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Last active March 9, 2024 08:37
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Extracts fields from sysmon process and logon GUIDs
# Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
$Epoch = Get-Date '01/01/1970'
# Conversion trick taken from
$StrCurrentTimeZone = (Get-WmiObject Win32_timezone).StandardName
$TZ = [TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($StrCurrentTimeZone)
# Parse out all the LogonGUID fields for sysmon ProcessCreate events
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName = 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational'; Id = 1 } | ForEach-Object {
$LogonGUID = [Guid] $_.Properties[11].Value
$LogonGUIDBytes = $LogonGUID.ToByteArray()
# Machine GUID is retrieved from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography - MachineGuid
$TruncatedMachineGuidBytes = New-Object -TypeName Byte[](16)
[Array]::Copy($LogonGUIDBytes, 0, $TruncatedMachineGuidBytes, 0, 4)
$TruncatedMachineGuid = [Guid] $TruncatedMachineGuidBytes
# Retrieved by calling LsaGetLogonSessionData in sysmon.exe and pulling SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA.LogonTime
$LogonSessionElapsed = [BitConverter]::ToInt32($LogonGUIDBytes, 4)
$LogonTime = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($Epoch.AddSeconds($LogonSessionElapsed), $TZ)
# 0x20000000 is masked onto this GUID presumably to indicate that this is a logon GUID
$GUIDMaskType = $SysmonGUIDMasks[[Int32]([BitConverter]::ToInt32($LogonGUIDBytes, 8) -band 0x20000000)]
# Retrieved by calling LsaGetLogonSessionData in sysmon.exe and pulling SECURITY_LOGON_SESSION_DATA.LogonId
$LogonIDHigh = ([BitConverter]::ToUInt32($LogonGUIDBytes, 8) -band 3758096383).ToString('X8') # (0xDFFFFFFF)
$LogonIDLow = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($LogonGUIDBytes, 12).ToString('X8')
$LogonID = "0x$LogonIDHigh$LogonIDLow"
[PSCustomObject] @{
LogonGUID = $LogonGUID
# Recovered portion follows
GUIDType = $GUIDMaskType
TruncatedMachineGuid = $TruncatedMachineGuid
LogonTime = $LogonTime
LogonID = $LogonID
# Parse out all the ProcessGUID fields for sysmon ProcessCreate events
# Note: the same logic applies to ParentProcessGUID
Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName = 'Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon/Operational'; Id = 1 } | ForEach-Object {
$ProcessGUID = $_.Properties[1].Value
$GuidBytes = $ProcessGUID.ToByteArray()
# Machine GUID is retrieved from HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Cryptography - MachineGuid
$TruncatedMachineGuidBytes = New-Object -TypeName Byte[](16)
[Array]::Copy($GuidBytes, 0, $TruncatedMachineGuidBytes, 0, 4)
$TruncatedMachineGuid = [Guid] $TruncatedMachineGuidBytes
# Process creation time is retrieved from ZwQueryInformationProcess (ProcessTimes - 4) in SysmonDrv which returns a KERNEL_USER_TIMES struct.
# KERNEL_USER_TIMES.CreateTime is used for this value.
$ProcessStartTime = [TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($Epoch.AddSeconds([BitConverter]::ToInt32($GuidBytes, 4)), $TZ)
# 0x10000000 is masked onto this GUID presumably to indicate that this is a process GUID
$GUIDMaskType = $SysmonGUIDMasks[[BitConverter]::ToInt32($GuidBytes, 8)]
# The token ID is retrieved with ZwQueryInformationToken (TokenStatistics - 10) in SysmonDrv which returns a TOKEN_STATISTICS struct.
# TOKEN_STATISTICS.TokenId.LowPart is used for this value
$ProcessTokenID = [BitConverter]::ToUInt32($GuidBytes, 12)
[PSCustomObject] @{
ProcessGUID = $ProcessGUID
# Recovered portion follows
GUIDType = $GUIDMaskType
TruncatedMachineGuid = $TruncatedMachineGuid
ProcessStartTime = $ProcessStartTime
ProcessTokenID = "0x$($ProcessTokenID.ToString('X8'))"
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washuu commented Feb 12, 2021

I think this code needs to be modified for newer sysmon...

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wyzzoo commented Sep 28, 2021

Sysmon@ change ProcessTokenId To PROCESS_TELEMETRY_ID_INFORMATION::ProcessStartKey,

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@wyzzoo Thank you for mentioning this! This change came up in conversation recently and we were unsure as to what change occurred. Thanks for looking into this and sharing!

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