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Created April 15, 2021 19:30
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#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# grab-url-from-mail.plx -*- Perl -*-
# To use this script you must add something like this to your
# /etc/aliases file:
# wget: "|/location/of/grab-url-from-mail.plx"
# owner-wget:
# You will also have to create the configuration file
# `/etc/grab-url-from-mail.conf' that contains (atleast) the
# following:
# @Config::validFrom = ('', '');
# $Config::fromAddr = '';
# $Config::ownerAddr = '';
# Then and can send a email to
#, with subject the subject "wget URL".
# The address `' should point to the person, or
# persons who are responsible for the script.
# Don't forget to add the email addresses that are allowed to use this
# script to validFrom.
use strict;
use warnings;
no warnings 'once';
use IO::Socket::SSL 'inet4';
use LWP::UserAgent;
use File::MMagic;
use Convert::UU 'uuencode';
do "./grab-url-from-mail.conf" or die $@;
%ENV = ();
my $SENDMAIL = "/usr/lib/sendmail -f $Config::fromAddr -oi -t";
sub MailError (@) {
my (@data) = @_;
open(SENDMAIL, "| $SENDMAIL") || die "unable to run $SENDMAIL: $!";
print SENDMAIL @data;
sleep 2;
die "error running $SENDMAIL: $!" unless ($? == 0);
return $?;
sub InvalidUser (\@$) {
my ($message, $exitCode) = @_;
my $str = <<INVALID_USER;
To: $Config::ownerAddr
From: $Config::fromAddr
Subject: Invalid user accessing $Config::fromAddr
An invalid user attempted to access $Config::fromAddr. Below is the full
message that the wget daemon script received.
exit MailError($str, @{$message});
# exit $exitCode;
sub InvalidURL(\@$$$) {
my ($message, $url, $returnAddress, $exitCode) = @_;
my $str = <<INVALID_URL;
To: $Config::ownerAddr
Cc: $returnAddress
From: $Config::fromAddr
Subject: Invalid URL sent to $Config::fromAddr
The user, $returnAddress, has sent an invalid URL to the wget daemon. The
URL will not be processed. If this message is in error, please ask
<$Config::ownerAddr> to repair the script. The URL sent was:
Below is the full message that the wget daemon script received.
exit MailError($str, @{$message});
# exit $exitCode;
sub MiscError(\@$$$) {
my ($message, $error, $returnAddress, $exitCode) = @_;
my $str = <<MISC_ERROR;
To: $Config::ownerAddr
Cc: $returnAddress
From: $Config::fromAddr
Subject: Processing error in $Config::fromAddr
The user, $returnAddress, has requested an URL from the wget daemon.
The URL could not be processed. If this message is in error, please ask
<$Config::ownerAddr> to repair the script. The Error message was:
Below is the full message that the wget daemon script received.
exit MailError($str, @{$message});
# exit $exitCode;
my($returnAddress, $url);
my @fullMessage;
my $headerDone = 0;
while (my $line = <>) {
push @fullMessage, $line;
$headerDone = 1 if $line =~ /^\s*$/;
next if $headerDone;
chomp $line;
if ($line =~ /^(?:From|Reply-To):/) {
next if ($line =~ /^From:/ and defined $returnAddress);
foreach my $validFrom (@Config::validFrom) {
$returnAddress = $validFrom if ($line =~ /$validFrom/);
} elsif ($line =~ /^Subject:\s*wget\s*(.+?)\s*$/i) {
$url = $1;
last if defined $url and defined $returnAddress;
# Make sure we are responding to a known user
InvalidUser(@fullMessage, 2) unless defined $returnAddress;
# Check for URL validity.
InvalidURL(@fullMessage, " NO WGET LINE FOUND IN SUBJECT", $returnAddress, 2)
unless (defined $url);
# This bit is not needed, since LWP handles all escaping
# InvalidURL(@fullMessage, $url, $returnAddress, 2)
# unless ($url =~ m%^[\@\w\-\+\.,\'\"\/\&\#:\?\_\%\~\=\(\)]+$%);
# Grab the URL contents.
# Set max_redirect to something high and enable cookies (cookie_jar)
# so that we work across redirects properly in a single session (some
# sites, depend on this behaviour). -- xxx, 2008-07-07
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:42.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/42.0",
env_proxy => 0, keep_alive => 1,
timeout => 30,
max_redirect => 15, cookie_jar => {},
ssl_opts => {
verify_hostname => 0,
SSL_verify_mode => IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_VERIFY_NONE
protocols_allowed => ['http', 'https', 'gopher', 'ftp']);
# Some web-sites (e.g. run a server
# side program called `Bad Behaviour' (BB), which is supposed to stop
# spam-, and harversting-bots. By pusshing headers that seem to be
# something that a normal web browser would pass, we (hopefully) get
# around BB's checks. -- xxx, 2009-06-27
$ua->default_headers->push_header('Accept' => '*/*');
my $response = $ua->get($url);
my $urlData = $response->content();
my $urlBase = $response->base();
# Send contents back to the requesting party.
open(SENDMAIL, "| $SENDMAIL") or
MiscError(@fullMessage, "cannot run $SENDMAIL: $!", $returnAddress, $@);
my $file = "foo";
my $mm = File::MMagic->new();
my $mime = $mm->checktype_contents($urlData);
# Check to see if the file is some form of text. Otherwise, we
# uuencode it.
my $decodeline;
# Sanatize the file name.
if ($mime =~ /text\/html/) {
$file = $file . ".html";
} else {
$file = $file . ".bin";
# We need to quote FILE when outputting, since it can contain strange
# characters (e.g. &); this could lead to strange errors when
# executing the script that follows. -- xxx, 2008-07-07
if ($mime =~ /text/) {
$decodeline = "cat << \'!EOF!-$file\' > \'$file\'";
} else {
$decodeline = "cat << \'!EOF!-$file\' | uudecode -o \'$file\'";
$urlData = uuencode($urlData);
# Check if the user supplied address is the same as the one we fetched
# from, if not mention that we got redirected to the user. Some
# websites, specially URL shortening ones (e.g. do
# this kind of redirection. -- xxx, 2010-01-17
# Notes for posterity:
# $response->base -- returns only base part of URI.
# $response->filename -- returns only file name part of URI.
# -- xxx, 2011-03-13
my $urlBase = $response->request->uri;
my $urlMsg = "";
if ($url ne $urlBase) {
$urlMsg = "The URL\n $url\nwas redirected to\n $urlBase\n";
To: $returnAddress
From: $Config::fromAddr
Reply-To: $returnAddress
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Subject: wget: 1 files retrieved with wget $url
Please report bugs to <$Config::ownerAddr>.
# 1 files: \'$file\' ($mime)
print SENDMAIL "$urlData\n";
exit 0
#sleep 2;
MiscError(@fullMessage, "$SENDMAIL run failed: $!", $returnAddress, $@)
unless ($? == 0);
exit $?;
# Local variables:
# compile-command: "perl -c grab-url-from-mail.plx"
# End:
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