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Last active July 30, 2021 01:16
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Snippets in PHP: PluckMultiple for Laravel
// Setup code
// ...
$emails = Models\User::pluck('email');
// Builder class
// ...
public function pluckMultiple(
// Accept an array of fields, e.g. ['id', 'name']
array $fields,
// Define the glue for implosion, could be empty ''
string $glue = '-'
// Return Laravel collection for chaining more methods
): \Illuminate\Support\Collection
// Run basic SELECT `fieldA`, `fieldB`
// ❗️ Might want to modify this to accept all fields
// so you can leverage cached queries.
// ❗️ It's also possible to write the raw query we
// talked about before here
return $this->select($fields)
// Receive all results (❗️ This could get expensive)
// Run operations on each row, pass in $fields + $glue
// Our code above combines these steps into a single line
->map(function($model, $key) use ($fields, $glue) {
// Get our model as basic array
$arrayOfData = $model->toArray();
// Flip our fields values into their keys position
// e.g. ['id', 'slug'] becomes
// ['id' => 0, 'slug' => 1]
$reversedFields = array_flip($fields);
// Find intersection of keys e.g. 'id' and 'slug'
$intersection = array_intersect_key($arrayOfData, $reversedFields);
// Get only values from resulting intersection
// e.g. [1, 'my-slug']
$values = array_values($intersection);
// Combine values using glue
// e.g. '1-my-slug'
$gluedResult = implode($glue, $values);
// Use this result as our collection item
return $gluedResult;
namespace App\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class MyBuilder extends Builder
* Selects multiple columns and concatenates them using a specified glue
* @param array $fields
* @param string $glue
* @return BaseBuilder
public function pluckMultiple(array $fields, string $glue = '-'): \Illuminate\Support\Collection
return $this->select($fields)
->map(function($model, $key) use ($fields, $glue) {
return implode($glue, array_values(array_intersect_key($model->toArray(), array_flip($fields))));
// Setup code
// ...
$fields = ['id', 'slug'];
$sql = sprintf("
SELECT CONCAT(`%s`) as `concatenatedResult`
FROM `table`
LIMIT 9999
", implode('`, `', $fields));
// Prints:
// SELECT CONCAT(`id`, `slug`) as `concatenatedResult`
// FROM `table`
// LIMIT 9999
use App\Models\MyModel;
$result = MyModel::pluckMultiple(['type', 'slug'], '-')->toArray();
// produces the above output
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