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Last active September 13, 2022 19:03
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Excel 4 Macro Analysis Notes

Excel Spreadsheet Hash

VT Link:

SHA256: D9F00024784AF858627A44731950CCB50FE3F37BF940ED47AE7B1CA35AC5CEFF

File Name: 2aKqjPrdo1-7192.xls

Analysis Code

The following code was used to extract Excel 4 formula (i.e. executable code) content:

$XLSPath = 'C:\Users\TestUser\Desktop\2aKqjPrdo1-7192.xls'

# Load the Excel COM class so that we can programmatically inspect the spreadsheet
$Excel = New-Object -ComObject 'Excel.Application'

# Open the suspicious spreadsheet
$WorkBook = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($XLSPath)

# See if there are any Excel 4 sheets. To support Excel 4 macros, there must be at least one dedicated sheet.

# There was one Excel 4 sheet. Pull it out by name - "Sheet2".
$Excel4MacroSheet = $WorkBook.Excel4MacroSheets.Item('Sheet2')

# Because the populated cells are spread out so much, get the row/column of the last populated cell. "11" corresponds to the last cell.
$LastCell = $Excel4MacroSheet.Cells.SpecialCells(11)

# Get the range of all populated cells
$AllUsedCells = $Excel4MacroSheet.Range($Excel4MacroSheet.Cells(1,1), $LastCell)

# We're going to save cells that have formula content here.
$CellArray = New-Object -TypeName 'System.Collections.Generic.List`1[Object]'

# Find any cell that has a formula in it - i.e. executable Excel 4 macro content
$PopulatedCell = $AllUsedCells.Find('=*')

# Save the row/column of the first found cell so that we can break out of a find loop.
$FirstRow = $PopulatedCell.Row
$FirstColumn = $PopulatedCell.Column

# Find all cells with formulas defined
do {

    $PopulatedCell = $PopulatedCell.Find('=*')
} while (-not (($PopulatedCell.Row -eq $FirstRow) -and ($PopulatedCell.Column -eq $FirstColumn)))

# Extract and display the name of the first cell that will execute.
$AutoOpenCell = $CellArray | ? { $_.Name -and $_.Name.Name.StartsWith('Auto') }

# View the contents of all the defined formulas


Relevant Deobfuscated Indicators (URIs sanitized)

="EXPORT HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\"
="The workbook cannot be opened or repaired by Microsoft Excel because it's corrupt."
=AQ14844&GET.WORKSPACE(2)&"\Excel\Security "&DJ57521&" /y"


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