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Created November 20, 2016 19:45
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
newtype ListC a = ListC
{ foldC :: forall r. (a -> r -> r) -> r -> r
foldC' :: (a -> r -> r) -> r -> ListC a -> r
foldC' co ni (ListC f) = f co ni
isNil :: ListC a -> Bool
isNil (ListC f) = f (\ _ _ -> False) True
nilC :: ListC a
nilC = ListC (\ _ ni -> ni)
consC :: a -> ListC a -> ListC a
consC x l@(ListC f) = ListC (\ co ni -> co x (f co ni))
uncons :: (a -> ListC a -> r) -> r -> ListC a -> r
uncons co ni (ListC f) =
let (headC,tailC) =
(\x (headC,tailC) ->
case headC of
Nothing -> (Just x, tailC)
Just _ -> (headC, consC x tailC))
(Nothing, nilC)
in case headC of
Just x -> co x tailC
Nothing -> ni
toList = uncons (\x xs -> x : toList xs) []
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