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  • Save mattifestation/aff0cb8bf66c7f6ef44a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save mattifestation/aff0cb8bf66c7f6ef44a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An example of how to use permanent WMI event subscriptions to log a malicious action to the event log
# Define the signature - i.e. __EventFilter
$EventFilterArgs = @{
EventNamespace = 'root/cimv2'
Name = 'LateralMovementEvent'
Query = 'SELECT * FROM MSFT_WmiProvider_ExecMethodAsyncEvent_Pre WHERE ObjectPath="Win32_Process" AND MethodName="Create"'
QueryLanguage = 'WQL'
$InstanceArgs = @{
Namespace = 'root/subscription'
Class = '__EventFilter'
Arguments = $EventFilterArgs
$Filter = Set-WmiInstance @InstanceArgs
# Define the event log template and parameters
$Template = @(
'Lateral movement detected!',
'Namespace: %Namespace%',
'Object: %ObjectPath%',
'Method Executed: %MethodName%',
'Command Executed: %InputParameters.CommandLine%'
$NtEventLogArgs = @{
Name = 'LogLateralMovementEvent'
Category = [UInt16] 0
EventType = [UInt32] 2 # Warning
EventID = [UInt32] 8
SourceName = 'WSH'
NumberOfInsertionStrings = [UInt32] $Template.Length
InsertionStringTemplates = $Template
$InstanceArgs = @{
Namespace = 'root/subscription'
Class = 'NTEventLogEventConsumer'
Arguments = $NtEventLogArgs
$Consumer = Set-WmiInstance @InstanceArgs
$FilterConsumerBingingArgs = @{
Filter = $Filter
Consumer = $Consumer
$InstanceArgs = @{
Namespace = 'root/subscription'
Class = '__FilterToConsumerBinding'
Arguments = $FilterConsumerBingingArgs
# Run the following code from an elevated PowerShell console.
# Register the alert
$Binding = Set-WmiInstance @InstanceArgs
# Now, this will automatically generate an event log entry in the Application event log.
Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -ArgumentList notepad.exe
# Delete the permanent WMI event subscriptions you just made
Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root/subscription' -Class '__EventFilter' -Filter 'Name="LateralMovementEvent"' | Remove-WmiObject
Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root/subscription' -Class 'NTEventLogEventConsumer' -Filter 'Name="LogLateralMovementEvent"' | Remove-WmiObject
Get-WmiObject -Namespace 'root/subscription' -Class '__FilterToConsumerBinding' -Filter 'Filter="__EventFilter.Name=\"LateralMovementEvent\""' | Remove-WmiObject
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rugabunda commented Jul 24, 2020

@mattifestation here is a little batch file to go along with your wmi logs:

WMI Payload

@ECHO off
rundll32 user32.dll,MessageBeep
color 09
echo Failed to load, run: 'sc continue winmgmt', to unpause, or 'net start Winmgmt /y' to start
FOR /f %%a IN ('WMIC OS GET LocalDateTime ^| FIND "."') DO SET DTS=%%a
SET DateTime=%DTS:~0,4%-%DTS:~4,2%-%DTS:~6,2%_%DTS:~8,2%.%DTS:~10,2%.%DTS:~12,2%

::save WMI payload data to-date-folder-txt
mkdir %userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\
wmic /namespace:\\root\subscription PATH __EventConsumer get/format:list > %userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\%DateTime:/=%_EventConsumer_payload.txt
wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\subscription" PATH __EventFilter get/FORMAT:list  > %userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\%DateTime:/=%_EventFilter_payload.txt
wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\subscription" PATH __FilterToConsumerBinding get/FORMAT:list  > %userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\%DateTime:/=%_FilterToConsumerBinding_payload.txt
wmic /NAMESPACE:"\\root\subscription" PATH __TimerInstruction get/FORMAT:list  > %userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\%DateTime:/=%_TimerInstruction_payload.txt
color 09
ECHO WARNING: WMI Execution/Payload detected
ECHO Verifying WMI repository consistency, take note of following line!
winmgmt /verifyrepository
ECHO PAUSING WMI SERVICE # Check Event Viewer / Autoruns
sc pause winmgmt
ECHO WMI SERVICE is paused, you are protected against WMI attacks for now; Test with T, Te, TT
ECHO (V)iew    (View WMI payload)
ECHO (B)ackup  (Backup WMI repository)
ECHO (S)alvage (WMI Repository Inconsistency detected? Run winmgmt /salvagerepository)
ECHO (R)eset   (Salvage failed? Backup and reset Repository [warning, know what you are doing])
ECHO (D)isable (Disable WMI, net stop Winmgmt /y), (E)nable, net start Winmgmt /y)
ECHO (C)reate  (Create Scheduled Task, trigger WMI.bat on Event WSH)
ECHO (Q)uit    (Unpause WMI, clean exit)


set /p choice=Type:
::rem if not '%choice%'=='' set choice=%choice:~0;1% ( don`t use this command, because it takes only first digit in the case you type more digits. After that for example choice 23455666 is 
if '%choice%'=='' ECHO "%choice%" is not valid please try again
if '%choice%'=='r' GOTO Repair
if '%choice%'=='s' GOTO Salvage
if '%choice%'=='b' GOTO Backup
if '%choice%'=='d' GOTO Disable
if '%choice%'=='v' GOTO View
if '%choice%'=='R' GOTO Repair
if '%choice%'=='S' GOTO Salvage
if '%choice%'=='B' GOTO Backup
if '%choice%'=='D' GOTO Disable
if '%choice%'=='V' GOTO View
if '%choice%'=='E' GOTO Enable 
if '%choice%'=='e' GOTO Enable
if '%choice%'=='c' GOTO Create
if '%choice%'=='C' GOTO Create
if '%choice%'=='t' GOTO Test
if '%choice%'=='T' GOTO Test
if '%choice%'=='tt' GOTO Test2
if '%choice%'=='TT' GOTO Test2
if '%choice%'=='Q' GOTO Exit
if '%choice%'=='q' GOTO Exit
if '%choice%'=='Te' GOTO Test3
if '%choice%'=='TE' GOTO Test3
if '%choice%'=='tE' GOTO Test3
if '%choice%'=='te' GOTO Test3

net continue winmgmt


ECHO Disabling Winmgmt (WMI), re-start with "net start Winmgmnt /y" or use main menu
net stop Winmgmt /y
GOTO Begin

Echo wmic process call create "notepad.exe"
wmic process call create "notepad.exe"
Echo Test Complete
GOTO Begin

Echo net continue winmgmt
net continue winmgmt
Echo wmic process call create "notepad.exe"
wmic process call create "notepad.exe"
Echo UNPROTECTED Test Complete
GOTO Begin

ECHO powershell.exe Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -ArgumentList notepad.exe
powershell Invoke-WmiMethod -Class Win32_Process -Name Create -ArgumentList notepad.exe
Echo Test Complete
GOTO Begin

mkdir "%userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\"
ECHO copy wmi.bat "%userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\"  (Make sure batch name = wmi.bat, launch from within CMD)
ECHO SCHTASKS /Create /TN "WMI.bat" /TR "%userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\wmi.bat" /SC ONEVENT /RL Highest /EC Application /MO *[System[Provider[@Name='WSH']]]
copy wmi.bat "%userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\"
SCHTASKS /Create /TN "WMI.bat" /TR "%userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\wmi.bat" /SC ONEVENT /RL Highest /EC Application /MO *[System[Provider[@Name='WSH']]]
ECHO Scheduled Task Created
GOTO Begin

ECHO Salvaging WMI Repository, if consistent, skip repair
net continue winmgmt
winmgmt /salvagerepository
net pause winmgmt
GOTO Begin

ECHO press any key to backup wmi repo "%userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\MyW10WMI.(backup).data
net stop Winmgmt /y
winmgmt /backup "%userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\MyW10WMI.(backup).data"
ECHO net start Winmgmt /y & dependencies
net start Winmgmt /y
net start vmms
net pause winmgmt
ECHO backup completed!
GOTO Begin

ECHO Backing up AND Resetting WMI Repository to Windows Fresh Install State
Close window now to stop, or
net continue winmgmt
net stop Winmgmt /y
ECHO Saving to %userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\MyW10WMI.(restore.backup).data
winmgmt /backup "%userprofile%\Documents\#WMI\MyW10WMI.(restore.backup).data"
ECHO net start Winmgmt /y & dependencies
net start Winmgmt /y
net start vmms /y
ECHO winmgmt /resetrepository
winmgmt /resetrepository

ECHO complete, return to menu
GOTO Begin

echo Enabling WMI, net start Winmgmt /y & dependencies
net start Winmgmt /y
net start vmms /y
GOTO Begin

explorer %userprofile%\Documents\#WMI
GOTO Begin


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Wow, you are indeed a master of batch. Thank you for sharing!

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