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Last active August 30, 2018 17:23
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´╗┐using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace Vortex.TextLoader
public enum Language
public class TextLoaderManager : MonoBehaviour
public Language currentLang;
private List<TranslatableText> text;
Dictionary<string, string> fallbackValues;
Dictionary<string, string> englishValues;
Dictionary<string, string> englishUSValues;
Dictionary<string, string> spanishValues;
Dictionary<string, string> frenchValues;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
text = new List<TranslatableText>();
fallbackValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // Initialise dictionaries
englishValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
englishUSValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
spanishValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
frenchValues = new Dictionary<string, string>();
LoadLangFile("fallback", fallbackValues); // Load values from fallback file into fallbackValues
LoadLangFile("english", englishValues); // etc, etc...
LoadLangFile("english_us", englishUSValues);
LoadLangFile("spanish", spanishValues);
LoadLangFile("french", frenchValues);
// Load text objects from scene
int count = 0;
foreach (TranslatableText go in FindObjectsOfType(typeof(TranslatableText)))
Debug.Log("Found " + count + " text objects in scene");
if (GetDictionary() == null)
Debug.LogError("Dictionary null!");
foreach (TranslatableText textObj in text)
textObj.Load(GetDictionary(), fallbackValues);
Dictionary<string, string> GetDictionary()
switch (currentLang)
case Language.fallback:
return fallbackValues;
case Language.english:
return englishValues;
case Language.english_us:
return englishUSValues;
case Language.french:
return frenchValues;
case Language.spanish:
return spanishValues;
return fallbackValues;
public void AddText(TranslatableText textObj)
textObj.Load(GetDictionary(), fallbackValues);
public void ReloadText()
foreach (TranslatableText textObj in text)
textObj.Load(GetDictionary(), fallbackValues);
void LoadLangFile(string fileName, Dictionary<string, string> dictionaryToLoadInto)
Debug.Log("Loading text values from " + fileName);
TextAsset fallback = Resources.Load(fileName) as TextAsset;
if (!fallback)
Debug.LogError("Fallback Language File not loaded!");
string[] fallbackLines = Regex.Split(fallback.text, "\n|\r|\r\n");
foreach (string line in fallbackLines)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(line))
string[] values = Regex.Split(line, "=");
string key = values[0];
string value = values[1];
dictionaryToLoadInto.Add(key, value);
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