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Created January 10, 2019 15:46
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  • Save mattlockyer/acd3443137bad3d2854c5b680f816462 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Custom Gruntfile for materializecss
const files = [
// 'js/collapsible.js',
// 'js/dropdown.js',
// 'js/modal.js',
// 'js/materialbox.js',
// 'js/parallax.js',
// 'js/tabs.js',
// 'js/tooltip.js',
// 'js/waves.js',
// 'js/toasts.js',
// 'js/sidenav.js',
// 'js/scrollspy.js',
// 'js/autocomplete.js',
// 'js/forms.js',
// 'js/slider.js',
// 'js/cards.js',
// 'js/chips.js',
// 'js/pushpin.js',
// 'js/buttons.js',
// 'js/datepicker.js',
// 'js/timepicker.js',
// 'js/characterCounter.js',
// 'js/carousel.js',
// 'js/tapTarget.js',
// 'js/select.js',
// 'js/range.js'
module.exports = function(grunt) {
let concatFile = 'temp/js/';
// configure the tasks
let config = {
// Jasmine
jasmine: {
components: {
src: ['bin/materialize.js'],
options: {
vendor: [
styles: 'bin/materialize.css',
specs: 'tests/spec/**/*Spec.js',
helpers: 'tests/spec/helper.js',
keepRunner: true
//helpers: 'test/spec/*.js'
// Sass
sass: {
// Task
expanded: {
// Target options
options: {
outputStyle: 'expanded',
sourcemap: false
files: {
'dist/css/materialize.css': 'sass/materialize.scss'
min: {
options: {
outputStyle: 'compressed',
sourcemap: false
files: {
'dist/css/materialize.min.css': 'sass/materialize.scss'
// Compile ghpages css
gh: {
options: {
outputStyle: 'compressed',
sourcemap: false
files: {
'css/ghpages-materialize.css': 'sass/ghpages-materialize.scss'
// Compile bin css
bin: {
options: {
outputStyle: 'expanded',
sourcemap: false
files: {
'bin/materialize.css': 'sass/materialize.scss'
// PostCss Autoprefixer
postcss: {
options: {
processors: [
browsers: [
'last 2 versions',
'Chrome >= 30',
'Firefox >= 30',
'ie >= 10',
'Safari >= 8'
expanded: {
src: 'dist/css/materialize.css'
min: {
src: 'dist/css/materialize.min.css'
gh: {
src: 'css/ghpages-materialize.css'
bin: {
src: 'bin/materialize.css'
babel: {
options: {
sourceMap: false,
plugins: [
bin: {
options: {
sourceMap: true
files: {
'bin/materialize.js': 'temp/js/materialize_concat.js'
dist: {
files: {
'dist/js/materialize.js': 'temp/js/materialize.js'
// Browser Sync integration
browserSync: {
bsFiles: ['bin/*', 'css/ghpages-materialize.css', '!**/node_modules/**/*'],
options: {
server: {
baseDir: './' // make server from root dir
port: 8000,
ui: {
port: 8080,
weinre: {
port: 9090
open: false
// Concat
concat: {
options: {
separator: ';'
dist: {
// the files to concatenate
src: files,
// the location of the resulting JS file
dest: 'temp/js/materialize.js'
temp: {
// the files to concatenate
options: {
sourceMap: true,
sourceMapStyle: 'link'
src: files,
// the location of the resulting JS file
dest: 'temp/js/materialize_concat.js'
// Uglify
uglify: {
options: {
// Use these options when debugging
// mangle: false,
// compress: false,
// beautify: true
dist: {
files: {
'dist/js/materialize.min.js': ['dist/js/materialize.js']
bin: {
files: {
'bin/materialize.min.js': ['bin/materialize.js']
extras: {
files: {
'extras/noUiSlider/nouislider.min.js': ['extras/noUiSlider/nouislider.js']
// Compress
compress: {
main: {
options: {
archive: 'bin/',
level: 6
files: [
{ expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: ['**/*'], dest: 'materialize/' },
{ expand: true, cwd: './', src: ['LICENSE', ''], dest: 'materialize/' }
src: {
options: {
archive: 'bin/',
level: 6
files: [
{ expand: true, cwd: 'sass/', src: ['materialize.scss'], dest: 'materialize-src/sass/' },
{ expand: true, cwd: 'sass/', src: ['components/**/*'], dest: 'materialize-src/sass/' },
expand: true,
cwd: 'js/',
src: files,
dest: 'materialize-src/js/'
{ expand: true, cwd: 'dist/js/', src: ['**/*'], dest: 'materialize-src/js/bin/' },
{ expand: true, cwd: './', src: ['LICENSE', ''], dest: 'materialize-src/' }
starter_template: {
options: {
archive: 'templates/',
level: 6
files: [
{ expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: ['**/*'], dest: 'starter-template/' },
expand: true,
cwd: 'templates/starter-template/',
src: ['index.html', 'LICENSE'],
dest: 'starter-template/'
expand: true,
cwd: 'templates/starter-template/css',
src: ['style.css'],
dest: 'starter-template/css'
expand: true,
cwd: 'templates/starter-template/js',
src: ['init.js'],
dest: 'starter-template/js'
parallax_template: {
options: {
archive: 'templates/',
level: 6
files: [
{ expand: true, cwd: 'dist/', src: ['**/*'], dest: 'parallax-template/' },
expand: true,
cwd: 'templates/parallax-template/',
src: ['index.html', 'LICENSE', 'background1.jpg', 'background2.jpg', 'background3.jpg'],
dest: 'parallax-template/'
expand: true,
cwd: 'templates/parallax-template/css',
src: ['style.css'],
dest: 'parallax-template/css'
expand: true,
cwd: 'templates/parallax-template/js',
src: ['init.js'],
dest: 'parallax-template/js'
// Clean
clean: {
temp: {
src: ['temp/']
// Jade
jade: {
compile: {
options: {
pretty: true,
data: {
debug: false
files: {
'index.html': 'jade/index.jade',
'icons.html': 'jade/icons.jade',
'about.html': 'jade/about.jade',
'sass.html': 'jade/sass.jade',
'getting-started.html': 'jade/getting-started.jade',
'mobile.html': 'jade/mobile.jade',
'showcase.html': 'jade/showcase.jade',
'parallax.html': 'jade/parallax.jade',
'parallax-demo.html': 'jade/parallax-demo.jade',
'typography.html': 'jade/typography.jade',
'color.html': 'jade/color.jade',
'shadow.html': 'jade/shadow.jade',
'grid.html': 'jade/grid.jade',
'media-css.html': 'jade/media-css.jade',
'table.html': 'jade/table.jade',
'helpers.html': 'jade/helpers.jade',
'buttons.html': 'jade/buttons.jade',
'navbar.html': 'jade/navbar.jade',
'cards.html': 'jade/cards.jade',
'preloader.html': 'jade/preloader.jade',
'collections.html': 'jade/collections.jade',
'badges.html': 'jade/badges.jade',
'footer.html': 'jade/footer.jade',
'modals.html': 'jade/modals.jade',
'dropdown.html': 'jade/dropdown.jade',
'tabs.html': 'jade/tabs.jade',
'toasts.html': 'jade/toasts.jade',
'tooltips.html': 'jade/tooltips.jade',
'sidenav.html': 'jade/sidenav.jade',
'pushpin.html': 'jade/pushpin.jade',
'waves.html': 'jade/waves.jade',
'media.html': 'jade/media.jade',
'collapsible.html': 'jade/collapsible.jade',
'scrollspy.html': 'jade/scrollspy.jade',
'fullscreen-slider-demo.html': 'jade/fullscreen-slider-demo.jade',
'pagination.html': 'jade/pagination.jade',
'breadcrumbs.html': 'jade/breadcrumbs.jade',
'carousel.html': 'jade/carousel.jade',
'feature-discovery.html': 'jade/feature-discovery.jade',
'pulse.html': 'jade/pulse.jade',
'pushpin-demo.html': 'jade/pushpin-demo.jade',
'css-transitions.html': 'jade/css-transitions.jade',
'themes.html': 'jade/themes.jade',
'404.html': 'jade/404.jade',
'autocomplete.html': 'jade/autocomplete.jade',
'checkboxes.html': 'jade/checkboxes.jade',
'chips.html': 'jade/chips.jade',
'pickers.html': 'jade/pickers.jade',
'radio-buttons.html': 'jade/radio-buttons.jade',
'range.html': 'jade/range.jade',
'select.html': 'jade/select.jade',
'switches.html': 'jade/switches.jade',
'text-inputs.html': 'jade/text-inputs.jade',
'support-us.html': 'jade/support-us.jade',
'floating-action-button.html': 'jade/floating-action-button.jade',
'auto-init.html': 'jade/auto-init.jade'
// Watch Files
watch: {
jade: {
files: ['jade/**/*'],
tasks: ['jade_compile'],
options: {
interrupt: false,
spawn: false
js: {
files: ['js/**/*', '!js/init.js'],
tasks: ['js_compile'],
options: {
interrupt: false,
spawn: false
sass: {
files: ['sass/**/*'],
tasks: ['sass_compile'],
options: {
interrupt: false,
spawn: false
// Concurrent
concurrent: {
options: {
logConcurrentOutput: true,
limit: 10
monitor: {
tasks: [
// Notifications
notify: {
watching: {
options: {
enabled: true,
message: 'Watching Files!',
title: 'Materialize', // defaults to the name in package.json, or will use project directory's name
success: true, // whether successful grunt executions should be notified automatically
duration: 1 // the duration of notification in seconds, for `notify-send only
sass_compile: {
options: {
enabled: true,
message: 'Sass Compiled!',
title: 'Materialize',
success: true,
duration: 1
js_compile: {
options: {
enabled: true,
message: 'JS Compiled!',
title: 'Materialize',
success: true,
duration: 1
jade_compile: {
options: {
enabled: true,
message: 'Jade Compiled!',
title: 'Materialize',
success: true,
duration: 1
server: {
options: {
enabled: true,
message: 'Server Running!',
title: 'Materialize',
success: true,
duration: 1
// Text Replace
replace: {
version: {
// Does not edit
src: ['bower.json', 'package.json', 'package.js', 'jade/**/*.html'],
overwrite: true,
replacements: [
from: grunt.option('oldver'),
to: grunt.option('newver')
readme: {
// Changes
src: [''],
overwrite: true,
replacements: [
from: 'Current Version : v' + grunt.option('oldver'),
to: 'Current Version : v' + grunt.option('newver')
// Create Version Header for files
usebanner: {
release: {
options: {
position: 'top',
'/*!\n * Materialize v' +
grunt.option('newver') +
' (\n * Copyright 2014-2017 Materialize\n * MIT License (\n */',
linebreak: true
files: {
src: ['dist/css/*.css', 'dist/js/*.js']
// Rename files
rename: {
rename_src: {
src: 'bin/materialize-src' + '.zip',
dest: 'bin/materialize-src-v' + grunt.option('newver') + '.zip',
options: {
ignore: true
rename_compiled: {
src: 'bin/materialize' + '.zip',
dest: 'bin/materialize-v' + grunt.option('newver') + '.zip',
options: {
ignore: true
// load the tasks
// grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-gitinfo');
// define the tasks
grunt.registerTask('release', [
grunt.task.registerTask('configureBabel', 'configures babel options', function() {
config.babel.bin.options.inputSourceMap = grunt.file.readJSON(concatFile);
grunt.registerTask('jade_compile', ['jade', 'notify:jade_compile']);
grunt.registerTask('js_compile', ['concat:temp', 'configureBabel', 'babel:bin', 'clean:temp']);
grunt.registerTask('sass_compile', [
grunt.registerTask('server', ['browserSync', 'notify:server']);
grunt.registerTask('monitor', ['concurrent:monitor']);
grunt.registerTask('travis', ['js_compile', 'sass_compile', 'jasmine']);
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jaybe78 commented Feb 25, 2021

@matt Your script returns the following issue

 Replace Autoprefixer browsers option to Browserslist config.
  Use browserslist key in package.json or .browserslistrc file.

  Using browsers option can cause errors. Browserslist config can
  be used for Babel, Autoprefixer, postcss-normalize and other tools.

  If you really need to use option, rename it to overrideBrowserslist.

  Learn more at:

Running "sass:expanded" (sass) task
Fatal error: The implementation option must be passed to the Sass task

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It's old and I don't use anymore. Any suggestion on how to fix?

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