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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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from __future__ import division
from sympy import MatrixSymbol, Matrix, latex, simplify
import baker
def SymmetricMatrix(name,n):
J = Matrix(MatrixSymbol(name,n,n))
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i):
J[i,j] = J[j,i]
return J
def split(J):
n = J.shape[0]
return Matrix([[(J[i,j] if j <= i else 0) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)]), \
Matrix([[(-J[i,j] if j > i else 0) for j in range(n)] for i in range(n)])
def update(J):
L, U = split(J)
return L.inv() * U
def update_evals(J):
return update(J).eigenvals()
def main(n=3):
dct = update_evals(SymmetricMatrix('J',n))
for valexpr, count in dct.iteritems():
print count
print latex(simplify(valexpr))
def somezeros():
J = SymmetricMatrix('J',3)
J[0,2] = J[2,0] = 0
dct = update_evals(J)
for valexpr, count in dct.iteritems():
print count
print latex(simplify(valexpr))
def somezeros2():
J = SymmetricMatrix('J',4)
J[1,1] = J[2,2] = J[3,3] = J[0,0]
J[0,1] = J[1,0] = J[1,2] = J[2,1] = J[2,3] = J[3,2] = J[0,3] = J[3,0]
J[0,2] = J[2,0] = J[3,1] = J[1,3] = 0
dct = update_evals(J)
for valexpr, count in dct.iteritems():
print count
print latex(simplify(valexpr))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from __future__ import division
from pylab import *
from blah import spectrum
def f(s):
return 2*s/(1+s)
t = np.linspace(-1,1,2000,endpoint=True)
X,Y = meshgrid(t,t)
pts = (X + 1j*Y)
pts[np.abs(pts) > 1] = 0.
CS = contour(X,Y,np.log(np.abs(f(pts))),np.log((0.5,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.)),colors='k')
manual_locations = [(-0.1,0.2),(-0.2,0.38),(-0.5,0.),(-0.7,-0.53),(-0.8,-0.38),(-0.85,-0.34)]
clabel(CS,fontsize=12,inline=1,fmt=lambda x: str(np.round(np.exp(x),3)),manual=manual_locations)
pairs = spectrum(n=50,plot=False)
# pairs = spectrum(n=50,k=2,eps=100.,plot=False)
# plt.plot(np.real(pairs.flat),np.imag(pairs.flat),'rx')
from __future__ import division
import baker
import numpy as np
from numpy import *
from numpy.random import *
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def rand_psd(n,k=None,eps=0.):
k = k if k is not None else n
A = randn(n,k)
return + np.eye(n)*eps
### gs utils
def gs_split(A):
return np.tril(A), np.triu(A,k=1)
def gs_update(A):
L, U = gs_split(A)
return np.linalg.solve(L,-U)
def gs_spectrum(A):
G = gs_update(A)
return np.linalg.eig(G)
### experiments
def spectrum(n=50,k=-1,eps=0.0):
k = k if k != -1 else n
ws, Vs = zip(*[gs_spectrum(rand_psd(n,k)) for i in range(2)])
pairs = np.outer(*ws)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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