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Created July 17, 2021 19:39
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C/Assembler of the call to PyUFunc_GenericFunctionInternal
This C function
typedef struct {
PyObject *in;
PyObject *out;
} ufunc_full_args;
static int
PyUFunc_GenericFunctionInternal(PyUFuncObject *ufunc, PyArrayObject **op,
ufunc_full_args full_args, PyObject *type_tup, PyObject *extobj,
NPY_CASTING casting, NPY_ORDER order, npy_bool subok,
PyArrayObject *wheremask);
Is called in this snippet
if (!ufunc->core_enabled) {
errval = PyUFunc_GenericFunctionInternal(ufunc, operands,
full_args, typetup, extobj, casting, order, subok,
else {
errval = PyUFunc_GeneralizedFunctionInternal(ufunc, operands,
full_args, typetup, extobj, casting, order, subok,
axis_obj, axes_obj, keepdims);
if (errval < 0) {
goto fail;
The debugger reports this assembly
if (!ufunc->core_enabled) {
00007FF9554D2A45 lea r8,[rbp-30h]
00007FF9554D2A49 mov r9,qword ptr [rbp-38h]
00007FF9554D2A4D lea rdx,[rbp+90h]
00007FF9554D2A54 movdqa xmmword ptr [rbp-30h],xmm6
00007FF9554D2A59 cmp dword ptr [r15+70h],edi
00007FF9554D2A5D jne $fail+9C8h (07FF9554D2A9Eh)
errval = PyUFunc_GenericFunctionInternal(ufunc, operands,
00007FF9554D2A5F mov eax,dword ptr [rbp-7Ch]
00007FF9554D2A62 mov qword ptr [rsp+40h],r12
00007FF9554D2A67 mov byte ptr [rsp+38h],cl
00007FF9554D2A6B mov rcx,r15
00007FF9554D2A6E mov dword ptr [rsp+30h],r13d
00007FF9554D2A73 mov dword ptr [rsp+28h],eax
00007FF9554D2A77 mov rax,qword ptr [rbp]
00007FF9554D2A7B mov qword ptr [rsp+20h],rax
00007FF9554D2A80 call PyUFunc_GenericFunctionInternal (07FF9554D5F30h)
00007FF9554D2A85 mov ebx,eax
full_args, typetup, extobj, casting, order, subok,
00007FF9554D2A87 test r12,r12
00007FF9554D2A8A je $fail+0A04h (07FF9554D2ADAh)
00007FF9554D2A8C sub qword ptr [r12],1
00007FF9554D2A91 jne $fail+0A04h (07FF9554D2ADAh)
00007FF9554D2A93 mov rcx,r12
00007FF9554D2A96 call qword ptr [__imp__PyPy_Dealloc (07FF955525F38h)]
00007FF9554D2A9C jmp $fail+0A04h (07FF9554D2ADAh)
else {
errval = PyUFunc_GeneralizedFunctionInternal(ufunc, operands,
00007FF9554D2A9E mov eax,dword ptr [rbp-40h]
00007FF9554D2AA1 mov dword ptr [rsp+50h],eax
00007FF9554D2AA5 mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+30h]
00007FF9554D2AA9 mov qword ptr [rsp+48h],rax
00007FF9554D2AAE mov rax,qword ptr [rbp+38h]
00007FF9554D2AB2 mov qword ptr [rsp+40h],rax
00007FF9554D2AB7 mov eax,dword ptr [rbp-7Ch]
00007FF9554D2ABA mov byte ptr [rsp+38h],cl
00007FF9554D2ABE mov rcx,r15
00007FF9554D2AC1 mov dword ptr [rsp+30h],r13d
00007FF9554D2AC6 mov dword ptr [rsp+28h],eax
00007FF9554D2ACA mov rax,qword ptr [rbp]
00007FF9554D2ACE mov qword ptr [rsp+20h],rax
00007FF9554D2AD3 call PyUFunc_GeneralizedFunctionInternal (07FF9554D65F0h)
00007FF9554D2AD8 mov ebx,eax
full_args, typetup, extobj, casting, order, subok,
axis_obj, axes_obj, keepdims);
if (errval < 0) {
00007FF9554D2ADA test ebx,ebx
00007FF9554D2ADC js $fail+966h (07FF9554D2A3Ch)
goto fail;
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