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Created March 30, 2010 18:41
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Judge Droid Lays Down the Law
Lays down the law for your phone, telling it what to do and when
Inspired by docblades'
import android, string, time, math, datetime
from datetime import time, datetime, timedelta
from time import sleep
from threading import Timer
droid = android.Android()
interval_secs = 480
location = []
a_day = timedelta(days=1)
""" where am I, what time is it """
def get_location():
"""apparently you need to wait for the sensor to come up"""
location = droid.readLocation()
"""available actions"""
def go_silent():
def stop_silent():
def cow():
""" given a time and a place, what should I do"""
def follow_rules():
d_now =
for rule in rules:
"""todo: change this to account for rules that cross midnight"""
if rule["time_begin"] < d_now < rule["time_end"]:
"""well then it is time to check the position"""
if rule["radius_in_km"] < distance_between(rule["location"],location["result"]):
def distance(location_1, location_2):
"""using the spherical law of cosines from """
R = 6371
lat1 = math.radians(location_1['latitude'])
lat2 = math.radians(location_2['latitude'])
lon1 = math.radians(location_1['longitude'])
lon2 = math.radians(location_2['longitude'])
return math.acos( math.sin(lat1)*math.sin(lat2) + math.cos(lat1)*math.cos(lat2) * math.cos(lon2-lon1)) * R
""" How long should I wait for? """
def till(time_in):
d_now =
time_today = datetime.combine(, time_in)
if d_now < time_today:
return time_today - d_now
return (time_today + a_day) - d_now
def secs(time_delta):
return time_delta.seconds + ( time_delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60)
""" let's store these rules and events in an easy to edit way"""
Rules are things that we need to check based on
a date or time (or other stuff - go nuts).
rules = []
"""put the phone on vibrate when I am near where I work"""
"""let's pretend I get to work in the chrysler building"""
rules.append({"time_begin":time(23,55), "time_end":time(06,00),"location":{"latitude":40.752190, "longitude":-73.974618} ,"radius_in_km":1,"action":go_silent})
Events happen at a specific time. I don't want to have my phone set BACK
to silent every few minutes if I set it to be noisy. So I just want these things to happen one time per day.
events = []
"""no wakey at night"""
events.append({"time_at":time(23,55), "action":go_silent})
"""turn the ringer back on"""
events.append({"time_at":time(06,55), "action":stop_silent})
events.append({"time_at":time(21,19), "action":cow})
def setup_events():
for event in events:
def setup(event):
"""we'll set a timer to go off and run a function at time_at"""
seconds = secs(till(event["time_at"]))
Timer(seconds, process, event).start()
def process(event):
""" run forever"""
def main_loop():
while True:
droid.makeToast("woke up")
droid.makeToast("setting up events")
droid.makeToast("done setting up events")
I'd like to have my phone go silent at my bedtime
I'd like my ringer to come back to normal when I awake
I'd like my phone to ring if I am out past my bedtime and someone calls me.
I'd like my phone to be quiet when I turn the phone facedown. That's not working - yet!
I'd like my phone to go to vibrate when I am near where I work.
Judge Droid is licensed for your pleasure under the WTFPL.
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Hi mattkatz! I've added some things now. As you can see I'm still a newbie, but I'm learning!
At least I know that things like silencing when putting the phone down would require a loop that checks the status more often then every 8 minutes to work well... :P
Check my fork to see the changes.

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