python2 and Tk
# Mattias Lundberg #
# #
# Run with Python 2.7 and tkinter toolkit #
# #
from Tkinter import *
import math, sys, random, tkFileDialog, time
import heapq as hq
### SETTINGS ###
width=600; height=600
EPS = .000001 # Avoid zero division
file_opt = {'filetypes': [('save files', '.dat')], 'initialfile': 'save.dat'}
class Point(object):
""" Represent a single point in 2d space """
def __init__(self, x_, y_):
super(Point, self).__init__()
self.x = x_; self.y = y_
""" Formatted printing """
def __str__(self): return '%s %s' % (int(round(self.x)), int(round(self.y)))
def __repr__(self): return '%s %s' % (int(round(self.x)), int(round(self.y)))
def __cmp__(self, other):
if self.y < other.y or (self.y == other.y and self.x < other.x): return 1
elif self.y > other.y or (self.y == other.y and self.x > other.x): return -1
else: return 0
def draw(self, large=False): # Draw the point
if large: canvas.create_oval(self.x-2, self.y-2, self.x+2, self.y+2)
else: canvas.create_oval(self.x-.5, self.y-.5, self.x+.5, self.y+.5)
class Edge(object): # Edge to be in the final voronoi diagram
def __init__(self,start,left,right):
self.start = start; self.left = left; self.right = right
# k and m are expected line direction, y = kx + m
self.k = 2**31 if left.y == right.y else float(right.x - left.x) / float(left.y - right.y)
self.m = float(start.y - self.k * start.x)
self.xdir = float(right.y - left.y)
self.ydir = float(left.x - right.x)
self.neighbour = self.end = None
""" Formatted printing """
def __str__(self): return '{%s, %s}' % (self.start, self.end)
def __repr__(self): return '{%s, %s}' % (self.start, self.end)
def draw(self): # Draw the edge as a line.
if self.start is not None and self.end is not None: draw_line(self.start, self.end)
class Event(Point):
""" Generic event type. """
def __init__(self,x_,y_): super(Event, self).__init__(x_,y_)
class SiteEvent(Event):
""" Site event """
def __init__(self,x,y): super(SiteEvent, self).__init__(x,y)
class CircleEvent(Event):
""" Circle event """
parabola = None
def __init__(self,x,y): super(CircleEvent, self).__init__(x,y)
class Parabola(object):
""" A parabola connected to a point used in the beachline """
left = right = edge = ce = parent = None
def __init__(self, site=None): = site
self.leaf = site is not None
def set_left(self, par):
self.left = par
par.parent = self
def set_right(self, par):
self.right = par
par.parent = self
### GLOBALS ###
evntq = []; root = None; edges = []; points = []; curr_y = None
def generate_voronoi():
""" Use fortune sweep (down->up) to calculate voronoi diagram. """
global curr_y, evntq, root, edges; root = None; edges = []
if len(points) <= 1: return [] # Empty diagram.
# Build the event queue from all sites
for point in points: hq.heappush(evntq, SiteEvent(point.x, point.y))
while len(evntq) > 0:
evnt = hq.heappop(evntq) # Next event
curr_y = evnt.y # Save current y position
if isinstance(evnt, SiteEvent): handle_site(evnt)
elif isinstance(evnt, CircleEvent): handle_circle(evnt)
for edge in edges: # Make start points correct.
if(edge.neighbour is not None):
edge.start = edge.neighbour.end
return edges
def handle_site(evnt):
""" Handle a single site event """
global root, edges, evntq
if not isinstance(root,Parabola): # First event, just add as root
root = Parabola(evnt); return
par = get_parabola(evnt.x) # Where to add the new edge.
if par.ce: # Remove circle events that might be invalid from now..
if par.ce in evntq: evntq.remove(par.ce); hq.heapify(evntq)
par.ce = None
# Create new edges and parabolas and connect them
conn = Point(evnt.x, find_new_y(, evnt.x))
el = Edge(conn,, evnt)
er = Edge(conn, evnt,
el.neighbour = er
par.edge = er
par.leaf = False
a = Parabola(
b = Parabola(evnt)
c = Parabola(
par.left.edge = el
def handle_circle(evnt):
""" Handle a single circle event """
global evntq
b = parabola = evnt.parabola # current
xl = get_left_parent(b); xr = get_right_parent(b)
a = get_left_child(xl); c = get_right_child(xr) # closest to left and right
# Remove parabola of current event from beachline
grandparent = b.parent.parent
if b.parent.left is b:
if grandparent.left is b.parent:
elif grandparent.right is b.parent:
else: # b is right child
if grandparent.left is b.parent:
elif grandparent.right is b.parent:
# Remove circle events that might be invalid from now on...
if a.ce is not None:
if a.ce in evntq: evntq.remove(a.ce); hq.heapify(evntq)
a.ce = None
if c.ce is not None:
if c.ce in evntq: evntq.remove(c.ce); hq.heapify(evntq)
c.ce = None
# End the two edges merged and end in circle center
xr.edge.end = xl.edge.end = Point(evnt.x, find_new_y(, evnt.x))
# Which one to replace?
while parabola != root:
parabola = parabola.parent
if parabola == xl: rep = xl
if parabola == xr: rep = xr
rep.edge = Edge(xl.edge.end,,
def get_parabola(x_):
""" Get the parabola to split for the new point. """
par = root
while not par.leaf:
x = get_edge_from_parabola(par)
if x < x_: par = par.right
else: par = par.left
return par
def end_edges(n):
""" Recursively fix edges in tree by setting their endpoints. """
if n.leaf: return
# Drag edge to end of view.
if n.edge.xdir < 0: res = min(0, n.edge.start.x)
else: res = max(width, n.edge.start.x)
n.edge.end = Point(res, (n.edge.k * res) + n.edge.m)
end_edges(n.right); end_edges(n.left)
def calc_values(p):
dp = 2.0 * (p.y - curr_y) or EPS
a = 1/float(dp)
b = -2.0 * p.x / float(dp)
c = curr_y + float(dp/4.0) + ((p.x**2)/float(dp))
return a,b,c
def get_edge_from_parabola(par):
""" Get the edge x value for this parabola """
left = get_left_child(par); right = get_right_child(par)
p =; r =
a1,b1,c1 = calc_values(p); a2,b2,c2 = calc_values(r)
a = a1 - a2 or EPS; b = b1 - b2; c = c1 - c2
d = math.sqrt(abs(b**2 - 4 * a * c))
e1 = float(-b + d) / float(2*a)
e2 = float(-b - d) / float(2*a)
if p.y < r.y: res = max(e1, e2)
else: res = min(e1, e2)
return res
def find_new_y(p, x):
""" Get y-coordinate for a new point. """
dp = 2.0 * (p.y - curr_y)
b1 = -(2 * float(p.x)) / float(dp or EPS)
c1 = curr_y + float(dp/4.0) + (p.x**2) / float(dp or EPS)
return float(x**2) / float(dp or EPS) + float(b1*x) + c1
def create_circle_event(par):
""" Create new circle events based on the parameter parabola """
global evntq
lp = get_left_parent(par); rp = get_right_parent(par)
lc = get_left_child(lp); rc = get_right_child(rp)
if lc is None or rc is None or is None or is None or == return
intersection = calc_intersection(lp.edge, rp.edge)
if intersection is None: return
cevnt = CircleEvent(intersection.x, intersection.y - dist(, intersection))
par.ce = cevnt; cevnt.parabola = par; hq.heappush(evntq, cevnt)
def calc_intersection(e1, e2):
""" Get the point where the two edges will collide """
x = float(e2.m - e1.m) / float((e1.k - e2.k) or EPS)
y = float(e1.k * x) + float(e1.m)
if (e1.xdir == 0) or (e2.xdir == 0) or (e1.ydir == 0) or (e2.ydir == 0): return # Avoid zero division
if ((x - e1.start.x) / e1.xdir) < 0 or ((y - e1.start.y) / e1.ydir) < 0: return
if ((x - e2.start.x) / e2.xdir) < 0 or ((y - e2.start.y) / e2.ydir) < 0: return
return Point(x, y)
### Helpers for working with tree ###
def get_left_child(parabola):
""" Get closest parabola to the left that is a child """
if parabola is None: return
par = parabola.left
while par is not None and not par.leaf: par = par.right
return par
def get_right_child(parabola):
""" Get closest parabola to the right that is a child """
if parabola is None: return
par = parabola.right
while par is not None and not par.leaf:
par = par.left
return par
def get_left_parent(parabola):
""" Top left parent, before going to the right """
last = parabola; par = last.parent
while par.left is last:
if par.parent is None: return
last = par; par = par.parent
return par
def get_right_parent(parabola):
""" Top right gerent, before going to the left """
last = parabola; par = last.parent
while par.right is last:
if par.parent is None: return
last = par; par = par.parent
return par
### UTILS ###
def rnd(max): # Generate random number in between 0 and max
return random.random()*max
def write_to_file(): # Save the point set to a file
filename = tkFileDialog.asksaveasfilename(**file_opt)
if filename is None or filename == u'': return
file = open(filename,'w')
for p in points: file.write('%s\n' % p)
def read_from_file(): # Overwrite the complete point set with a new one from file.
filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(**file_opt)
if filename is None or filename == u'': return
file = open(filename, 'r')
del points[:]
for line in file: x,y = line.split(' '); points.append(Point(float(x),float(y)))
def add_point(event): ## Add a point
points.append(Point(event.x, event.y)); redraw()
def dist(p1,p2): # distance between two points.
return float(math.sqrt(float(p1.x - p2.x)**2 + float(p1.y - p2.y)**2))
def draw_line(begin, end): # Draw line between two points
canvas.create_line(begin.x, begin.y, end.x, end.y, fill='red')
def redraw(): # Do a complete redraw of the canvas
start = time.time() * 1000
edges = generate_voronoi()
end = time.time() * 1000
# Timing the generation.
print 'Generating voronoi diagram for %d points took %.2f milliseconds.' % (len(points) , end - start)
for point in points: point.draw() # Draw all points
for edge in edges: edge.draw()
def delete_points(): del points[:]; redraw() # Delete all points and clear canvas.
def generate(): # Generate 100 random points.
for i in xrange(100): points.append(Point(rnd(width), rnd(height)))
if __name__ == '__main__': # initialize GUI if running as main
root = Tk(); root.title('Voronoi generation')
root.bind('<Escape>', lambda(i): sys.exit(0))
root.bind('q', lambda(i): sys.exit(0))
root.bind('o', lambda(i): read_from_file())
root.bind('s', lambda(i): write_to_file())
root.bind('c', lambda(i): delete_points())
root.bind('r', lambda(i): generate())
frame = Frame(root, bg='gray', width=width, height=40)
canvas = Canvas(root, width=width, height=height)
# canvas.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(N, W, E, S))
canvas.bind("<Button-1>", add_point)
Button(frame, text='(C)lear', command=delete_points).pack(side='left')
Button(frame, text='Generate (r)andom', command=generate).pack(side='left')
Button(frame, text='(S)ave', command=write_to_file).pack(side='left')
Button(frame, text='L(o)ad', command=read_from_file).pack(side='left')
Button(frame, text='(Q)uit', command=lambda: sys.exit(0)).pack(side='left')
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