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Last active October 7, 2021 14:18
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function New-CompilerInputXml {
Creates a an XML file consisting of a serialized CompilerInput object.
New-CompilerInputXml creates an XML file consisting of compiler options. This file is required as the first argument for Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe.
Specifies the path to the target XOML file. This can be a relative or absolute path. This path will be included in the resulting XML file that New-CompilerInputXml outputs.
Specifies the path to which New-CompilerInputXml will save the serialized CompilerInput object.
New-CompilerInputXml -XOMLPath C:\Test\foo.xoml -OutputPath test.xml
Outputs a serialized CompilerInput object to test.xml and specifies a full path to a XOML assembly reference.
New-CompilerInputXml -XOMLPath foo.xoml -OutputPath test.txt
Outputs a serialized CompilerInput object to test.txt and specifies a XOML assembly reference using a relative path. Note that Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe doesn't care about the extension supplied in the first argument.
Outputs a FileInfo object to serve as confirmation that the resulting serialized XML wil was created.
param (
$XOMLPath = 'test.xoml',
[Parameter(Mandatory = $True)]
# This assembly won't be loaded by default. We need to load
# it in order to get access to the WorkflowCompilerParameters class.
Add-Type -AssemblyName 'System.Workflow.ComponentModel'
# This class contains the properties we need to specify for Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe
$WFCompilerParams = New-Object -TypeName Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler.WorkflowCompilerParameters
# Necessary to get Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe to call Assembly.Load(byte[])
$WFCompilerParams.GenerateInMemory = $True
# Full path to Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe that we will load and access a non-public method from
$WorkflowCompilerPath = [Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeEnvironment]::GetRuntimeDirectory() + 'Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe'
# Load the assembly
$WFCAssembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($WorkflowCompilerPath)
# This is the helper method that will serialize the CompilerInput object to disk
$SerializeInputToWrapper = [Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.CompilerWrapper].GetMethod('SerializeInputToWrapper', [Reflection.BindingFlags] 'NonPublic, Static')
$TempFile = $SerializeInputToWrapper.Invoke($null, @([Workflow.ComponentModel.Compiler.WorkflowCompilerParameters] $WFCompilerParams, [String[]] @(,$OutputPath)))
Move-Item $TempFile $OutputPath -PassThru
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