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Created May 19, 2017 01:56
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golang test ffmpeg example
package ffmpeg
import (
var testFfmpeg = os.Getenv("TEST_FFMPEG") != ""
func dummyFile(t *testing.T, format string, acodec string, vcodec string) io.Reader {
var err error
// file with black screen and no sound
dummyFileCmd := exec.Command(
"-f", "lavfi", "-i", "color=s=cga:d=1",
"-f", "lavfi", "-i", "anullsrc",
"-map", "0:0", "-acodec", acodec,
"-map", "1:0", "-vcodec", vcodec,
"-f", format,
stdoutBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
stderrBuf := &bytes.Buffer{}
dummyFileCmd.Stdout = stdoutBuf
dummyFileCmd.Stderr = stderrBuf
if err = dummyFileCmd.Run(); err != nil {
t.Logf("cmd failed: %s", strings.Join(dummyFileCmd.Args, " "))
return stdoutBuf
func TestProbe(t *testing.T) {
if !testFfmpeg {
t.Skip("TEST_FFMPEG env not set")
defer leaktest.Check(t)()
pi, probeErr := Probe(context.Background(), dummyFile(t, "matroska", "mp3", "h264"), nil, nil)
if probeErr != nil {
if pi.FormatName() != "matroska" {
t.Fatalf("FormatName should be matroska, is %s", pi.FormatName())
if pi.ACodec() != "mp3" {
t.Fatalf("ACodec should be mp3, is %s", pi.ACodec())
if pi.VCodec() != "h264" {
t.Fatalf("VCodec should be h264, is %s", pi.VCodec())
type closeBuffer struct {
func (closeBuffer) Close() error {
return nil
func TestStart(t *testing.T) {
if !testFfmpeg {
t.Skip("TEST_FFMPEG env not set")
defer leaktest.Check(t)()
file := dummyFile(t, "matroska", "mp3", "h264")
output := &closeBuffer{}
ffmpegP := &FFmpeg{
StreamMaps: []StreamMap{
Reader: file,
Specifier: "a:0",
Codec: "acodec:vorbis",
Reader: file,
Specifier: "v:0",
Codec: "vcodec:vp8",
Format: Format{Name: "matroska"},
DebugLog: nil, // log.New(os.Stdout, "debug> ", 0),
Stderr: nil, // writelogger.New(log.New(os.Stdout, "stderr> ", 0), ""),
Stdout: output,
if err := ffmpegP.Start(context.Background()); err != nil {
pi, piErr := Probe(context.Background(), bytes.NewBuffer(output.Bytes()), nil, nil)
if piErr != nil {
if pi.FormatName() != "matroska" {
t.Fatalf("FormatName should be matroska, is %s", pi.FormatName())
if pi.ACodec() != "vorbis" {
t.Fatalf("ACodec should be vorbis, is %s", pi.ACodec())
if pi.VCodec() != "vp8" {
t.Fatalf("VCodec should be vp8, is %s", pi.VCodec())
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